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One More Time – Heaven’s Urgent Message – BFL 212

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Release Date: 08/15/2017

Touched by Heaven – Everyday Encounters with God show art Touched by Heaven – Everyday Encounters with God

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

We are so excited to announce our brand new podcast, Touched by Heaven – Everyday Encounters with God. Click play to find out what it is all about.

Sheila’s Eyes show art Sheila’s Eyes

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Miracle Moment

Our Angel in Heaven – Ryan Housholder – BFL 213 show art Our Angel in Heaven – Ryan Housholder – BFL 213

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

‘Church’ Is More than One Hour show art ‘Church’ Is More than One Hour

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Issam Insights with Dr. Issam Nemeh

“This Incredible Light Filled My Body” show art “This Incredible Light Filled My Body”

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Miracle Moment

One More Time – Heaven’s Urgent Message – BFL 212 show art One More Time – Heaven’s Urgent Message – BFL 212

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

If I told you once, I’ve told you 20 times… But sometimes it’s the 20th time that we hear something, that everything clicks. This might just be that time. Dr. Issam Nemeh and Philip Keller team up so that no one has a question left in their head about these critical issues, or the times in which we live…

2 Billion Christians – Ready or Not? show art 2 Billion Christians – Ready or Not?

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Issam Insights with Dr. Issam Nemeh

What Is God’s Will? show art What Is God’s Will?

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

“You must completely surrender to the will of God.” – Dr. Issam Nemeh

The Innocent Jesus – BFL 211 show art The Innocent Jesus – BFL 211

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

‘Through human history, the only innocence is within the innocent one… Christ.’  – Dr. Issam Nemeh

Holy Spirit vs. Written Word show art Holy Spirit vs. Written Word

BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles.

Issam Insights with Dr. Issam Nemeh

More Episodes

If I told you once, I’ve told you 20 times… But sometimes it’s the 20th time that we hear something, that everything clicks. This might just be that time. Dr. Issam Nemeh and Philip Keller team up so that no one has a question left in their head about these critical issues, or the times in which we live …

  • How to have the Holy Spirit within you
  • Following Christ, carrying our cross
  • The Big Event
  • The moment that the antichrist will arrive

Miracle Moment
Another cancer healing in the medical office of Dr. Issam Nemeh. No mass, no lesion, and no reaction to the chemo. Kelly Vettraino’s healing opened the door for a physical and spiritual healing for her husband, Mark. As happy as Mark was with the reversal of knee and foot issues, it was the healing of the mind (spiritual) that impressed Mark the most.

Keeping It Real with Kathy Nemeh
Exactly 14 years ago, in 2003, during the feast of The Assumption, a tree limb in Cleveland, Ohio, knocked down a power line that began a chain reaction of events leading to 21 power plants going down within three minutes. 50 million people were affected. The power was out from Cleveland to Detroit, eastward to New York City, and up into Canada.

However, at the very same time, God’s power was in full demonstration in Cancun, Mexico, with the Issam Nemeh family. Dr. Issam Nemeh was swimming from shore into rough waters with one purpose in mind. He had lost his glasses in the ocean and he was going back to find them.

The Hardest ‘Ask’
The most difficult thing that I do on the podcast is to ask for financial support. If you feel blessed by the podcast, I hope you will lend us a hand by going to Patreon to lend us your support. Thank you and God bless.