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What Loss Makes Available

Fierce Evolution

Release Date: 02/16/2024

How to Align with Source Energy show art How to Align with Source Energy

Fierce Evolution

This is a technique I use which was channeled by Abraham Hicks and I want to share it with you. A daily practice of raising our vibration and aligning ourselves more fully with Source is highly beneficial. Enjoy this mini episode guiding you through the How-To.

Tapping Into Your Higher Self show art Tapping Into Your Higher Self

Fierce Evolution

In this episode Charlie recounts a personal spiritual awakening that had her get present to the oneness of humanity but also saw how her arrogance was a result of a feeling of lack. Cultivating an experience of safety and self compassion is explored in this episode so you can start to step into your higher self and own your shadow.

Why We Tolerate Bullshit (and how to stop it) show art Why We Tolerate Bullshit (and how to stop it)

Fierce Evolution

The reason we have suffering is because we tolerate it. Some things are not in our control while others are. For the things that in fact ARE in our control we have a tendency to put off cleaning house, making changes, ending things and it causes unnecessary suffering due to tolerating the bullshit. Learn why we do this and how to stop it in this episode with Charlie as she gives examples and actionable steps to take into your life.

Being Nice is Nasty show art Being Nice is Nasty

Fierce Evolution

Being nice is a trauma response and we are not here to perpetuate just surviving. We want to thrive, hunnie. Learn to speak and live your truth in this episode as Charlie explores the grossness of being nice and how to break the pattern.

Discovering the World Newly show art Discovering the World Newly

Fierce Evolution

Every human being has an ego and we can’t escape it, but what happens when we practice noticing it and observing it? How would that benefit our relationships or our experience of our own capabilities. In this episode it is our intention that you discover the self imposed limitations you have on yourself and even possibly on others; create a new state of being to get freed up and to discover a life of deep fulfillment.

What is Purpose? show art What is Purpose?

Fierce Evolution

In this episode Charlie guides you to a discovery of what purpose is, and provides tips on how to stay out of the trap most people find themselves in about this subject. Learn to play in the sandbox with this powerful exploration of one of the worlds hottest topics.

Daily Envisioning Meditation show art Daily Envisioning Meditation

Fierce Evolution

In this episode Charlie offers a special and sacred meditation to add to your daily self care practices. Day dreaming, envisioning, feeling and believing are a very important part of stepping into the life you desire. Get comfortable and enjoy!

No Shame In Your Game show art No Shame In Your Game

Fierce Evolution

In this episode Charlie explores how past experiences can impact how we view ourselves as leaders, how we view future experiences and how that limits our performance and how much we risk. With strategies and tactics to tackle removing and healing shame, you won’t want to miss this powerful conversation.

What Loss Makes Available show art What Loss Makes Available

Fierce Evolution

In our lives we have definitely experienced loss even if in a very small way. When those “negative” experiences pile up over the years it can lead us to trying to avoid those not good feelings, thus impacting the trust we have to be the leaders of our own lives. In this episode Charlie shares about a powerful dream that led her to a call with a Master Coach talking about loss and all that it opens us up to.

Productivity Grinds My Gears show art Productivity Grinds My Gears

Fierce Evolution

In this episode Charlie points out the dangers of our “productivity-obsessed” society and how to apply her Performance Hacks to bring ease, confidence and joy while you execute on what matters to you.

More Episodes

In our lives we have definitely experienced loss even if in a very small way. When those “negative” experiences pile up over the years it can lead us to trying to avoid those not good feelings, thus impacting the trust we have to be the leaders of our own lives.

In this episode Charlie shares about a powerful dream that led her to a call with a Master Coach talking about loss and all that it opens us up to.