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Walking Through the Valley – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Release Date: 02/24/2025

Walking Through the Valley – Paul M. Williams show art Walking Through the Valley – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Psalm 23 There are times when God calls His people to pass through the valley.  Passing through the valley of the shadow of death is never easy but can I say with absolute conviction, that Jesus hasn’t left you to walk alone!!  The final words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Matthew are these: “… and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Mt. 28:20).  It’s one thing knowing this with the head, but it’s another thing intermingling this truth with faith!!  Many people have a head full of knowledge but a heart void of experience! ...

3. Was Ellen G. White a Prophet – Paul M. Williams show art 3. Was Ellen G. White a Prophet – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Part 3 Ellen G. White had over 2000 visions during her lifetime and the content of those visions resulted in over 100,000 pages of writings which the Seventh-day Adventist Church consider to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and a continuing and authoritative source of truth. Ellen White claimed that her visions and writings were not simply expressions of her ideas, but originated from God. What do you call a prophet who prophesies things that don’t come to pass?  What do you call someone who steals from others' works while trying to pass them off as writings inspired by God?  In this...

2. Ellen G. White and Adventist History – Paul M. Williams show art 2. Ellen G. White and Adventist History – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Part 2 The Seventh-day Adventist Church arose out of the Great Millerite Disappointment of 1844.  The nineteenth century saw a literal explosion in the number of cults and religious groups springing up in the United States. Early on in Adventist history, Ellen G. White stamped her mark as a prophet, claiming to receive visions from God which guided and shaped the movement. Without Ellen G. White, there is no Seventh-day Adventism.  In this teaching we take a look at the early beginnings of Seventh-day Adventism and in particular, the nature of Mrs White’s visions and the substance...

A Call to Christian Love – Paul M. Williams show art A Call to Christian Love – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Philippians 2:19-24 This sermon is an urgent call to Christian love!   The clip following the sermon is from a message called "Something is wrong" by itinerate preacher Richard Owen Roberts of International Awakening Ministries.

1. An Introduction to Seventh-day Adventism - Paul M. Williams show art 1. An Introduction to Seventh-day Adventism - Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Part 1 In 2023, the Seventh-day Adventist Church saw more additions to its membership than any year since its founding in 1863.  In 1961 the Seventh-day Adventist Church had a global membership of about a million.  Today they have a membership of more than 22.7 million, meeting in more than 100,000 Churches, spanning some 215 countries worldwide.  Without question, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the fastest-growing organisations in the world vastly outnumbering the global membership of Jehovah’s Witnesses. When one goes to the official website of the Seventh-day...

Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams show art Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

1 Peter 1:13-16 J. C. Ryle was the 1st Anglican Bishop of Liverpool.  In his classic book titled, “Holiness”, he wrote the words.  “He who supposes that Jesus Christ only lived and died and rose again in order to provide justification and forgiveness of sins for His people, has yet much to learn. Whether he knows it or not, he is dishonouring our blessed Lord, and making Him only a half Saviour. The Lord Jesus has undertaken everything that His people’s souls require; not only to deliver them from the guilt of their sins by His atoning death, but from the dominion of their...

Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams show art Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Exodus 39:30-31   Whenever the topic of holiness is brought up in the company of Christians, it is guaranteed to provoke one of two responses, either uneasiness or delight!  Now granted, those feelings of uneasiness may be down to the fact that a professing believer is not living as they ought; maybe they are living in secret sin and know that by preaching such a topic as holiness, they will be disturbed.  Then, there are those who love Jesus dearly, but have been scarred by those who preached to them a form of holiness “so-called” which was nothing more than evangelical...

The Father’s Heart – Paul M. Williams show art The Father’s Heart – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Luke 15:1-2 If one was to stop you and to ask, “What is God like?”, I wonder what answer you’d give?  What attribute would come first to mind?  Would it be God’s holiness or omnipotence?  His omniscience or His omnipresence?  You ask me, “What is God like?”. What attribute comes first to mind when thinking about His person?  I return my answer at once; GOD IS LOVE!   Without question, this is His crowning attribute without which we would all be damned forever. In this sermon, we look at the heart of God our heavenly Father.  May the Lord...

The Leading of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams show art The Leading of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

Romans 8:14 There’s one feature of the Holy Spirit’s leading that I’ve learned from experience, one that is widely attested to in the Sacred record, and that is the spontaneity of His leading!!! When the Holy Spirit speaks to His people and desires to lead them, it will always require faith to respond!!   In the moment of suddenness, we are given a window of time to obey.  #1. We must recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit, #2. We must be willing to sacrifice, #3. We must step out in faith!! 

Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption - Paul M. Williams show art Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption - Paul M. Williams

Bethesda Shalom

1 Corinthians 15:42-44 It is the earnest desire, to lay before you the certain and definite hope of the Christian. Assurances like this cannot be found in this world due to its transient state of temporariness. Search high and low, with diligence and scrutiny, but O man, your search will be in vain. When Adam fell through willful disobedience, mankind was plunged into sin and death. God in His infinite love and mercy has sought to reverse this curse in redeeming a people back unto Himself through His beloved Son. In this sermon, we set forth the first and second installment of this most...

More Episodes

Psalm 23

There are times when God calls His people to pass through the valley.  Passing through the valley of the shadow of death is never easy but can I say with absolute conviction, that Jesus hasn’t left you to walk alone!!  The final words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Matthew are these: “… and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Mt. 28:20).  It’s one thing knowing this with the head, but it’s another thing intermingling this truth with faith!!  Many people have a head full of knowledge but a heart void of experience!  This sermon is a challenge to the Body of Christ for vital reality in the realm of faith and to experience the fullness of the grace of God.