Band Geek 144 - The Bohemian Rhapsody Opera Section: A Harmonic Analysis
Release Date: 01/13/2019
Band Geek
You knew this was coming... Check out our Star Wars Rise of Skywalker review, featuring Phil Castellano, Ray Magnuski and Jarrett Pressman via force face-time.
info_outline 151 - Matt BeckBand Geek
This week's guest is Matt Beck, one of the most in demand guitarists in the business! Check out Matt's work with Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20, Gwen Stefani, Andy Grammer and many, many more!
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The Band Geeks are joined by freak of nature Mike Tirelli, as he shares his incredible rock vocal talents. The guys discuss vocal techniques, metal festivals and of course...weddings.
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Our buddy Rob Kipp joins us in the studio to record some tricky Genesis covers and to discuss prog rock and gigging.
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Richie was recently invited to Ohio State University to headline their 42nd Annual Jazz Festival. Here's what went down.
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In arguably the nerdiest episode ever, Richie visits recurring Band Geek guests Tony Hanson and Damian Scro on the high tech set of their brand new D&D inspired web-show, Audio Dungeon!
info_outline Band Geek 146 - 2019 NAMM RecapBand Geek
Richie and Andy are joined by special guest Steve Sterlacci to discuss the recent Music Convention in Anaheim, CA.
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By popular demand (like 4 people) Richie and Andy take you through the Band Geek studio's unique blend of state-of-the-art and janky equipment that is responsible for creating the "Band Geek Sound."
info_outline Band Geek 144 - The Bohemian Rhapsody Opera Section: A Harmonic AnalysisBand Geek
Watch Richie and Andy trace Freddie Mercury's genius from "Mozart to Liberace" as they attempt to analyze what makes the opera section of Bohemian Rhapsody so incredible.
info_outline Band Geek 143 - 2019: New Year, Same Band GeeksBand Geek
Richie and Jarrett review the new Aquaman movie along with some ambitious fan films from Star Wars Theory and Galactic Battles. They also take some live questions from YouTube and Facebook.
info_outlineWatch Richie and Andy trace Freddie Mercury's genius from "Mozart to Liberace" as they attempt to analyze what makes the opera section of Bohemian Rhapsody so incredible.