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032 - Becoming More Spiritually Aware w/ Julian Rosen

Unbreakable Man Podcast

Release Date: 06/21/2023

053 - From Stuck to Success: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage show art 053 - From Stuck to Success: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage

Unbreakable Man Podcast

Have you ever experienced self sabotage? Do you find yourself experiencing difficulty in the same areas of your life over and over again? Do you notice a pattern of your own personal history repeating itself where you reach a certain level of success only to hit a roadblock or major setback and have to start from the beginning? It’s entirely possible that you’re subconsciously making things harder on yourself by getting in your own way and sabotaging your progress and success. But how would you know? And if you are, how do you fix it? In today’s episode of the Unbreakable Man Podcast,...

052 - Don't Live Life Off The Rails: Do This If You Want To Know What Really Matters Most show art 052 - Don't Live Life Off The Rails: Do This If You Want To Know What Really Matters Most

Unbreakable Man Podcast

It can be hard to walk a straight and narrow path without having a set of guard rails to guide you, but how do you determine where your rails should be? How do you figure out what your values are or what is truly important to you? In this episode of The Unbreakable Man podcast, Dave shares a very simple and straightforward way to flesh out exactly what matters most to you as an individual. He also explains how to then utilize those values in order to get more out of your life by living in true alignment with yourself.   In This Episode [2:43] The role of fundamentals and daily practices...

051 - Chris Arnold: From Psychosis to Success - This Story is WILD show art 051 - Chris Arnold: From Psychosis to Success - This Story is WILD

Unbreakable Man Podcast

Every Hero has a journey. The brightest days typically come after the darkest nights. Anyone who has achieved a certain level of inner peace, of monumental success, or of utmost sincerity has usually been through something that would have broken others. In This Episode, Dave sits down with Chris Arnold from The Simplifiers to discuss his journey from being in a medical induced psychosis to coming out of it to find fulfillment, peace, success and certainty. Chris tells of his insecurities stemming from dishonesty, how living in duality caused him to become admitted into medical facilities and...

050 - Should You Go After the Girl? (Q + A Episode) show art 050 - Should You Go After the Girl? (Q + A Episode)

Unbreakable Man Podcast

In This Episode, Dave sits down to answer questions from the men involved with the Unbreakable Man online. He starts by shedding light on what’s been happening within his own life over the last few months and how finally settling back into his family home after mold forced his family to uproot and live life on the move is impacting his overall wellbeing. He then moves into answering a question from his audience involving finding new grounding and coping skills after quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and marijuana use. He gives an awesome peek behind the curtain into the tools he uses to...

049 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 4: The Lover Within show art 049 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 4: The Lover Within

Unbreakable Man Podcast

In This Episode, Dave talks about the final of four major archetypes that will begin to show themselves as you begin the journey into becoming a better version of yourself: The Lover. The Magician comes online after the first three archetypes, the King and the Warrior and the Magician. The Lover seeks to bring joy, satisfaction and contentment to your life. It is the Lover that allows you to truly experience emotional depth, and use sensitivity as a strength. But, there is more to the Lover archetype than meets the eye. Want to learn more? Tune into this episode.   In This Episode [2:30]...

048 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 3: The Magician Within show art 048 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 3: The Magician Within

Unbreakable Man Podcast

Are you a Magician, or a manipulator? In This Episode, Dave talks about the third of four major archetypes that will begin to show themselves as you begin the journey into becoming a better version of yourself: The Magician. The Magician follows up from the first two archetypes, the King and the Warrior, and gives you the drive and desire to learn new things. The Magician seeks to acquire knowledge and insight in order to solve problems. But, on the other side of the magician is an equally insightful challenge: the manipulator. Want to know how to move from the manipulator to the true...

047 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 2: The Warrior Within show art 047 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 2: The Warrior Within

Unbreakable Man Podcast

Life is all about taking action, but how do you know when to take it and what is the appropriate action to take? In This Episode, Dave shares the second of four major archetypes that will begin to show themselves as you begin the journey into becoming a better version of yourself: The Warrior. The Warrior builds off of the first archetype, the King. Where the King seeks to bring order and structure into our lives, the Warrior comes online to execute the King’s wishes. The King wants to see results. The King wants to see change, and it is the warrior who awakens to ensure that those results...

046 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 1: The King Within show art 046 - Awaken Your Masculine Soul part 1: The King Within

Unbreakable Man Podcast

In This Episode, Dave shares the first of four major archetypes that will begin to show themselves as you begin the journey into becoming a better version of yourself: The King. The King exists to bring order and structure into our lives. The King shoulders his responsibilities and creates with limitless potential. But this episode comes with a warning: Once you awaken the king within, there will be a cost that you must be willing to pay in order to realize the true nature of the man you are meant to be. Want to know what it is? Tune in to this episode and find out.   In This Episode...

045 - What is REALLY Happening with the War in Ukraine? show art 045 - What is REALLY Happening with the War in Ukraine?

Unbreakable Man Podcast

In This Episode, Dave sits down with Nick Allard to discuss what is really going on with the war between Ukraine and Russia. Having spent the last year and a half in Ukraine, Nick has an “on the ground” experience that differs greatly from what western media portrays through its mainstream news channels. As portrayed in this short film Bringing Light: Why I went to Ukraine, the conflict is complex and deeply rooted in the history of both nations involved. According to Nick, there is no real victory in sight without serious compromises happening on both sides, and it’s not easy to define...

044 - How to Find Your Authentic Self with Fish Fischer show art 044 - How to Find Your Authentic Self with Fish Fischer

Unbreakable Man Podcast

In This Episode, Dave chats with Fish Fischer about being a caddy in the PGA, and how that experience shaped his perceptions on accomplishment and the importance of having perspective surrounding goals and achievements. The guys also get into how lived experiences shape who we are, how men can move into a place of embodiment (and why we want to) as well as how beneficial the art and act of somatic breathwork can be if done consistently and intentionally. They also relate about the burdens men carry throughout their lives and how emotional expression and being able to articulate your emotional...

More Episodes

We were all put on this earth for a reason. We all have a purpose. Just like a snowflake has a unique blueprint, we too have a unique purpose for this planet. When we listen to this purpose, when we hear the call within, and we fulfill this purpose, we will live the most abundantly fulfilled, incredible life we can possibly live. Now, of course, this will send us on a journey that we cannot even fathom, sometimes we'll be called down to the jungles of Peru or Brazil. In today's conversation, you will hear from Julian Rosen, a dear friend of Dave’s, he is a mentor, a healer and a coach. He has helped Dave through a lot of processes in life, and in this conversation, he will describe how he got onto the spiritual path, what led him down that, and of course, all of the crazy things along the way. You will learn an incredible amount of information relative to understanding the spiritual path, where it can lead you and help you uncover some things within yourself, and if you have curiosities or concerns about stepping more fully into yourself.


In This Episode

[0:01] The importance of fulfilling your spiritual purpose.

[6:01] Concentration meditation and divine consciousness.

[9:33] The first spiritual awakening.

[20:38] The power of prayer and intention.

[34:16] How to create a deeper connection with yourself.

[51:11] Honoring the seasonality of your life.

[57:59] Giving yourself permission to be a spiritual and successful man.


More Julian!



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