AMP Hair Talk
I love goals and to push myself. But more often than not, I end up focusing on pushing myself to EXHAUSTION and I don't really get what I want-I get burn out. It finally has hit me. Life is not all about pushing ourselves past the point of exhaustion. it's about being ok with who we are today while we work to move the needle toward what we hope to achieve in the future. Taking small steps has left me feeling so much better than I have ever felt before. Listen to this episode and let me know what you think! Follow me on for more inspiration!
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
In this episode I talk with my son, Brody, about his current wrestling season. It may seem funny, but I get the most inspiration from my kids and their determination to get what they want. In our conversation we talk about how Brody is able to keep pushing towards his goals despute things not always being the easiest. Hopefully he can inspire you the same way he inspires me and you can be reminded that inspiration can come from anywhere!
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
In my salon my top priority is to make sure that we are not falling into the cattiness of the typical salon environment. i ha e come to realize it starts with me. I need to ensure that my salon is structured and everyone knows and understands their role. However, some people still fall into pointing the finger at others for their shortcomings. Listen to hear what we do not tolerate in the salon and the environment we want to have. Follow us on Instagram!
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
Growing a salon business is tough. Growing a luxury salon business in a shaky economy?! We HAVE to be CREATIVE. For YEARS I have been contemplating a way to make my luxury service feel more affordable. This year we have decided to transition our slaon to a membership base experience. Members get discounted services, products and other incentives while non members are still invited and welcome but do not get the same incentives. In this episode we explain how transitioning our clients into members has helped us as stylists and how it helps our salon continue to grow! Be sure...
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
Meet Bailey! Listen to hear what its like working in the salon as the mentee within my mentorship program and the struggles we both navigate together!
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
As an entrepreneur I understand the pressure you may put on yourself to do great things. But when things dont go as great as you think they will I also understand the shame we feel. That shame we start to feel builds up and follows us every single day and shapes how we go into life and business and shapes how we make decisions. Listen to this episode about how I used to go through life and business n constant shame and how now I am choosing that my past choices are nothing to be ashamed of.
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
I've been MIA for awhile. I discuss why and what I worked through while away. My son, Braxton, joined me to give his point of view of what it was like to grow up with a mom trying to navigate being a busy, successful hairstylist. I explain where my mind is, some new announcements in the salon and what I want to focus on this new year! Give me your feedback and let me know what you think of this direction! Happy New Year!
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
My entire life I have had this idea that I was constantly trying to earn my worth. I neded to be the best student, best athlete, the skinniest, the best, the most seen, and then MAYBE I would be chosen as the one that was enough. I recently realized that I can do all the things. I can be a perfect wife, mom and business owner but those things do not create my worth. My worth is there because I choose it. Listen along to hear how I recently accepted that I deserve it all...and you do too! Let's stay connected! Find me on
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
Do you have a vision of what you thought you were meant for? I do. And it has been there since I was 5 years old. The vision is so vivid to me and I cannot unsee it. I used to believe that vision was just a very strong desire, a dream that would never come to fruition. I never believed that I was the person who deserved what I saw. However, recently I have realized that the vision I am seeing is there for a reason. Maybe that vision is the outcome of going after my heart's true desire. Maybe I am meant to do what I do to help others and in the process become the exact person, living the exact...
info_outlineAMP Hair Talk
We've lived our entire lives to push as hard as possible to show the worl we are living a perfect life. We have pushed and worked and invented who we wanted the world to see us as. It's time for us to BE who we want to BE. Suddenly we are able to take a breath. We get to figure out what we actually want life to look like. We are going to get rid of what doesn't feel right-for me hustle culture and put in what helps us feel our best. We are breaking free from what everyone else is saying creates success and replacing it with what we think is true for success for usl Hint-GOODBYE SOCIAL...
info_outlineIn my salon my top priority is to make sure that we are not falling into the cattiness of the typical salon environment. i ha e come to realize it starts with me. I need to ensure that my salon is structured and everyone knows and understands their role. However, some people still fall into pointing the finger at others for their shortcomings. Listen to hear what we do not tolerate in the salon and the environment we want to have.
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