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Michael O'Neal - Solopreneur Marketing Plan for the Unemployable

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

Release Date: 05/23/2016

 Michael O'Neal - Solopreneur Marketing Plan for the Unemployable show art Michael O'Neal - Solopreneur Marketing Plan for the Unemployable

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

7 Apps We Rely On To Run Our Marketing Agency show art 7 Apps We Rely On To Run Our Marketing Agency

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

Becoming an Influencer with Social Media show art Becoming an Influencer with Social Media

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

The New Way To Use Press Releases (In The Digital Attention Span Economy) show art The New Way To Use Press Releases (In The Digital Attention Span Economy)

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

4 Instant Influence Triggers ForThe Digital Attention Span Consumer show art 4 Instant Influence Triggers ForThe Digital Attention Span Consumer

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

Being an Influencer vs Call Yourself Expert show art Being an Influencer vs Call Yourself Expert

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

Becoming an Influencer in the Digital Attention Span Economy show art Becoming an Influencer in the Digital Attention Span Economy

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

How to Make People Like You show art How to Make People Like You

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

On episode #30, we are talking about how to get people to like you. This can apply to anyone in your life, from your family and friends, to business associates and potential clients. Being successful in business essentially boils down to if you can get people to like you, to stay around long enough to listen to you and buy. We provide you with simple, science-based influence hacks that you can use in your business to authentically influence people into liking you and clamoring to talk and work with you.

I Hate Selling show art I Hate Selling

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

This week, we are talking about what most people dread, but is most important in any businesses – sales. We’ll talk about how salesmen are being portrayed in popular movies and TV shows, and why this is not how things have to be sold in order to be effective.You are about to learn tools for becoming the expert sales person that will boost your business, change your perception of the classic salesman and grow your company like you never have before.

Building Authority with Email List show art Building Authority with Email List

Authority Alchemy with Brian Ainsley Horn and Jack Mize

What do you do next after you build up your email list? In episode 28 we’ll be covering what to do after you’ve built your email list, how to build authority with your list, and how to get people to trust you enough to open their wallets to you and buy your product or service.

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