Autoimmune Besties Podcast
Welcome to Season 4 of the Autoimmune Besties Podcast. Shanna and I are thrilled to be back with you - our autoimmune besties - for this very special episode! This community spans the globe and covers the gamut of countless autoimmune diseases. We come together here on this podcast to talk about day-to-day living with an autoimmune disease. If you’ve been with us since Season 1, welcome back! Thank you for your continued support by subscribing to the podcast. If you’re tuning in for the very first time today, welcome! We hope you enjoy the conversation and be sure to...
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We all know that no one and nothing is perfect. Including living well with autoimmunity. Many of us experience times when we feel like we’ve got this whole “nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset to support autoimmunity” thing down… And many of us experience times when we feel like we’ve fallen off the wagon, either all the way off or just a leg dangling. I think it’s safe to say that we all can experience times of frustration in our wellness journey…when maybe we don’t have all our ducks in a row. Alene and I are no different. So today, we are opening up and sharing our own...
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Managing an Autoimmune Disease can feel like a full time job. Following the AIP or Wahls Protocol can feel like a full time job. Going to all the doctors appointments can feel like a full time job. So, what happens when you have an actual full time job on top of this? Managing a career while living with autoimmune disease is no easy task. Maybe you’ve had big dreams for your career and are starting to wonder if your autoimmune diagnosis is going to prevent you from achieving those dreams. Or maybe you’re simply figuring out how you can maintain your...
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Are mornings one of THE toughest times of day for you? Do you WANT to consistently start your day in a way that sets you up for success, but feel unsure as to what to include in a morning routine? Are you looking for a couple of simple, practical tips to start your day in a supportive way? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, this episode is for you! Today we are talking all about morning routines to support autoimmune health and wellness. In this episode, Alene and I share: What our morning routines looked like when we started our wellness journeys...
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Today we have something special for you! Shanna is joined by her 16 year old daughter and they are diving into motherhood and autoimmune disease. Being a mama bear and going through the experience of years of undiagnosed health issues, then hitting her rock bottom and starting her wellness journey is one of THE hardest things Shanna has gone through. Shanna personally knows how hard it is to be a mama with autoimmune disease, but today she is here to tell you that what may feel devastating and heartbreaking today CAN strengthen your family. In this episode Shanna shares some of her experience...
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Autoimmune Disease and pregnancy Does one affect the other? Does your diagnosis impact your ability to get pregnant and sustain a healthy pregnancy? Is it possible to follow the Wahls Protocol or AIP during pregnancy? What about a post partpartum flare… are you at risk? Hi I’m Alene and today, I’m opening up about my fertility journey and pregnancy at 42 years old living with Multiple Sclerosis. It has been a long journey with a lot of doubts, fears, uncertainty and endless questions. Because let’s face it, the road to motherhood is not always easy when you have...
info_outlineAutoimmune Besties Podcast
Here at the autoimmune besties podcast, farmer’s market season is one of our favorite times of the year. We get to support our local farmers while enjoying fresh, local and seasonal produce. But like any shopping adventure, there are always some tricks of the trade that can support you in making the best purchases for both your health, your taste buds AND your wallet. Today, Shanna and I are sharing our favorite tips for navigating the farmers market while following the Autoimmune Protocol and Wahls Protocol. Tune in to learn: If someone is going to the farmer’s market...
info_outlineAutoimmune Besties Podcast
Summertime is just about here! While summertime is such an exciting time for so many, along with the warm weather and longer days in the sun, it can bring a more difficult time for those with autoimmunity. In this episode, Alene and I are opening up and sharing: Our experiences with the hardest parts of living with autoimmunity in the summer Our top 3 summer survival tips What brings our hearts the most joy in the summertime. This summer CAN be full of joy, and we are so excited to share some practical tips to help you jump into this season prepared to support your autoimmune health! Tune in...
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Flares. They can feel like the looming storm on the horizon. When will they strike and how much damage will they cause? Let’s face it, living with an autoimmune disease is not easy. But as we talk a lot about on this podcast there is so much you can do through diet and lifestyle to empower you on this journey. Diet and lifestyle are not a cure. There is no cure. But they can help you to feel better and feel less vulnerable to the next flare. Today, we’re talking about how to use food to prep,...
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Are you wondering about lifestyle support for autoimmune flares? Well, on this episode that's exactly what we’re diving into. We're going to walk you step by step through the process, and by the end of it you'll be able to learn some go-to lifestyle tips and strategies for overcoming a flare. Today’s episode highlights: How to prepare / respond when you feel a flare coming on How to decide what level of activity, if any, is appropriate during a flare Outside of food, what tools / resources have you found helpful to support you during a flare Tune in and be sure to share your...
info_outlineWe can easily be consumed by the dietary changes that we need to make when following a therapeutic diet like the Autoimmune Protocol or the Wahls Protocol. There are a lot of foods to eliminate and add in, there’s supplements and then we want to prioritize sleep, movement and stress management.
So by the time we get to addressing our toxic load, we can feel like WE'RE on overload with recommendations.
Yet, this is not a step that we can overlook.
If this is a new topic for you, let me share some eye-opening facts about chemicals and our exposure to them.
In the United States alone there are approximately 86,000 chemicals registered for use.
This includes 62,000 chemicals that were grandfathered in when the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed.
This means 62,000 chemicals were given a free pass and an automatic presumption of safety without any requirement to actually test to see if they were indeed safe.
Most people believe that very small amounts of exposure to harmful chemicals are totally safe and are too small to have any kind of health effect. While this is true for many chemicals, or exposures, it’s not 100% true for every kind of chemical.
Chemicals that mimic our natural hormones can in fact be even more harmful at extremely low doses simply because our endocrine system responds to natural hormones in the body at similarly low levels.
In fact, there are over 1,500 chemicals identified as endocrine disrupting.
Among many other things, fertility rates around the world are dropping; one key factor is likely the chronic exposures we are getting to reproductive toxins in our environment.
We don’t have to do a complete overhaul, but it’s important that we’re aware of our exposure to toxins and start to reduce it.
For some people, this could be the missing link in their healing plan and why they haven’t experienced the symptom relief that they had hoped for.