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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Gentle Soul

Release Date: 06/09/2019

TIIMSA intro podcast Eating the Elephant show art TIIMSA intro podcast Eating the Elephant

A Gentle Soul

How do you eat an elephant? There has to be a better answer than one bite at a time. There is. If your elephant is a major life change, or if your church is going through transition, listen to this podcast. If you want to know about clergy persons who are trained to handle big problems, see   This is the first TIIMSA episode of "The Church Transition Podcast" TIIMSA stands for Transitional Intentional Interim Ministry Specialists Association. To get on our email list contact Keith Head: [email protected]

A Nation on the Edge show art A Nation on the Edge

A Gentle Soul

Amos is an important prophet in the Old Testament. Why? Because he speaks a timeless message about social justice. If social justice bothers you, then take a pair of scissors and chop out of the Bible the parts that you don’t like. This week's Gentle Soul deals with Amos 8:1-12 and wonders if we, like ancient Israel, aren't a nation on the edge.

Bring the Peace show art Bring the Peace

A Gentle Soul

Jesus is always busy doing good, but he’s never in a hurry. Obstacles are placed in his way, but he remains calm. He also remains compassionate. The 8th chapter of Luke describes a really stress-packed week for Jesus. Yet Jesus isn't stressed. Full text available at: 

Therefor Grace show art Therefor Grace

A Gentle Soul

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, the 5thchapter, he says that our sufferings and failures prove that God loves us and is committed to giving us a meaningful life here and an endless eternity with him in heaven.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished show art No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Gentle Soul

Sometimes we get busy doing our own thing and forget about social justice or meeting the needs of those on the margin of our society. Today's scripture from the middle of the 16th chapter finds the Apostle Paul in a moral dilemma. His goal is to tell people about Jesus. But, the needs of a slave girl get in the way of his mission. He has to stop and help her. Of course, that ends him in prison. Are you willing to stop what you are doing to help someone in need? Of course, in Bible time, just as today, no good deed goes unpunished. For the text and show notes, go to

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Sometimes we get busy doing our own thing and forget about social justice or meeting the needs of those on the margin of our society. Today's scripture from the middle of the 16th chapter finds the Apostle Paul in a moral dilemma. His goal is to tell people about Jesus. But, the needs of a slave girl get in the way of his mission. He has to stop and help her. Of course, that ends him in prison.

Are you willing to stop what you are doing to help someone in need? Of course, in Bible time, just as today, no good deed goes unpunished.

For the text and show notes, go to www.billkemp.info