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251 - Psychic Medium June Lundgren on Demons and Archangels - Big Seance

Big Seance: My Paranormal World

Release Date: 05/10/2024

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Big Seance: My Paranormal World

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Join Patrick in a truly interesting conversation with author and psychic medium June Lundgren, who refers to herself as a demon seer whose specialty is getting rid of demons. Along with detailed descriptions of what she sees and how she works, June also covers archangels and tells stories of working with Zak Bagans and the Ghost Adventures crew! She is the author of the forthcoming book, Dark Encounters. Visit BigSeance.com/251 for more info.

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In this episode:

Intro :00

June Lundgren is a psychic, medium, demon seer, healer, animal communicator, international author, and nurse. She is descended from a long line of women with psychic and spiritual gifts. Raised by her grandmother, she communicated with spirits, animals, and angels. She is called a demon seer because she can see, hear, communicate, and has the ability to remove and destroy negative entities. She has been helping people with their paranormal problems and animal issues most of her life. Her first book, A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal, was released in 2009. Since then, she has written several more books, including the forthcoming Dark Encounters. She is the founder of Ghosts and Girls Paranormal. June has appeared on Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures, Coast-to-Coast AM, Midnight in the Desert, and The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, to name a few. She served in the military where she trained as a nurse and EMT. After returning from the military she has continued to work in the medical field as a nurse. You can learn more about June by visiting demonseer.com. :49

What is a demon seer? 3:35

Patrick admits his skepticism. “Most people don’t go out of their way to read about or discuss or even think about negative entities until either they meet someone who has an issue, or they have one themselves. Then it’s a whole different situation. I run into that quite a lot.” 5:07

After an accident, June had a near death experience where Michael the Archangel explained to her that her soul belongs to Auriel the Archangel, the demon slayer. 7:03

Detailed descriptions of demons, archangels, and the battles between them. 11:12

“Look for the eyes.” 13:49

On the topic of ghosts, June says she laughs when she watches the show the Ghost Whisperer, because that character conveniently sees one ghost at a time. “I basically draw a crowd.” 17:55

June also does her work through photographs. 19:22

Weekly meetings with the Legion of Light. 20:25

More on Auriel the Archangel, plus one of the only other archangels living in physical form now. 21:32

June has never run into a situation or a problem that was too big for her to handle. 24:57

June’s experiences with Zak Bagans and the crew of Ghost Adventures. 26:05

Patrick retells the story of investigating with Amy Bruni and Adam Berry and having the footage from 3 different video tapes mysteriously erase themselves. 29:27

More on June’s experiences with the Ghost Adventures crew and a conversation she had with Zak regarding an investigation and his provoking a particular entity. “This demon has a message for you and you'd better listen, because this is an old demon, and they don’t do messages. You’re lucky. Usually they just strike and you’re screwed. So you'd better listen to what he has to say.” 30:32

A Ghost Adventures producer to June: “Don’t take the demon out until after we’ve done our investigation.” 33:05

In 2018, June says she cleaned out Zak Bagans’ famous museum of demons. 33:48

Being a demon seer and a nurse at the same time. 35:34

June’s perspective of what life is like on the Other Side. 36:35

Hell 38:45

Final thoughts from June and more on her forthcoming book, Dark Encounters. 40:31

Ghosts and Girls Paranormal, June’s paranormal team. 43:38

Outro 45:15

A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 46:35


For more on June Lundgren




June on Facebook

Instagram: @junelundgren

June's book on Amazon




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