2 Mystics and a Mic
Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of MONEY! Let’s be honest we ALL have (or have navigated) money wounding, as those of us born into “modernized culture” inherited all sorts of familial and collective narratives and experiences of money f*ckery! It’s time to explore the difference between our conscious and unconscious conditioning + stories about money, because when we SEE the program and conditioning we’re running, we have greater CHOICE. The thing is, money is rarely just about money. Our relationship with money points to some aspect of our relationship with ourselves...
info_outline Radical Humaning part 2: Radical Communityship2 Mystics and a Mic
This week we’re exploring “Radical Communityship” (the second part of our Radical Humaning model). The root of community is connection ~ what’s going on between me AND you. The flip side to this is toxic individualism, which is a core component of our collective conditioning. Ugh. The prideful individualism narrative is woven through just about every part of our culture y’all, and we believe it’s important to stay curious enough to challenge it and create NEW stories of possibility. When we are in true community, the willingness to show up without judgment or competition, creates a...
info_outline What is Awkward Goddex you ask?2 Mystics and a Mic
We’re back y’all!! Let’s catch you up on what we’ve been up to this past year. Together we launched Awkward Goddex - Awkward for awkward humans and Goddex for honoring the Divine in EVERYONE, regardless of binary gender constructs. This new business (ad)venture is all about building a community around new paradigm values. Awkward Goddex is a place where we can have fun, be playful and curious, while also having a safe place to do the messy work of untangling our conditioning. We believe it’s important to create spaces to PRACTICE this NEW way. . . otherwise it just stays theoretical....
info_outline On "Patriarchal Feminism" & "Collaboratories"2 Mystics and a Mic
Tune in to join us in a revolution of hard core "humaning" , sacred rebellion & heart-centered leadership! It's time! We're creating new terms in order to discuss new - and outdated- ways of approaching personal power. (because YES, patriarchal feminism IS a thing and it can be tricky!) We're anchoring into new paradigms that are rooted more in "we" than the egoic "I." We're rebelling against a culture of prideful independence so that we can reclaim (and practice) community as a powerful healing modality! And we're redefining a vision for life, community, and whole-hearted, empowering...
info_outline The Rise of the Divine Feminine2 Mystics and a Mic
This week we're talking about the dance of the divine feminine & the divine masculine - two sides of universal life energy that we ALL carry! (hint: it's not as gendered as you might think.) We're talking about polarity, paradox and integration, the Yin & Yang of all things human, and yes, the "holy both-and." And this, like most of life - is a spectrum, NOT a binary construct. The masculine energy has been valued and normalized much more than the feminine side of humanity for far too long and currently the divine feminine is making a comeback! . . .and she's coming in like a wrecking ball....
info_outline We're Sprung on Spring!!2 Mystics and a Mic
Oh heeeeeey! Join us as we celebrate the end of winter (bleh!) and the transition into spring! Woooo hooo! This week we explore the concepts of transitions, of liminal space, and of that often messy + magical threshold between what was and what could be. We're moving into the season of Wood Energy, of sprouting, birthing & growth, and this world is continuing its recalibration to the Divine feminine. It's a powerful shift and an empowering season of forward movement (especially after "wintering", introverting and slowing for over a year!) We're doing all sorts of happy dances as we move...
info_outline It's Group Week Ya'll!!2 Mystics and a Mic
It's Group Week Ya'll! And in this episode we're talking about the power of the collective! The magic of "WE!" When two people gather with intention, their power isn't added together, it's amplified exponentially! 1+1 = something far greater and more magical than 2. Groups amplify, yet we're taught from very early to value independence above all, revering those who go it alone, hiding our vulnerabilities and suffering greatly due to our sense of isolation. Group sessions are often thought of as the second choice, a discounted option for those who can't afford one-on-one. This week we're...
info_outline Wintering: An Essential Part of Any Growth Cycle2 Mystics and a Mic
Ah, Winter - it's Meghan's favorite season (NOT!) In this episode, she and Laura take a deeper dive into the true invitations of this season. Quiet, stillness, deep listening and dormancy are all parts of winter, and like it or not, "wintering" (at least metaphorically) IS an essential part of any cycle of growth and expansion. After 2020, a year that felt quite "wintery", regardless of actual season -where we quarantined, forced into uncomfortable and prolonged stillness, got hella reflective and went inward. . . and then inward even MORE - you may be feeling the need to get up and get out. ....
info_outline Sacred Rage: It's a powerful ally. . . really!2 Mystics and a Mic
Sacred rage - it can be hard to sit with anger & frustration, especially if you were raised feminine in our culture. Keep it in, keep quiet, keep smiling, "be nice" - we're taught to bottle it up from early age. But anger is a great motivator, a form of divine energy, and the only "negative" emotion with an inherent sense of personal power. As we learn to "lean into" this often misunderstood and avoided energy we also begin to unlock new doorways of understanding, power and insight. So let's rage, shall we?!
info_outline Goodbye 2020!2 Mystics and a Mic
We did it - 365 days of ass-kickery is finally over. And now comes the barrage of the "Go be better, Go lose weight, Go do things, create things, make things, New Year, New You" messages. Ummmm. . . NOPE! Let's talk about NOT doing things. About NOT pushing things. And about honoring joy, nurturing and pleasure (gasp!) What if we all resolve to turn "resolution culture" on its head this year?! We're doing it differently around here and are excited to share our unique flavors of "new years rebellion" with YOU!
info_outlineJoin us as we take a deep dive into the world of MONEY! Let’s be honest we ALL have (or have navigated) money wounding, as those of us born into “modernized culture” inherited all sorts of familial and collective narratives and experiences of money f*ckery!
It’s time to explore the difference between our conscious and unconscious conditioning + stories about money, because when we SEE the program and conditioning we’re running, we have greater CHOICE. The thing is, money is rarely just about money. Our relationship with money points to some aspect of our relationship with ourselves and/or the world around us. When we can heal our relationship with money, we’re healing the core patterns that shape us which is BIG!
Let’s un-f*ck money so that we can make some magic, shall we?!