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Lord Teach Us How to Pray Like You (PART FOUR)

Biblical Elucidation

Release Date: 05/27/2020

Lord Teach Us How to Pray Like You (PART FOUR) show art Lord Teach Us How to Pray Like You (PART FOUR)

Biblical Elucidation

Continuing in the Lord Teach Us How to Pray Series we now journey to take a deeper look at one of the most intimate moments in Jesus’ life. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays, three times. What does His prayer mean, what clues have we overlooked, and what are we to learn from Jesus’ prayers? We will discover the significance of the words that Jesus uses and each clause of His prayer just before being betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

Lord Teach Us How We Ought to Pray (PART THREE) show art Lord Teach Us How We Ought to Pray (PART THREE)

Biblical Elucidation

Continuing in the Lord Teach Us How to Pray Series we now journey to a very intriguing observation made by the Apostle Paul. The Apostle states, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought." In, Teach Us How We Ought to Pray: we will discover the significance of the word infirmities and how it's intended meaning affects our understanding of prayer. 

Lord Teach Us the Model Prayer (PART TWO) show art Lord Teach Us the Model Prayer (PART TWO)

Biblical Elucidation

Lord Teach Us to Pray Series Part Two:

Lord Teach Us How Not to Pray (PART ONE) show art Lord Teach Us How Not to Pray (PART ONE)

Biblical Elucidation

Lord Teach Us to Pray Series

Holy show art Holy

Biblical Elucidation

What does it mean to be Holy? Yes, to be Holy, is to be like God! But, is to be like God... simply to be separated and set apart for a special purpose? Is to be Holy to be...Super spiritual?  Sinless? Or awe-striking? Does to be Holy mean that we must live a life devoted to seclusion, prayer, piousness, or righteousness… does any of those things make us holy? What makes us Holy? And, Is it even possible to be Holy if we do not have an objective definition of what being Holy is? 

Three show art Three

Biblical Elucidation

What day of the week did Jesus resurrect from the grave? Could He have risen on a Monday? No! What is the sign of the Prophet Jonah? What does it have to do with Jesus? And, how are we to count the three days and three nights that Jesus prophesied He would be in the "heart of the earth?" Find the answers to these questions and many more... as we search through the pages of the scriptures to discovery the clues revealed in the Bible concerning the details of our Lord's death and resurrection.

Turn The Other Cheek show art Turn The Other Cheek

Biblical Elucidation

Have you ever heard that Jesus commands, you and I, His Believers to be passive, defenseless, push overs, who allow our persecutors to slap us and then to turn and give them the other? What does it mean to turn the other cheek? And, what is Jesus teaching us through this hard to understand expression? Let us journey through the pages of the Bible and other Hebrew resources to discover what it means to "Turn the Other Cheek!"

The Mark Upon Cain show art The Mark Upon Cain

Biblical Elucidation

The mark set upon Cain is one of the strangest and earliest events in Bible. For centuries people have wondered, speculated, and propagated untruths that have left many Believers misinformed and with more questions than answers. What was the mark that was set upon Cain? Whose mark was it? And, what does the Bible say is the reason for this mark? Find out these answers and more as we search through the pages of the Bible and examine the depths of the Hebrew language to discover “The Mark Upon Cain.”

The Greatest Commandments show art The Greatest Commandments

Biblical Elucidation

What is the Greatest Commandment? Is any one of the commandments greater than any of the others? Are the commandments to “Love God and to Love Neighbor” new commandments? Find out these answers and a whole lot more as we search through the pages of the Bible to discover what deeper message Jesus is conveying for those of us the Father seeks.

Repentance and Forgiveness show art Repentance and Forgiveness

Biblical Elucidation

Have you been taught that forgiving someone, who has wronged you, frees you from the bondage and weight of them and the unwanted offense? Or, that God will not forgive you unless you forgive those who have wronged you? And, is repentance just feeling sorry about something done wrong? Let us explore the scriptures and into ancient Hebrew culture to discover what the Bible says about Repentance and Forgiveness.

More Episodes

Continuing in the Lord Teach Us How to Pray Series (PART FOUR) we now journey to take a deeper look at one of the most intimate moments in Jesus’ life. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.  What does His prayer mean, what clues have we overlooked, and what are we to learn from Jesus’ prayers? We will discover the significance of the words that Jesus uses and each clause of His prayer just before being betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Would you like to discover even more? Video Teachings and Book Publications are available at https://gclmedia.org