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The Future of Sustainable Healthcare Products: A Conversation with Cabinet Health's Co-Founder Russell Gong

AWESome EarthKind

Release Date: 05/28/2024

The Future of Sustainable Healthcare Products: A Conversation with Cabinet Health's Co-Founder Russell Gong show art The Future of Sustainable Healthcare Products: A Conversation with Cabinet Health's Co-Founder Russell Gong

AWESome EarthKind

From plastic medicine bottles to sustainable healthcare products, learn how Cabinet Health is making a difference. In this episode, we chat with Russell Gong, co-founder of Cabinet Health, about their mission to eliminate single-use plastic medicine bottles in the healthcare industry. Tune in for an inspiring conversation! Russ shares his journey from recognizing the plastic medicine problem to founding a sustainable healthcare company.  Learn how Cabinet Health is innovating to make a positive impact on the environment and healthcare industry. From appearing on Shark Tank to envisioning...

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More Episodes

From plastic medicine bottles to sustainable healthcare products, learn how Cabinet Health is making a difference.

In this episode, we chat with Russell Gong, co-founder of Cabinet Health, about their mission to eliminate single-use plastic medicine bottles in the healthcare industry. Tune in for an inspiring conversation!

Russ shares his journey from recognizing the plastic medicine problem to founding a sustainable healthcare company. 

Learn how Cabinet Health is innovating to make a positive impact on the environment and healthcare industry.

From appearing on Shark Tank to envisioning a future with circularity and refillability in healthcare packaging, Russ discusses the exciting possibilities ahead. 

Discover more about Russ's impactful story and the future of sustainable healthcare in this episode.

Russ's story is a compelling reminder of the power of innovation and entrepreneurship in tackling some of the world's most pressing issues. His work with Cabinet Health not only addresses environmental concerns but also paves the way for a healthier planet. It's inspiring to see how businesses can lead change and make a significant impact on both industry standards and global sustainability.


Today’s awesome Earth Podcast is sponsored by Earth Energy Consulting.  Earthkind Energy brings over 30 years of expertise in creating clean energy projects that reduce energy costs, provide outstanding returns on investments, lower carbon footprints, and leave a proud legacy for our children and all future generations. www.earthkindenergy.com.  

Topics Covered:

  • Journey of Russell Gong: Learn about Russ Gong, co-founder and President of Cabinet Health, and how the company is tackling the issue of plastic waste in healthcare.

  • Problem of Plastic in Healthcare: Delve into the environmental impact of single-use plastic in the healthcare industry.

  • Impact of Microplastics: Discover the effects of microplastics on human health and the environment.

  • Experience on Shark Tank: Learn about the behind-the-scenes experience of appearing on the TV show Shark Tank and the lessons learned.

  • Vision for Sustainable Healthcare Packaging: Understand the future vision for sustainable healthcare packaging and the potential transformation of the healthcare industry towards circularity and refillability.

  • And many more…

"The best packaging is no packaging, right? - Russell Gong


Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Russell Gong