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Poetry Workshop Columbus Ohio

Black Canon

Release Date: 10/01/2022

Suheir Hammad Part 2 show art Suheir Hammad Part 2

Black Canon

Suheir Hammad is an American poet and essayist born in Palestine and raised in Brooklyn. She is the author of " Born Palestinian, Born Black" and " Drop of this Story" , collections of poems published in 1996. Heavily influence by the hip hop scene, she appears on the HBO show Def Jam Poetry in 2001 after the September 11 attacks on the Twins Towers.

Hanif Abdurraqib show art Hanif Abdurraqib

Black Canon

Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, essayist, and cultural critic from Columbus Ohio. He is also the recipient of the McArthur Foundation " Genius" grant. His new book " There is always this year...about basketball and ascension is out now.

Yessoh GD show art Yessoh GD

Black Canon

Yessoh GD was born in Ivory Coast in West Africa. He studied Telecommunications in Morocco and also lived in India for 6 years , where he said he started writing this book, his first published work of fiction, TALE ...Book 1 Knowledge.

Hari Ziyad show art Hari Ziyad

Black Canon

Hari Ziyad show art Hari Ziyad

Black Canon

Hari Ziyad is an author whose debut novel , Black Boy Out of Time, a story of growing up black and queer in Cleveland Ohio was recognized amongst the best LGBTQ books in 2021.

Akbar Hussain show art Akbar Hussain

Black Canon

Akbar Hussain is a lawyer and co founder of a successful start up. He lived in Nairobi for 7 years and currently resides in New York City. He was born in India and grew up in Switzterland. Truth is A flightless Bird is his first novel.

Fisk University Poetry Event show art Fisk University Poetry Event

Black Canon

Poetry by the fire pit is a poetry event organised by students at Fisk Universty, an HBCU in the heart of Nashville in Tennesse.

Poetry Workshop Part 2 show art Poetry Workshop Part 2

Black Canon

this is our 2nd part of the coverage of the poetry workshop organized by Peter Khan which took place at the Columbus Metropolitan Library.

Poetry Workshop Columbus Ohio show art Poetry Workshop Columbus Ohio

Black Canon

Poetry event organized by Peter Kahn brought together young writers, Dennison University students, mentor by Barbara Fant(poet), Hanif Abubakarik (poet and novelist) and Malika Brooker(poet fron the UK) for a night of spoken words and poetry.

black canon munashe kaseke part 2 show art black canon munashe kaseke part 2

Black Canon

We are continuing our conversation with Munashe Kaseke, author of the collection of stories " Send Her Back " which was published July 25 2022 by Mukana Press. She was born and raised in Harare Zimbabwe and immigrated to the United States at age 19 . 

More Episodes

Poetry event organized by Peter Kahn brought together young writers, Dennison University students, mentor by Barbara Fant(poet), Hanif Abubakarik (poet and novelist) and Malika Brooker(poet fron the UK) for a night of spoken words and poetry.