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Interview: Aaron Parham

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Release Date: 04/16/2024

What Does It Mean To Be A Black Belt? show art What Does It Mean To Be A Black Belt?

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy discuss what it means to be a black belt, some of the struggles it comes with and things outside of BJJ that you should be focused on in order to achieve the rank.

Interview: Aaron Parham show art Interview: Aaron Parham

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Aaron Parham, a Brazilian Jiujitsu pracitioner who teaches using the "Ecological Method" joins Rob and Randy to discuss his view points and teaching style.   Episodes found at BigJJShow.com    

Teaching Styles show art Teaching Styles

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy talk about their preferred teaching styles and some new ideas for how to teach others.

Organic BJJ show art Organic BJJ

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy discuss training methods for organic, farm to mat, BJJ and why they think drilling might be the real answer to getting better at BJJ.   Trap and Roll Soap Co - 

Interview: Mike Reilly show art Interview: Mike Reilly

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Mike Reilly, owner of Gen X Refined, is on the show to talk about his company and discuss martial arts training.   GenX Refined - Trap and Roll Soap - Big Jiujitsu Youtube -

Holiday Ideas show art Holiday Ideas

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy discuss things that you can get in order to help your grappling loved one.   Gen X Refined - Dark Arts Jiujitsu - Trap and Roll Soap Co -  

Interview: Austin Hansen show art Interview: Austin Hansen

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Judo 3rd Degree Black Belt Austin Hansen joins Rob and Randy on the show!

Season 2 show art Season 2

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy did the math, and it's been a year and a half since their last upload. What has happened since then? What the new episode and release format? Find out in this episode.

Bad Days show art Bad Days

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy had a rough week, they discuss how they deal with bad days and how to get in the right mind set to bounce back.

Pee Break show art Pee Break

The Big Jiujitsu Show

Rob and Randy get together, have a night of training and talk about pee breaks at the movies.

More Episodes

Aaron Parham, a Brazilian Jiujitsu pracitioner who teaches using the "Ecological Method" joins Rob and Randy to discuss his view points and teaching style.


Episodes found at BigJJShow.com