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Born in the Eighties 508: Lego Jesus

Born in the Eighties

Release Date: 06/16/2024

Born in the Eighties 508: Lego Jesus show art Born in the Eighties 508: Lego Jesus

Born in the Eighties

He was born in Bricklehem, and destined to die for our plastic sins.  Drink some Skittles cocktail and get turnt in his memory!  Rasputin has definitely never seen a Zebra before, and would also hate human-ticketmaster people scalping pretty much anything you want to buy.

Born in the Eighties 507: The Prodigal Hamm Returns show art Born in the Eighties 507: The Prodigal Hamm Returns

Born in the Eighties

Well well well... look who decided to come back?  Someone who has a potato for a microphone, but we love him anyhow.  Topics range from animated faves, to Xanga blog raves.    Episode cover art adapted from Photo by Fidel Hajj:

Born in the Eighties 506: High School Esports show art Born in the Eighties 506: High School Esports

Born in the Eighties

Yeah, I was on the Varsity DOTA2 squad.  Check out my letterman jacket.  Man, I would have been so into esports in High School.   Instead I was likely saying very ignorant things while playing CS 1.6, Team Fortress and Tribes.  Well, it was a different time after all.   Episode Title Art adapted from: Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-light-man-people-7047302/

Born in the Eighties 505: Jon's Tooth Talez show art Born in the Eighties 505: Jon's Tooth Talez

Born in the Eighties

If you are gonna record a podcast, you better hit record first.  Anyhoo, after Jon's recording kerfuffle, we talk of dental procedures, malls of our childhood, Chinese Pepsi flavors, what streaming services we actually have and what is actually on them right now, and we time travel back to 2005 in Jon's Xanga blog.   Episode title art adapted from cottonbro studio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-latex-gloves-holding-plastic-jaw-6528782/

Born in the Eighties 504: Jon Posted Cringe show art Born in the Eighties 504: Jon Posted Cringe

Born in the Eighties

Whoa. Cringe dude.  Just keep on keepin on my friend, and don't think about the super embarassing blogs you used to read, and the super personal stuff you used to post about. 2005 was a different time man...

Born in the Eighties 503: The Honorable Professor show art Born in the Eighties 503: The Honorable Professor

Born in the Eighties

Did you follow our trading signal?  This is totally legal!  Don’t worry about it, stop trying to look up where our profile pictures came from.  Our totally real app on the appstore will make rich!!! Maybe you fell for stupid scams on your Kollege Khronicles, but you are smarter than that now! Episode title art Photo by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lecture-at-the-university-8197534/

Born in the Eighties 502: Physical Media show art Born in the Eighties 502: Physical Media

Born in the Eighties

Let's get physical... physical, I wanna get physical physical.... media. Episode Image by Jorge Fakhouri Filho: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-leaning-on-compact-disc-cases-2531131/

Born in the Eighties 501: Zillow Fallout Shelter show art Born in the Eighties 501: Zillow Fallout Shelter

Born in the Eighties

Looking for a place to live for a LOOOOOOOONG time?  Zillow has you covered.  Also, are milk pranks O.K.?  One lactose intolerant person says YES!

Born in the Eighties 500: Upsettingly Straight show art Born in the Eighties 500: Upsettingly Straight

Born in the Eighties

Buckle up folks, we got a long one.  5 hundo eps.  Crazy.  We bring back a blast from the past, our friend, Mercury Stardust.  She regales us with tales of her book tour and crazy tiktok life.  Quizbot grills mercury with the hard hitting questions, and we all wonder if Jon will accidentally deadname his guest? Tune in to find out!  Thanks so much for listening for 500 episodes, here is to 500 more!   Cover art Photo by Dids .: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-solving-distance-of-points-2714073/

Born in the Eighties 499: Indappendix Day show art Born in the Eighties 499: Indappendix Day

Born in the Eighties

TJ has some stories from the hospital about how he lost a bit of weight... surgically.  We also talk about how Trucks are dumb, and try to out-interrupt eachother in a game of Um... Actually.

More Episodes

He was born in Bricklehem, and destined to die for our plastic sins.  Drink some Skittles cocktail and get turnt in his memory!  Rasputin has definitely never seen a Zebra before, and would also hate human-ticketmaster people scalping pretty much anything you want to buy.