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#43 - Fefe Dobson-based podcast

Big Bitch Energy

Release Date: 03/24/2021

#49 - Hey Activision-Blizzard, have you considered just firing all the men? show art #49 - Hey Activision-Blizzard, have you considered just firing all the men?

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber talk about the recent labour and sexual misconduct allegations at Activision-Blizzard and sexism in the tech industry broadly. 

#48 - Cancel Canada Day show art #48 - Cancel Canada Day

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the #CancelCanadaDay movement and the recent news about Residential Schools.

#47 - Is body positivity dead? show art #47 - Is body positivity dead?

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the body positivity movement, fatphobia, and how thin white women take over every space they're a part of.

#46 - #46 - "Please refrain from talking about politics"

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss social media management, discussing politics in group spaces, and which topics are considered "appropriate" vs "inappropriate". 

#45 - Just straight up dunking on academia show art #45 - Just straight up dunking on academia

Big Bitch Energy

In their first episode back after our break, Krystle and Kimber take an hour to critique academic hierarchies, job interviews, workplace hazing, and power imbalances.  

Elliot from Stardew Valley is Pescatarian (Announcement) show art Elliot from Stardew Valley is Pescatarian (Announcement)

Big Bitch Energy

Quick update: we're taking a break. xoxo

#44 - Vacations won't heal your chronic burnout show art #44 - Vacations won't heal your chronic burnout

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss burnout, pandemic fatigue, and the trauma associated with existing under capitalism.

#43 - Fefe Dobson-based podcast show art #43 - Fefe Dobson-based podcast

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber keep things light and discuss recent discourse.

UNLOCKED: She's a radical centrist but for feminism show art UNLOCKED: She's a radical centrist but for feminism

Big Bitch Energy

In this unlocked bonus episode, we discuss Margaret Atwood as a (sometimes controversial) person and INFAMOUS pescatarian. Kimber accidentally does ageism and Krystle... will definitely hate the ending music. 

#42 - Free Britney show art #42 - Free Britney

Big Bitch Energy

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the #FreeBritney movement, mental health, and the curse of fame. 

More Episodes

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber keep things light and discuss recent discourse.




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