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What Took So Long?

Black Mama, White Mama

Release Date: 06/20/2020

None Of This Is OK show art None Of This Is OK

Black Mama, White Mama

So much has transpired in the last year, but has anything really changed? We reflect on a year of tragic anniversaries, check in on how schools are discussing (or not) what's happening around us, and are left wondering -- aren't we right back where we began?

Your Search Results Are Racist show art Your Search Results Are Racist

Black Mama, White Mama

The search engines and apps we use every day are not neutral - they have encoded biases that can reinforce racist stereotypes. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble, who wrote the book (literally) on search engine bias. We discuss how search engines can perpetuate racism, what we can do to create a more just internet, and why you should never take one of those "Which Disney Princess Are You?" quizzes. 

What Took So Long? show art What Took So Long?

Black Mama, White Mama

We try to make sense of why white people are seemingly just "waking" up to racism. And how we move forward from here. 

What We Got Right... and Wrong show art What We Got Right... and Wrong

Black Mama, White Mama

It's been a year since we launched our first episode. We reflect on our parenting wins, where we've fallen short, and what happens when your school ups the ante on anti-racist discourse.

What Are You? show art What Are You?

Black Mama, White Mama

Have you ever asked this question? Have you ever been asked this question? The multiracial population is the fastest growing demographic in the U.S. Monika and Jennifer talk about our cultural fascination with -- and stereotypes about -- multiracial people. In what ways do we "other" them? Where do they fit in? Fellow mom Kira Onodera joins the show to share her experiences growing up biracial and how that shaped how she's raising her multiracial kids. Jennifer and Monika also ask the question -- how do you pass along a strong and positive racial identity, but not fear, in the age of Trump....

'White Silence is Deadly' show art 'White Silence is Deadly'

Black Mama, White Mama

Many white parents have no idea how to talk with their kids about race, so they avoid the topic entirely. But as author and professor Jennifer Harvey, PhD., points out, “White silence is deadly.” This week, we speak with Dr. Harvey about her brilliant book 'Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America.' We discuss why teaching kids to be colorblind doesn’t work, how to desegregate your life, and strategies for raising kids to be allies against racism.

Coded Language show art Coded Language

Black Mama, White Mama

Diversity, tolerance, politically correct... Jennifer and Monika decode some common and seemingly innocuous words and phrases that, in reality, send racist messages.

Befriend Discomfort show art Befriend Discomfort

Black Mama, White Mama

When Jennifer attempted to talk to her kids about Martin Luther King, Jr., she tripped over her words. How do we talk to children about tough topics in a meaningful way? And how should we discuss historical events without repeating racist narratives? She and Monika "befriend discomfort" to try to figure that out.

Motherhood and Race show art Motherhood and Race

Black Mama, White Mama

Welcome to Black Mama, White Mama. Two friends -- Jennifer (black mama) and Monika (white mama) --talk about how they met, why they decided to make a podcast about race and parenting, and how they're talking to their own kids about race.

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