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Filler Ep. 2 / TV AND MOVIES - Bite This Humans

Bite This Onions

Release Date: 01/26/2019

Ep. 22 / AGOT - The Sleepiest Episode Yet show art Ep. 22 / AGOT - The Sleepiest Episode Yet

Bite This Onions

Hey SJWs! Sorry for the wait! We went long, baby! Thank you to our Patrons who we shout out at the end because we forgot it's our first episode of the month! We love you!!! Happy Valentine's to all of our listeners who we love dearly! Come say hi in our and send asks! Check out our , too!

Filler Ep. 2 / TV AND MOVIES - Bite This Humans show art Filler Ep. 2 / TV AND MOVIES - Bite This Humans

Bite This Onions

Sorry guys we kind of just talk about cannibalism for a long time. ASOIAF will return next week!

Ep. 21 / AGOT - A Song of Ice and Fyre Fest show art Ep. 21 / AGOT - A Song of Ice and Fyre Fest

Bite This Onions

Hey guys! So sorry it's been a while! It's 2:30am so I'm going to cut to the chase! We cover Jon 8 and Dany 6! We get off topic a lot! ASOIAF is a metaphor for the Trump Administration.  We have a !! It'd be cool if you were able to shoot us a couple of dollars for a shoutout! We're broke! Also, join our  !!! Bye!! Enjoy!!  

Ep. 20 / AGOT - A Thanos Baratheon Christmas show art Ep. 20 / AGOT - A Thanos Baratheon Christmas

Bite This Onions

Happy holidays to our lovely Freys (that's you and also us) and welcome to the BTO holiday special, which is just a regular episode but I added fireplace ambiance and a yaoi Christmas song for the intro. This episode features Nico or on Tumblr!! Today we covered Sansa 5 to Catelyn 9, but I'm pretty sure we spent 30 minutes talking about Walder Frey having sex.    Anyways, we have a Patreon and a Discord!! Please join our Discord and consider giving us your sweet hard-earned cash. Thanks!

Ep. 19 / AGOT - Schlob On Me Knob show art Ep. 19 / AGOT - Schlob On Me Knob

Bite This Onions

La di da di da, Robb on me knob, pass me some ale, fuck me in the cart, la dit da dit da, stranger fuck the law, chitty chitty bang, slaughter everythang. welcome to episode 19, the episode where we discuss African diaspora a little bit before actually getting into AGOT! Today we discussed Dany 5 to Cat 8, and we LOVE ROBB! We also LOVE OUR PATRONS, so if you want to support us, the link is below!!  

Ep. 18 / AGOT - The Fartstarks show art Ep. 18 / AGOT - The Fartstarks

Bite This Onions

Good morning nothern bad boys, it's been a while, and because of that, Max and I absolutely could not stop getting off topic! Hope none of you mind. Anyways, today we covered Jon 7 and Bran 6 and also George HW Bush died live on the podcast!! What!!! Tune in for 0 laughs and a biiiig headache. #ArabsDeserveDorne #EssosIsAsia Give to our and also join our server!

Ep. 17 / AGOT - Game of Thrones (2011) Sucks So Bad show art Ep. 17 / AGOT - Game of Thrones (2011) Sucks So Bad

Bite This Onions

Hey Solid Starks and welcome to some GOOD A Song of Ice and Fire. I don't have much to say but thank you, George for making these books so good and sexy. Today we read Arya 4 and Sansa 4! I'm too lazy to put the links here but check out our Discord and think about becoming Patreon patrons! There are benefits, you know ;)

Ep. 16 / AGOT - Madea's Diaries of a Mad King show art Ep. 16 / AGOT - Madea's Diaries of a Mad King

Bite This Onions

Hellurrr listenurrrrs. This is Tyler Perry letting you about this week's Bite This Onions! This week, we're covered Ned 13 to Ned 14 and it's SPICY. I mean RED HOT. Anyone else feeling red hot this week? Anyways, thank you to our BEAUTIFUL PATRONS for allowing us to supply you with content that is consistent 40% of the time!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!! Anyways, consider becoming , join our , and SEND ASKS to bitethisonionspodcast on Tumblr!!!!  

Ep. 15 / AGOT - Gunner Lannister show art Ep. 15 / AGOT - Gunner Lannister

Bite This Onions

Hey Nedlets, welcome to episode 15, a short as hell episode! We've been pushing it with the episode lengths, and because of that we have limited space to work with for the rest of October. Sorry about that! Anyway, this episode covers Ned XII and Dany IV. Can y'all believe we're like 2/3 of the way through the book? We can. Anyways, support us! Libsyn is... expensive. And we're in college. 

Filler Ep. 1 / VIDEO GAMES - Bite This Maester Raven show art Filler Ep. 1 / VIDEO GAMES - Bite This Maester Raven

Bite This Onions

Hey dragons! Ready to hear us talk about video games? Welcome to our first short filler episode!!! We hope you like it - also, thank you so much for sending asks! We love you!!!! We have a Patreon.... and a Discord... :P Hit that donate and hit that JOIN baby!!!

More Episodes

Sorry guys we kind of just talk about cannibalism for a long time. ASOIAF will return next week!