because crack is illegal's podcast
Many of us are pros at running away from God. We are either running away from surrendering our lives to Him OR we are running away from the call on our life. Listen today and be encouraged that the God we serve is a God of second chances.
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What kind of relationship did you have with your father growing up? Did you know the encounter you had with your earthly father can impact how you interact with your heavenly Father? There are needs in our life and holes in our hearts that only God can fill. When we give Him permission to come in and love us the only way He can walls fall, our hard hearts melt and our lives are radically changed and transformed.
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Have you ever been just minding your business, trying to live your life then God chimes in and wants to teach lessons and what not?
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Have you ever experienced Gods grace?
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Today's episode is brought to you by my husband's family remedy for colds.
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At times we can go before God wearing a mask but God is wanting us come before Him with honesty. God can't fix what we fake.
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In this episode I want to tackle one of the most common questions I get asked about prayer: how to hear the voice of God.
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I wanted this podcast to begin and end with Jesus and what better topic to begin with then prayer?
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I am so excited to invite you into my world and it's an honor to get to be a part of yours!
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You can purchase "Because Crack is Illegal" here on Amazon:
If you live in Dallas I want to invite you to visit my church Shoreline City, you can learn more here: