Bethesda Shalom
Bethesda Shalom , "House of Mercy and Peace". A small independent Bible believing Church located in Wolverhampton, England; endeavouring to hold fast to truth and stand fast in love by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Walking Through the Valley – Paul M. Williams
Walking Through the Valley – Paul M. Williams
Psalm 23 There are times when God calls His people to pass through the valley. Passing through the valley of the shadow of death is never easy but can I say with absolute conviction, that Jesus hasn’t left you to walk alone!! The final words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Matthew are these: “… and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Mt. 28:20). It’s one thing knowing this with the head, but it’s another thing intermingling this truth with faith!! Many people have a head full of knowledge but a heart void of experience! This sermon is a challenge to the Body of Christ for vital reality in the realm of faith and to experience the fullness of the grace of God.
3. Was Ellen G. White a Prophet – Paul M. Williams
3. Was Ellen G. White a Prophet – Paul M. Williams
Part 3 Ellen G. White had over 2000 visions during her lifetime and the content of those visions resulted in over 100,000 pages of writings which the Seventh-day Adventist Church consider to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and a continuing and authoritative source of truth. Ellen White claimed that her visions and writings were not simply expressions of her ideas, but originated from God. What do you call a prophet who prophesies things that don’t come to pass? What do you call someone who steals from others' works while trying to pass them off as writings inspired by God? In this teaching, further investigation is given to Mrs White’s prophecies and writings to determine whether or not she was a prophet called by God. Download teaching notes (pdf)
2. Ellen G. White and Adventist History – Paul M. Williams
2. Ellen G. White and Adventist History – Paul M. Williams
Part 2 The Seventh-day Adventist Church arose out of the Great Millerite Disappointment of 1844. The nineteenth century saw a literal explosion in the number of cults and religious groups springing up in the United States. Early on in Adventist history, Ellen G. White stamped her mark as a prophet, claiming to receive visions from God which guided and shaped the movement. Without Ellen G. White, there is no Seventh-day Adventism. In this teaching we take a look at the early beginnings of Seventh-day Adventism and in particular, the nature of Mrs White’s visions and the substance of her writings. What does make of someone who teaches others one thing regarding the eating of meat, while at the same time eating meat herself? I shall allow the evidence to speak for itself. Download teaching notes (pdf)
A Call to Christian Love – Paul M. Williams
A Call to Christian Love – Paul M. Williams
Philippians 2:19-24 This sermon is an urgent call to Christian love! The clip following the sermon is from a message called "Something is wrong" by itinerate preacher Richard Owen Roberts of International Awakening Ministries.
1. An Introduction to Seventh-day Adventism - Paul M. Williams
1. An Introduction to Seventh-day Adventism - Paul M. Williams
Part 1 In 2023, the Seventh-day Adventist Church saw more additions to its membership than any year since its founding in 1863. In 1961 the Seventh-day Adventist Church had a global membership of about a million. Today they have a membership of more than 22.7 million, meeting in more than 100,000 Churches, spanning some 215 countries worldwide. Without question, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the fastest-growing organisations in the world vastly outnumbering the global membership of Jehovah’s Witnesses. When one goes to the official website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to look at their statement of ‘Fundamental Beliefs’; upon first glance, one finds nothing of real concern. They believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures, the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, substitutionary atonement and salvation by faith as a gift of God’s grace. However, Seventh-day Adventists are adept at saying one thing out of one side of their mouth while taking it back out of the other. In continuing to explore what else is included in their Fundamental Beliefs, emerging cracks begin to appear, which when further investigated reveal a rupture in the foundations! In this introductory teaching, we shall discover what Seventh-day Adventists believe and why they are classified as a cult. Download teaching notes (pdf)
Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams
Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams
1 Peter 1:13-16 J. C. Ryle was the 1st Anglican Bishop of Liverpool. In his classic book titled, “Holiness”, he wrote the words. “He who supposes that Jesus Christ only lived and died and rose again in order to provide justification and forgiveness of sins for His people, has yet much to learn. Whether he knows it or not, he is dishonouring our blessed Lord, and making Him only a half Saviour. The Lord Jesus has undertaken everything that His people’s souls require; not only to deliver them from the guilt of their sins by His atoning death, but from the dominion of their sins, by placing in their hearts the Holy Spirit; not only to justify them, but also to sanctify them”. In this second and final sermon part, we examine the command to holiness and the means to holiness. As we move from the classroom of theory onto the field of experience, may the Lord bless you!
Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams
Holiness to the Lord (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams
Exodus 39:30-31 Whenever the topic of holiness is brought up in the company of Christians, it is guaranteed to provoke one of two responses, either uneasiness or delight! Now granted, those feelings of uneasiness may be down to the fact that a professing believer is not living as they ought; maybe they are living in secret sin and know that by preaching such a topic as holiness, they will be disturbed. Then, there are those who love Jesus dearly, but have been scarred by those who preached to them a form of holiness “so-called” which was nothing more than evangelical legalism! As we approach this sacred subject, rather than jump straight into the practical, I want to begin with the concept! So many err in their understanding of holiness because they fail to comprehend what holiness even is. Let us then first understand what holiness is.
The Father’s Heart – Paul M. Williams
The Father’s Heart – Paul M. Williams
Luke 15:1-2 If one was to stop you and to ask, “What is God like?”, I wonder what answer you’d give? What attribute would come first to mind? Would it be God’s holiness or omnipotence? His omniscience or His omnipresence? You ask me, “What is God like?”. What attribute comes first to mind when thinking about His person? I return my answer at once; GOD IS LOVE! Without question, this is His crowning attribute without which we would all be damned forever. In this sermon, we look at the heart of God our heavenly Father. May the Lord bless and encourage you.
The Leading of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams
The Leading of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams
Romans 8:14 There’s one feature of the Holy Spirit’s leading that I’ve learned from experience, one that is widely attested to in the Sacred record, and that is the spontaneity of His leading!!! When the Holy Spirit speaks to His people and desires to lead them, it will always require faith to respond!! In the moment of suddenness, we are given a window of time to obey. #1. We must recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit, #2. We must be willing to sacrifice, #3. We must step out in faith!!
Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption - Paul M. Williams
Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption - Paul M. Williams
1 Corinthians 15:42-44 It is the earnest desire, to lay before you the certain and definite hope of the Christian. Assurances like this cannot be found in this world due to its transient state of temporariness. Search high and low, with diligence and scrutiny, but O man, your search will be in vain. When Adam fell through willful disobedience, mankind was plunged into sin and death. God in His infinite love and mercy has sought to reverse this curse in redeeming a people back unto Himself through His beloved Son. In this sermon, we set forth the first and second installment of this most glorious work and consider what will be when Our Blessed Saviour appears in glory to change these vile bodies so as to be fashioned like unto His!
Bread for the Famine
Bread for the Famine
1 Kings 17:1-6 It’s not until you step out of a situation, that looking back, you’re able to see it really for it was! When you’re in a smoke-filled room, it’s hard to see the smoke, but exit the room and peer back in through the glass and you’ll be astonished at how you ever could have been in such an environment and not have. As I look around and survey the spiritual landscape of the nation, I have to conclude that we are living in the midst of a spiritual famine that few are even aware we’re in. Churches are closing by the week of and the British landscape is changing. Brethren, it is my conviction that unless God in His mercy sends another revival —an awakening, the likes of which this nation has not witnessed since the days of Wesley, the flickering light of present-day Christianity may soon be extinguished from these British Isles. Now I acknowledge that God will always have a remnant—7000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal, but Brother/Sister, where is the grief over the fact that the city once set on a hill has been removed, and the candle which once stood on a candlestick has been placed under a bushel! This sermon is a heart-cry, for another heaven-sent revival and a warning to those who have been placed in sound fellowships at this present time of famine, to not forsake where God has placed them, but to be grateful for the bread He has provided.
Moving Forward – Paul M. Williams
Moving Forward – Paul M. Williams
Psalm 32:1-5 If we are to move forward in our walk with Jesus in the year ahead, we must learn to deal honestly with God as His Spirit comes in searching power to discover the true nature of our hearts. William Gurnall that old Puritan put it well when he said, “Sincerity is that property to which pardoning mercy is annexed. True, indeed, it is that Christ covers all our sins and failings; but it is only the sincere soul over which he will cast his skirt”. C.H. Spurgeon said, “The lesson from the whole is this: be honest. Sinner, may God make you honest. Do not deceive yourself. Make a clean breast of it before God. Have an honest religion, or have none at all. Have a religion of the heart, or else have none. Put aside the mere vestment and garment of piety, and let your soul be right within. Be honest”. This sermon calls for a frank and full confession so that we might receive full forgiveness!
Wisdom’s Foresight – Paul M. Williams
Wisdom’s Foresight – Paul M. Williams
Proverbs 22:3 It’s one thing for an unsaved man to be a fool, but for a Christian to be counted as a fool? It’s a great shame and a reproach and ought never to be! He has the internal light of the Holy Spirit and the external light of the Word! This sermon is an exhortation to the acquisition of wisdom. “O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart” (Prov. 8:5).
11. God’s Warning (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams
11. God’s Warning (Pt. 2) – Paul M. Williams
Judges 8:29-35 If there’s one thing to take away from history, it’s that good things never last!! If this is true of history in general, it is certainly true of revival history. Where the blessing of God has been poured out upon a people in special seasons of refreshing, it seems only ever to be short-lived before alas the tide of evil comes back in and the people return to bathe again in the insidious waters of iniquity. While the man of God was alive, the people served the LORD, but when Gideon was taken out of the way, the “...children of Israel turned again, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baalberith their god” (vs. 33). They went from revival to ruin in a single generation! They went back to the pool of vomit from which God delivered them. My dear people, I wish I could say that this was an isolated phenomenon never to be repeated, but even in my short life as a Christian, I have seen so many return again to feast upon the mess from which Christ delivered them only years prior! They forget what life was like in the prison of sin, they forget the chains that bound them and the cruelties that attended their path! In this final sermon part, looking at the life of Gideon, a warning is sounded for God’s children to keep themselves from idols!
13. The Way of Salvation – Paul M. Williams
13. The Way of Salvation – Paul M. Williams
Part 13 Every cult without exception denies the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Although they may utilise concepts such as grace and faith, what is written outside the box is never what’s inside. In the world of cults, grace becomes synonymous with payment because when everything has been said and done, the cult member is working to earn salvation. At the very best Jesus died on the cross to give mankind the possibility of obtaining salvation. He has merely opened the narrow gate but now it’s left to those who would obtain it to labour. It is for this reason that whether Jehovah’s Witness or Seventh-day Adventist; whether Mormon or Roman Catholic, when the question is put to them; “If you die tonight, do you have 100% assurance that you are saved”? The answer that one will be met with again and again is; “I can’t say for sure, it’s up to God”. With this one simple question and the answer returned, the futility of the cult's works-based system of salvation is revealed for what it is, vanity of vanities!! There is a world of difference between what the Bible teaches about how a man is saved, and what the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society teaches. In this final teaching part, these differences shall be discovered and the way of truth exposed. Download teaching notes (pdf)
10. God’s Warning (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams
10. God’s Warning (Pt. 1) – Paul M. Williams
Judges 8:22-28 The secret to obtaining heaven’s revival blessing; the key to unlocking heaven’s grace is humility. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” (1 Pet. 5:6). But when God exalts a man, it’s then when things have the potential to go desperately wrong. My greatest fear is not this side of the victory, it’s what happens on the other side — after God has given the victory. In this first of two sermons, we examine the warning against making idols of God’s blessings.
12. The 144,000 – Paul M. Williams
12. The 144,000 – Paul M. Williams
Part 12 Anyone who has had any interaction with a Jehovah’s Witness will know that it doesn’t take long for the topic of the 144,000 to arise. There is almost an obsession with this number. In sharing personal testimony with the Witness at the door of how one came to be a child of God by grace through faith – the adoption as children, the sealing of the Holy Spirit, the heavenly calling and the heavenly hope, one will discover upon the face of the Witness a look of pity. “Oh, they say, you’re talking about the 144,000, not the great crowd It’s the 140,000 who have the heavenly hope, the great crowd have only an earthly hope! Only 144,000 have been adopted as children. Theirs is the seal of the Holy Spirit, the heavenly calling, to them alone belongs the heavenly hope!” If one has never heard these sentiments expressed, one may be taken aback! “The great crowd? 144,000? I remember reading somewhere in Revelation about a great crowd that no man could number in Revelation Chapter 7. But if my memory serves me right, they were standing before the throne of God in heaven? If they have an earthly hope as you say, what are they doing in heaven? Regarding the 144,000; Revelation 7, says that they are literal Israelites and Revelation 14 that they are virgins. Are these the 144,000 that you refer to with the heavenly hope? I’m confused!!” In this teaching, all shall be revealed and brought into the light of God’s Word. Download teaching notes (pdf)
9. God’s Pleading – Paul M. Williams
9. God’s Pleading – Paul M. Williams
Judges 8:4-28 Following the awesome victory that God gave into the hands of Gideon His servant – 135,000 Midianites lay dead. Not content with this victory over the host, Midian pursued the 15,000 that remained and slew them dead. The two Midianite kings, Zebah and Zalmunna, were the last two enemies to be destroyed. This sermon is a plea from God for the same zeal to be enacted on behalf of His people toward sin. We must deal thoroughly and decisively with sin in our lives until every last Midianite is slain. Let us heed the command of God and go up to the fight in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
11. Paradise Earth – Paul M. Williams
11. Paradise Earth – Paul M. Williams
Part 11 If one has ever been greeted by a Jehovah’s Witness at the door, after the short and brief courtesies of “Hello, my name is… etc.”, the conversation will inevitably begin with a question like; “What do you think of all the wars in the world today?” or, “Do you think the world is a nice place to live in with all the evil that is in it?”. These questions are leading and are designed to provoke a response of sympathy from the hearer. From this point on, the Witness at the door will proceed to tell of a coming kingdom of peace on earth where wars will cease, and death will be no more. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, Paradise Earth is what the Millennial will be for Christians, except for a few major differences. Firstly, Paradise Earth in Watch Tower eschatology is not restricted to a thousand years but is forever! Secondly, and more importantly, Jesus will be nowhere present on Paradise Earth, He will be in heaven with Jehovah and the angels, governing over the affairs of the earth with the 144,000! I have a question for Jehovah’s Witness: "How can paradise be paradise without Jesus being there?”. Furthermore, what about the new heaven and the new earth which the Bible speaks of, along with the new Jerusalem wherein shall dwell the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb forever, and the Saints shall come in through the city gates? These things along with more shall be the focus of this eleventh teaching part as the beliefs of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society are compared with the Bible. Download teaching notes (pdf)
8. God’s Peacemaker – Paul M. Williams
8. God’s Peacemaker – Paul M. Williams
Judges 7:24-25 The world has always been obsessed with outward boast and human glory. Sadly, much of the Western Church is on par with this thinking. If a man has charisma and can hold an audience captive with stories and personal anecdotes, we make him a minister! The pulpits up and down the length and breadth of this country are full of such men. They look more like action men than they do God’s men. It’s not what a man is on the pulpit that counts so much as what he is off it! Character my friends is where it’s at! How a man conducts himself amid conflict says a lot about his character. Leaders are called to be peacemakers. Having beheld Gideon the man, in this sermon, we behold Gideon the peacemaker. Through one man’s leadership, a nation is spared from civil war. I pray the Lord ministers to your heart through Gideon’s example.
10. The Doctrine of Hell – Paul M. Williams
10. The Doctrine of Hell – Paul M. Williams
Part 10 Jehovah’s Witnesses have long been a cult that has aggressively opposed the doctrine of hell, as can be seen in their literature and publications. Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, was himself an ardent opponent of this doctrine, as has been every presiding president over Jehovah’s organisation since. Though beginning within the ranks of conservative orthodoxy, by the time Russell had outgrown his teens, he had left both Presbyterianism and Congregationalism because he could not reconcile the idea of a loving and merciful God sending billions to an eternal hell. To this day, after nearly a century and a half, Russell’s disciples continue to hold to his beliefs and teachings. In this teaching, we examine the beliefs of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as they relate to the doctrine of hell and contrast this with what the Bible teaches. Download teaching notes (pdf)
7. God’s Victory – Paul M. Williams
7. God’s Victory – Paul M. Williams
Judges 7:15-23 The Western Church in this hour wants method and process. If the Church down the road marches around the walls AND God gives them the victory, we write a book on it “How to take a city for God!” But in the valley on the borders of Moab, God had His people dig ditches!! In the wilderness of Tekoa, the people praised the Lord! At the Red Sea, He had them stand still! On the hilltop in Rephidim, Moses held up his hand to God! Friends, you can’t make a method out of this, our eyes must be towards the LORD!!! Oh the that God might perform a work in this hour as He did in the days of Gideon. A work that our only boast may be in the Lord saying; by His right hand and by His holy arm has He gotten Himself the victory!
9. The Immortality of the Soul – Paul M. Williams
9. The Immortality of the Soul – Paul M. Williams
Part 9 When one begins collating the teachings of the Christian cults, it’s no coincidence that there are many shared common beliefs that the Church has long rejected as heretical. The doctrine in question in this ninth teaching part is no different. While it may not be on the same damnable par as the rejection of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ or the personhood of the Holy Spirit; to deny the immortality of the soul is a false teaching and one that must be strongly repudiated. It should come as no surprise to learn that the Watch Tower along with its siblings – Seventh-day Adventists and Christadelphians, reject the belief in the immortality of the soul. What is surprising is that increasingly, Evangelicals are choosing to adopt the same position as the cults regarding this doctrine. In this teaching, the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is defined and the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses are examined and refuted from the Word of God. Download teaching notes (pdf)
6. God’s Encouragement – Paul M. Williams
6. God’s Encouragement – Paul M. Williams
Judges 7:9-15 If God is going to get the glory from your life, it is going to require that we trust Him!!! There’s no escaping this reality!! When the call of God comes to service, it never comes in a neatly packaged parcel with a cute sticky label on the front. We want all the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed. We want it safe and predictable, secure and tested, but that’s not how it works. God called Gideon to a work above his natural ability and out of his human capabilities. At every single step along the way, he was a man pressed out of measure and therefore completely reliant upon God. In the two previous signs given to Gideon as a means of encouragement, they came about at the request of Gideon!! Gideon was the instigator! However, in the passage before us, without so much as a request on the part of Gideon, God takes the initiative to offer him a third sign as further proof on top of the further proof he had already given him — GIDEON, I’M WITH YOU FOR GOOD!!!
8. The Person of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams
8. The Person of the Holy Spirit – Paul M. Williams
Part 8 So far, the studies in this series have largely focused on the person of Jesus Christ. Whilst Jehovah’s Witnesses are monotheistic in belief, they are aggressively antitrinitarian in expression. They, like us, believe in one eternal God. The point of divergence comes however when they maintain that the singular being of God is without a plurality of persons. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society denies this truth and attacks this position throughout its written literature. The purpose of this teaching is to address the heresy of the Watch Tower as it relates to the person of the Holy Spirit. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny the person of the Holy Spirit and instead teach that the Holy Spirit is God’s active force. Journey with us as we examine this heresy in light of Biblical truth. Download teaching notes (pdf)
5. God’s Glory – Paul M. Williams
5. God’s Glory – Paul M. Williams
Judges 7:1-8 If I were to ask why you so desire a move of God in this hour I wonder what you would say? When I speak of a move of God, I mean a heaven-sent revival that would turn the hearts of compromising lukewarm Christians back to God in fervent zeal and ardent love. I mean a heaven-sent revival that would awaken the sleeping dead and sweep whole multitudes of lost sinners from this town and beyond, into the Kingdom of God. The Pastor wants God to send revival so that His dwindling Church can be filled! The evangelist wants God to send revival so that he can tell of the great numbers that came to Christ under his ministry. But you Pastor, I’m not a minister. I don’t care for those things just mentioned, I want God to send revival so that my backslidden husband can return to the Lord and my wayward son could get saved! Now granted, your motivation is radically different from the ego-maniac ministers just mentioned, but it still falls short of the only fitting answer to be given, as to why God should send revival. Why should God send a revival? FOR HIS GLORY!!!
7. Did Jesus Return in 1914? – Paul M. Williams
7. Did Jesus Return in 1914? – Paul M. Williams
Part 7 The long-anticipated event in the calendar of the Christian Church is not Christmas or Easter, but the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Paul writing to Titus, refers to this event as “…that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Tit. 2:13). Peter refers to this day as “…the day of the Lord” (2 Pet. 3:10), while Jesus calls it “…that day” (Mt. 24:36). Whatever name one wishes to call it by, the fact that Jesus is coming again is the clear testimony of Holy Scripture. What if a group started teaching that Jesus had already come but no one saw Him? Would you believe it? How could you refute such a claim from the Word of God? Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Jesus came spiritually in 1914. They claim it was an invisible coming despite Jesus stating that His coming would be in the clouds in great glory (Mt. 24:64). How does one get around such a clear statement as “ Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him” (Rev. 1:7)? We shall consider these questions along with others in this seventh teaching part. Download teaching notes (pdf)
4. God’s Patience – Paul M. Williams
4. God’s Patience – Paul M. Williams
Judges 6:33-40 The men God sets His hand upon for use aren’t supermen; they’re human men like you and me, fraught with human weakness and marred by many insecurities. Any good biography worth its salt will not only describe the mighty feats of the man it purports to represent but also his frailty. When the Spirit of the LORD comes upon a man/when the anointing of God is resting upon God’s servant, He ministers in a power and an anointing that cannot be explained apart from the language of the supernatural!! It’s not His strength it’s not His power, it’s not his grace, it’s not His ability, IT’S GOD’S! It’s God’s strength, it’s God’s power, it’s God’s grace, its God’s ability!! We look and think, what a man but we’ve got it all wrong!! Rather, we ought to say, what a God!!! In this fourth part of the sermon series, we consider Gideon the man!
6. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus – Paul M. Williams
6. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus – Paul M. Williams
Part 6 The dictionary definition of the word resurrection is “the act of bringing someone back to life”. Resurrection is not resuscitation. When someone is resuscitated, they are brought back to life very soon after death. Resurrection, however, is bringing again to life after the person has been legally pronounced dead. In both cases, the bringing back to life involves a physical body. A resurrection without a body is nonsense. Imagine if when Lazarus was raised from the dead, one party claimed to see him alive while the women were seen carrying his corpse away. Rumours might well surface of seeing the "spirit" of Lazarus but everyone would agree, that Lazarus is dead since a resurrection requires a bringing again to life of the body. Jehovah's Witnesses have a very strange dilemma facing them. On one hand, they teach that Jesus was raised from the dead, but on the other hand, they teach that Jehovah destroyed His body! Whatever spin one may desire to put on this, one is left with the same problem, a supposed resurrection without a body! In this sixth teaching part, we examine the Watch Tower's teachings regarding Jesus's resurrection and compare them with what is taught in the Bible. Download teaching notes (pdf)
3. God's Command - Paul M. Williams
3. God's Command - Paul M. Williams
Judges 6:25-32 Before Gideon could reform a nation, he had to first reform his house!! The altar of Baal MUST come down and an altar for Yahweh be established!! See where revival begins! Admittedly, this is a costly ask — it always is with God. Can I encourage you — PAY THE PRICE AND GO THROUGH WITH GOD, it will be the best thing you ever do!!!