Baby Geniuses
Hello babies! We hope you and yours are healthy and handling things as well as can reasonably be expected! If you have the space, may we suggest taking up gardening? Emily grew a potato in her backyard, and she's considering growing a second. On Chunch Chat, Martha truly delivers. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for Nim Chimpsky, a chimpanzee that didn't learn sign language.
info_outline The Mad PooperBaby Geniuses
Hello babies! We hope all you babies and your families are healthy out there and making the best of your quarantine time! On Chunch Chat, we find out how to socially distance, Martha Stewart style! First step - get a vintage Aston Martin! On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for "The Mad Pooper," the nickname given to an unidentified woman in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, who repeatedly defecated in public while jogging during the summer months of 2017.
info_outline Long-Time Nuclear Waste Warning MessagesBaby Geniuses
Hello babies!
info_outline El Gran Juego de la OcaBaby Geniuses
Hello babies! What is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Odds are, we haven't even tried it! On this week's episode, Lisa sees a tumbleweed and Emily is creeped out by purity balls, a particularly icky type of father daughter dance. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for "El gran juego de la oca" (The Great Game of the Goose). Who is your favorite barber, Flequi or Rizotín?
info_outline Australia's Naughtiest Home VideosBaby Geniuses
Hello babies! We hope you had a great vertical broom day! We like live as if every day our brooms can stand on their own. On today's episode, we discuss a credit that was misattributed to Emily. Lisa is aware of the existence of the film "Horse Girl," please stop bringing it up to her. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for "Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos," a special that ran in Australia but was pulled from broadcast mid episode for being too naughty.
info_outline Victor LustigBaby Geniuses
Hello babies!
info_outline Extreme IroningBaby Geniuses
Hello babies! Emily forced Lisa to watch The Circle, the new reality based series on Netflix. Both Lisa and Emily have recently finished watching Sex And The City. Emily went straight from this recording to a screening of Cats, so we will finally fully address that next episode. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia Page for Extreme Ironing. We dive into the controversies and the characters of the sport with the fewest wrinkles.
info_outline Guy GomaBaby Geniuses
Hello babies!
info_outline Icelandic Christmas folkloreBaby Geniuses
Hello babies! Happy holidays from your two favorite rowdy altos. This season, Lisa has an encounter with some celeb xmas trees. Emily pitches a visit with the Gävle Goat. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for Icelandic Christmas folklore, which depicts mountain-dwelling characters and monsters who come to town during Christmas. The stories are directed at children and are used to scare them into good behavior. How fun!
info_outline Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of NaplesBaby Geniuses
Hello babies!
info_outlineHello babies!
Please note this episode was recorded last weekend, some things have changed since then. Look at this episode as a fun short term time capsule! On this episode, we discuss our early and somewhat unsuccessful Coronavirus stockpiling, and Lisa and Emily endorse some products. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for Long-time nuclear waste warning messages, which are are intended to deter human intrusion at nuclear waste repositories in the far future, within or above the order of magnitude of 10,000 years. Because we're not sure that "hey, don't touch this!" means in the future.