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Eye Contact, Joint Attention, and Autism: Session 238 with Francesca Degli Espinosa

The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

Release Date: 09/14/2023

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

Did you rate and review Behavioral Observations on Apple Podcasts? You rated and reviewed Behavioral Observations on Apple Podcasts, right? John Borrero told me that you rated and reviewed Behavioral Observations on Apple Podcasts. Is that true? Did you rate and review Behavioral Observations on Apple Podcasts? Again, did you rate and review Behavioral Observations on Apple Podcasts? If you've ever watched a police procedural show on television, you're probably noticed that there are different ways to phrase questions to people. I've just given you a few examples that will be salient to the...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

El Análisis de Conducta en Venezuela: Un legado finalmente reconocido con Corina Jimenez-Gomez, Mirari Elcoro y Amalix Flores   No una, ni dos, sino 3 venezolanas rindiendo tributo al legado de Venezolanos en nuestra ciencia del análisis de conducta. Un legado del cual (siendo Venezolano) desconocía y que gracias a ellas tengo ahora el privilegio y orgullo de conocer y que será reconocido en nuestra comunidad a través del artículo que publicaron en la revista Behavior Analysis in Practice (Análisis de Conducta en la Práctica). Una conversación de 2 horas que les recomiendo sean...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

Dr. Pat Friman returns to discuss the Behavior Analytic approaches he uses with patients. In this episode, we harken way back to Session 16, and review some of what we know about Anxiety and Depression, which are the most common forms of mental health distress. Pat talks about how he conceptualizes these challenges, what he does in the first session with patients, his general approach to treatment, the role of medications, his view on when to begin or cease therapy, important therapist characteristics like kindness, compassion, and acceptance, and lots more! Here are links to the references we...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

If you're a student, supervisor, or university instructor, this is an episode for you. In Session 259, I speak with Dana Meller and Dr. Steve Eversole, of Pass The Big ABA Exam and Behavior Development Solutions, respectively. In this conversation, they reflect on what they've learned about helping thousands of people pass the BCBA exam over many years. In this conversation, we covered why they got into the test prep business, the state of BCBA testing today, re-taking the exam, interpreting the board's re-take data, barriers to passing the exam - including things like test anxiety and...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

 joins we to discuss the topic of Profound Autism. If you're not familiar with Alycia's work, she is the Chief Science Officer for , and host of the excellent show, .  In this episode, we discuss the changes in Autism diagnosis from the DSM IV to V, the Lancet Commission paper on Profound Autism, why there is a need for this distinction in the Autism spectrum, the conditions under which an individual would be classified as having Profound Autism, the estimated proportion of Autistics who have Profound Autism, the differences in the distribution of sex-based differences in...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

I'm thrilled to be joined by none other than Dr. Tim Vollmer. In this podcast, we talk about a wide variety of research and practice topics, as well as some funny stories from his long and prolific career. Specifically, talk about how his dog ate his copy of Strategies and Tactics, how he and his colleagues analyzed 2 and 3-point shot patterns in basketball games, his line of research that examined The Good Behavior Game, Behavior Analysis and the game of Poker, and his take on why he and his students have such an affinity for one another.  That's not all. We probably spent the most...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

Las conversaciones acerca del alcance de nuestra práctica y de nuestras competencias son muy comunes hoy en día en nuestra profesión. Los fonoaudiólogos y los analistas de conducta coinciden frecuentemente en los apoyos e intervenciones para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas. Coinciden en la práctica y en algunos casos en competencias desde un mismo enfoque o en otros desde un ángulo distinto. En una efectiva colaboración entre estas disciplinas es importante reconocer los marcos conceptuales y las tecnologías que ambas disciplinas proponen para así maximizar las maneras en...

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The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria

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More Episodes

What exactly is Joint Attention? How does Joint Attention interact with Eye Contact? What does the literature say about these repertoires, and how does that coincide with self-reports of the aversive nature of eye contact from Autistic people? 

These have been a few of the questions rolling around in my head for some time. A few years ago, we briefly touched on this subject with my guest today, Dr. Francesca Degli Espinosa, but it was in the backdrop of a larger panel discussion at the 2022 Verbal Behavior Conference. 

Fast forward to 2023, I recently heard Francesca on Dr. Mary Barbera's show talk about Joint Attention in great detail, so I asked her to join me to extend the conversation. 

In this show, we cover:

  • What people mean when they use the term Joint Attention
  • How JA typically develops in infancy and beyond
  • Why 'attention' may not be an especially helpful term
  • Some of the neuroscience and eye tracking studies that have examined the development of eye contact in typically developing and Autistic populations
  • How to increase the value of looking at peoples' faces
  • Why eye contact should be thought of as a reinforcing consequence 
  • Some strategies to foster JA in the context of learner assent
  • The difficulty of integrating the findings of different literatures that publish research in the area of Autism
  • What she's talking about at this year's Stone Soup Conference (spoiler alert: She's going to go deep into this topic, and remember, save on your registration by using the promo code PODCAST)
  • The problem associated with teaching eye contact via the 'look at me' method

Here are some of the links to the many resources we discussed:

This podcast is brought to you by:

The Stone Soup Conference, which is taking place on October 20th. Use code PODCAST to save on your registration as well.

The University of Cincinnati Online. UC Online designed a Master of Education in Behavior Analysis program that is 100% online and asynchronous, meaning you log on when it works for you. Want to learn more? Go to online.uc.edu and click the “request info” button.

Behavior University. Their mission is to provide university quality professional development for the busy Behavior Analyst. Learn about their CEU offerings, including their brand new 8-hour Supervision Course, as well as their RBT offerings over at behavioruniversity.com/observations.