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The Past of Cyberspace is the Future of AI

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Release Date: 10/15/2023

From Synthetic Data to Synthetic Reality show art From Synthetic Data to Synthetic Reality

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Co-hosts Dr. Mike Seymour and Scott Broock examine the application of synthetic data and machine learning to visual effects and social media. It's a fascinating discussion of the many faces of machine learning and the fine distinction between input on the one hand and output on the other.  Check out that served as the jumping off point for this week's episode.  

Our Evolutionary Holographic Reality - Season Finale show art Our Evolutionary Holographic Reality - Season Finale

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

In the season finale of Animated Intelligence, co-hosts Dr. Mike Seymour and Scott Broock are joined once again by Professor Kai Riemer, from the University of Sydney to look at the evolutionary shift of an enhanced perception of reality through machine learning. Holographic instead of hallucinatory, embodied instead of distracted, and sensorily extended instead of sensorily limited. As we close out this first season of Animated Intelligence, we end up running alongside the "Cognitive Revolution" that is spreading through "AI Salons" from LA to Europe and Asia. These are multidimensional...

Brain-Storm: The Evolution of Networked Intelligence in AI show art Brain-Storm: The Evolution of Networked Intelligence in AI

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

This episode of Animated Intelligence is the one that has it all. Straight from the cutting-edge brain-storms at last week's SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles, ground zero for the emergent phenomena of AI Salons and AI LA. As you'll hear, the emergent theme is a radical reconfiguration of the public discussion of AI with a multidisciplinary perspective on our evolutionary arc as a globally networked society and culture. We begin to weave together the threads of media theory, philosophy, psychology, telecommunications technology, and self-organizing systems that we have been exploring step by step this...

AI Pushed to the Edge for Fun and Games show art AI Pushed to the Edge for Fun and Games

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Chris Dixon has famously stated that . And AI at the moment is still extremely toy-like in most respects. Meaning its highest and best use right now is for fun and games that can be played in the open. The perfect playground is a networked, location-based entertainment experience that acts as a scalable node for massively collaborative creativity. This episode is a preview of the special AI Salon that we will be running as a on May 9, from 4:00 - 5:30 pm PST in Room 510. If you are attending, please come by and join the conversation.      

The Art and Science of Apple's Vision Pro show art The Art and Science of Apple's Vision Pro

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Dr. Mike Seymour crosses multiple time zones to travel from Sydney, Australia, to Apple's 2023 WWDC for the unveiling of the Vision Pro. In this second episode, Mike and VR veteran Scott Broock explore the offstage developer discussions about the positioning of the Vision Pro relative to Meta, the machine learning that defines Apple's paradigm of "Spatial Computing," and the magic of capturing "Polaroid" moments in time with 3D video and audio.  We also examine lessons learned from the launch of Google's Daydream headset and the distancing of the Vision Pro from any mention of the...

The Past of Cyberspace is the Future of AI show art The Past of Cyberspace is the Future of AI

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

What does the Metaverse have to do with AI?  Rewind to 1994 when new kinetic and spatial metaphors were first breaking through into public consciousness, creating new action words for navigating a simulated world that could be experienced through the windshield of a computer screen. We examine why a generation that has grown up in the simulated reality of social media is suddenly rejecting the techno fatalism of journalistic meta-narratives and resurrecting critical media theory as a vehicle for remembering the precedence of the real world as their frame of reference. And the role of AI...

Hacking the OS of Society show art Hacking the OS of Society

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Dr. Mike Seymour and co-host Scott Broock welcome Prof. Kai Riemer to join this week's discussion about the existential philosophy and psychology of AI as a medium of experience. We explore the reasons why .com plus AI may lead to a "Brave New World" of amusements that pacify and commodify rather than illuminate and expand human potential. A shift to new models of engagement and participation in the domain of .ai can disrupt the existing incumbents and reverse the paradigm of the user who has become the used.  

Animated Intelligence: The Medium and Message show art Animated Intelligence: The Medium and Message

Animated Intelligence: The Art & Science of AI

Hosts Mike Seymour and Scott Broock invite you to join a global conversation about the emergent medium of AI. In this inaugural episode, we take you beyond the headlines for a deep dive into the art, science, and philosophy of AI as "Animated Intelligence." Highlights include:     Kasparov's Law. Elevating writers with good process and a path forward from the strike in Hollywood. Community trained AI. Gamifying fine-tuning of AI with a positive reinforcement loop of fandom.   Beyond the Metaverse. William Gibson's prophetic vision of AI and the concept of the "Idoru" -...

More Episodes

What does the Metaverse have to do with AI? 

Rewind to 1994 when new kinetic and spatial metaphors were first breaking through into public consciousness, creating new action words for navigating a simulated world that could be experienced through the windshield of a computer screen.

We examine why a generation that has grown up in the simulated reality of social media is suddenly rejecting the techno fatalism of journalistic meta-narratives and resurrecting critical media theory as a vehicle for remembering the precedence of the real world as their frame of reference. And the role of AI in establishing new metaphors.

Show note: For more on this episode's discussion, see "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in an Age of Specialization" and "Jean Baudrillard in Cyberspace: Internet, Virtuality, and Postmodernity." [JSTOR access required].