Awake Us Now
In Week 7, we hear more of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus calls us salt and light. What does He mean when He uses these words to describe how we are to be? As historians have looked at world history, more and more of them are coming to the realization Christianity changed everything. Jesus has had a greater impact on the human condition than anyone in all of history. What Jesus produces in people, changes them!
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 6Awake Us Now
We finish Matthew 4 on following Jesus, and begin the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 that opens with the Beatitudes.
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 5Awake Us Now
Week 5 of our Matthew study digs into chapter 4 on the Temptation of Jesus, His three temptations and the reality of an unseen spiritual world.
info_outline Ten Words - Week 2: God Alone!Awake Us Now
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3, Psalm 19:1, Psalm 14:1, Psalm 33:8, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22:36-38, Proverbs 3:5-6. It’s God alone that we are to worship, honor and follow. Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.” The 10 Commandments have shaped so much of Western civilization and culture. Yet these ten words/commandments are often ignored - And what we see as people’s god is the god of chance. Our culture, and much of the time our educational system, teach us that all that exists is the result of a gigantic cosmic accident. That chance is the author of...
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 4Awake Us Now
Week 4 of our Matthew study is all about John the Baptist and his message of repentance, a message that can be difficult for the religious to accept.
info_outline Two Year Gospel Study Week 54Awake Us Now
Scripture - Luke 18:1-8; “The Widow’s Plea” The Parable: “The Widow’s Plea” is an earthly narrative with a heavenly meaning - We should always pray and not give up! This is a story that lets us know that there will be challenges and difficulties that we all will face. But in this parable Jesus is teaching us to endure - to not give up and to do so through prayer - leaning into Him and trusting Him. The parable begins be telling of a judge that didn’t know God and didn’t care at all about people - and there’s a widow that continues to go to the judge for justice against...
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 3Awake Us Now
In our study of Matthew this week we look at chapters 2 and 3, with an emphasis on deliverance through Jesus the Messiah and the fulfillment of the New Covenant through Him as well.
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 2Awake Us Now
This week our study of Matthew takes us into chapter 2 and the story of Jesus’ birth focusing on the Magi, their interaction with Herod, and their interesting gifts to Jesus.
info_outline The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 1Awake Us Now
The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes Jesus as Israel’s long awaited Messiah. Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophetic promises in God’s Word, the Deliverer, Savior and King. Matthew zeroes in on Jesus’ call to discipleship. Will we heed this call today and commit fully to the King of Kings, the promised Savior of the world? Matthew chose to follow Jesus and Jesus changed Matthew’s life. If we choose to follow Jesus, He will change our lives, too. Why is the Gospel of Matthew Pastor Dodge's favorite? Why is this Gospel the first book of the New Testament? Jesus changed Matthew's life when...
info_outline Ten Words - And God SpokeAwake Us Now
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-2 What are the Ten Words? We read in Exodus 20:1, “And God spoke all these words.” “Words is referring to the Ten Commandments God spoke on Mount Sinai to Moses. God’s Ten Commandments are found in the rest of Exodus 20 and also in Deuteronomy 5. Because these commandments are unnumbered in the Bible, there have been several ways these 10 Words have been numbered, but it doesn’t matter how you number them - what matters is whether you listen to them or not. Exodus 20:2 God continues, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of...
info_outlineThis teaching is on Acts 14:8-22, “Incident in Lystra,” and is an account on idol worshipers. We are living in a time of great idolatry and how do we as followers of Jesus respond, react, and live?
In today’s story, Paul is teaching about Jesus in the town square of Lystra and sees a man lame from birth, but Paul also sees the man has great faith and Paul says, “Stand Up and Walk” and the man is healed.
While this story is nearly 2,000 years old, God has not changed and God still moves in remarkable ways. So let’s take note of the following OBSERVATIONS FROM THE STORY:
1. The Power of the Messiah - the power of faith in Jesus. We see the testimony that All Authority has been given to Jesus the Messiah and in His name this man was healed and God still heals today.
2. Inherently Religious Nature - human beings are inherently religious, longing for a power higher than themselves, a need. People find something to worship in their lives because we need purpose. We look for meaning for our lives in someone, something or in ourselves - a need to find something for our focus.
3. Created to Worship - We long for things greater than ourselves or things that matter most in our lives. People worship many deities today - we think we’ve outgrown idols, but we worship what those very idols of old represented: power, money, sports, sex, politics, living for things. How does a follower of Jesus respond to these, how do we deal with the pull of idolatry? Do we turn away? Engage? Do we demonstrate by our actions and words the power of God in our lives and do we worship Him alone?
4. Living God is Creator - at this time in history there is more evidence for the existence of our Creator than ever and that evidence points to the existence of God! Do we point people to the Living God, our Creator, and help them see we are created? This is a springboard to sharing the message of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus people are lost forever.
5. Gospel Proclamation - Paul was stoned and left for dead. He left Lystra and headed to Derba. However, he returned to Lystra to share the good news of Jesus because he had a passion to share Jesus and had compassion for the lost to know Jesus as their Savior.
6. Reality of Hardship - Paul and Barnabus knew there would be difficult times, but they held to the truth of God’s assurance that He will take even the difficult times and turn them around for His glory and our good. It can be hard to be a follower of Jesus, but it is worth it.
And this Lystra story continues in a later chapter of Acts... In Chapter 16 we meet Timothy - a man Paul meets on his return trip to Lystra. God uses, to His glory, all that Paul suffered in Lystra the first time, as we see Paul become a spiritual father to Timothy. We learn more about Timothy later in Acts.
Today, many are blinded by idolatry and have lost sight of the Living God (who delivers us through Jesus His Son) so it’s important for us to practice what we learn from early missionaries as we share Jesus and honor, worship and serve the Living God.
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