Bobblehead Dad Parenting
Take a close look at your child’s class picture. If there’s 25 cute, smiling faces in that group, about seven of those kids are being raised by single parents. Maybe more depending on where you live. ...
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Today’s show is sure to do two things: Make you laugh. And make you think about laughing! ...
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Here’s a show for all us parents who go bonkers with kids who fight, bicker, argue, and cause constant chaos within our family unit. ...
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This show will make you think about how you parent. ...
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wants you to have some fun with your kids. ...
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Fact: 1% of kids in our country save money....
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Author has something to share with you. He wants you to stop and think about the way you communicate with your kids. The way you teach them about the world and each other. Bottom line, he wants to remind you about the importance of raising kids who understand human connection - and empathy. ...
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Did you know that 160,000 kids skip school every day for fear of being a victim of bullying? Did you know that bullying has three players? And did you know that your child will likely play one of those three roles sometime in the course of their youth? ...
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Success in high school starts years earlier - so this is a show for parents with kids of all ages....
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Today we're talking with Jeff Bogle, dad of two daughters and one of the best writers ( out there. ...
info_outlineToday we're talking with Jeff Bogle, dad of two daughters and one of the best writers (Out With the Kids) out there.
In a recent story in Huffington Post celebrating Jeff's oldest daughter's 10th birthday, Jeff shared his sentiments about what it means to him to be a dad:
"We like to think of ourselves, us parents, as the sculptors, but really, it's our children who are molding us, accentuating our strengths and forcing us to reckon with our shortcomings. If we are open to the experience, we will become better people as we parent. This is exactly the gift my first daughter gave, and continues to give, to me..."
As a dad of a daughter myself, I invited Jeff stop by and get some "raising a daughter" talk going - so today we're covering a lot of ground:
- #BanBossy (and be sure to see Jeff's story on other words that merit banning!)
- Matt Walsh and his controversial position on "My Little Pony" - and boys.
- When and why to talk about "beauty" with daughters
- Why - according to research - dads of daughters feel less "Gender Stereotyping"
- A new trend, called "Purity Balls" (yup, it's about virginity)
- And much, much more supporting why we think daughters rock.
Stick around, you're going to like this show.
References from this Podcast:
Jeff Bogle's Website
Jeff's story in Huffington Post regarding his daughter turning 10
Jeff's Facebook Page
The book, William's Doll
Jim's story about his daughter - "Gasp!"
Jeff's thoughts on #BanBossy
Tiffany Reese's Response letter to Matt Walsh re: My Little Pny
The book, William's Doll
Good Men Project: "Rules for Dads Raising Daughters"
Story in about dads having a stronger decrease in Gender Sterotyping