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The Bizcuits and Gravy Show, Episode:25, Play another Slow Jam.

Bizcuits & Gravy

Release Date: 09/09/2019

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show, Episode:25, Play another Slow Jam.  show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show, Episode:25, Play another Slow Jam.

Bizcuits & Gravy

We have lost our roots. Love songs were not about sex, they were about so much more. Love songs taught you how to be romantic, how to build more than just lustful eyes for your counterpart. Let's look at what love songs have taught us. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show, Episode:24, Let's take a trip down memory lane. show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show, Episode:24, Let's take a trip down memory lane.

Bizcuits & Gravy

We've been off for 3 weeks, but today we are back with one of our most free welding, hysterically entertaining episodes. We talk about new fads, and trends, and old school 90's South Florida culture. I'm talking VSCO girls, the electric slide, box chevy's, freaknik, and even BET uncut. This is a must listen, tell us what you remember about the 90's. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show Episode:23, Ain't nobody workin out my Ol' Lady show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show Episode:23, Ain't nobody workin out my Ol' Lady

Bizcuits & Gravy

Would you let your significant other go to a gym, and be trained by a personal trainer? Today we speak on the crazy things that we both have seen while in the gym, and some of the warning signs of an inappropriate workout regiment. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show Episode:22, Just trying to minimize this get back show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show Episode:22, Just trying to minimize this get back

Bizcuits & Gravy

Lyn is back! On this episode, we organically got into an alternative topic. We love letting things flow. We end up discussing many things, a few being, reaping and sowing, how busy we are, rest, and how that Tank song was right. Check us out, we know you will love it. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:21, 21 Questions with Jada Davis show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:21, 21 Questions with Jada Davis

Bizcuits & Gravy

Today for our 21st episode I get the pleasure of playing 21 questions with one of my favorite people in the world, Jada Davis. Not many people get to share the air with their daughter, especially at the ripe old age of 11 years old. Now she gets to go into middle school with a cool summer story to tell. I am Blesses. Lyn will be back next week. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:20, Sistas' Beware!! show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:20, Sistas' Beware!!

Bizcuits & Gravy

We are breaking all the rules! We don’t know why but we are. Ladies listen up today we want to expose many Of the telltale signs of when a man is up to no good in comparison to if he has a genuine interest in you and a relationship. A large part of the problem is that you talk too damn much.

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:19, Put 12 and some respect on my name! show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:19, Put 12 and some respect on my name!

Bizcuits & Gravy

We look back on the men we were just 12 short years ago. We cycle through all that has changed. We try to set the scene as though you're watching a movie. My oh, my how so much has changed. This is a homework assignment for the masses. Who were you 12 years ago? Why 12? We have no idea, but it works. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show  E:18, Allow me to re-introduce myself my name is ...Dad.  show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:18, Allow me to re-introduce myself my name is ...Dad.

Bizcuits & Gravy

It is finally here, it is our day, our time is now. Fatherday is a very special day to us here on The Bizcuits & Gravy Show, because it's an opportunity that we are thankful for every single day of our lives. So we celebrate ourselves, and all the fathers of the world. Joined today by Chase's little brother Miles Davis. 

The Bizcuits and Gravy Show  E:17 - Adoration...Yes!! We Adore you.  show art The Bizcuits and Gravy Show E:17 - Adoration...Yes!! We Adore you.

Bizcuits & Gravy

A giving spirit is one that often goes without recognition. There are several people that dedicate their entire lives solely to giving, and it is an amazing thing. We take time out to explore the art, the benefits, and the purpose of giving. 

The Bizcuits & Gravy Show E:16, Man I needed that Whoopin'! show art The Bizcuits & Gravy Show E:16, Man I needed that Whoopin'!

Bizcuits & Gravy

That butt-whoopin' was good for me. We were raised by old school folks that would put it on you if you got out of line. We're talking about the folks from the "I don't play wit kids" era. Check us out to see how a good butt-whoopin' saved so many lives within our circles.

More Episodes

We have lost our roots. Love songs were not about sex, they were about so much more. Love songs taught you how to be romantic, how to build more than just lustful eyes for your counterpart. Let's look at what love songs have taught us.