Bold and Blunt
Everybody knows America's public school systems have fallen in ratings and standards these past years, and are failing to educate children in the ways they need to lead fruitful, prosperous lives. But it's not enough to be aware of the sad state of America's education systems. It's high time to do something about it. If we want an America that's led by people who understand the concept of American Exceptionalism, who recognize the roots of American Exceptionalism, and who know what it takes to win the war against American Exceptionalism -- and keep individual liberties intact for decades to...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
Did you hear President Donald Trump's inaugural speech? How about his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast? In both, Trump spoke openly, bluntly, boldly about the need for America to get back in the faith -- to reclaim the greatness of our country that comes from the Creator. And after four long years of having the previous administration push transgender rights, gay rights, and all things secular, all while hanging the rainbow flag from the White House -- having a president who actively and unabashedly embraces God is not only refreshing; it's a bright shiny ray of sunshine...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
Look around and watch as the savings grow: President Donald Trump's new administration is taking it seriously to save the U.S. taxpayer from waste and corruption. There's a cut coming to USAID. There are billions of dollars in cuts coming by way of Elon Musk's DOGE. There are cuts coming by way of the pause in federal grant funding. And it's all good for citizens who want a government of transparency and accountability. Bill Walton, whose widely skilled background hails from the worlds of business and finance and media and even movie-making -- he says Trump has come in and issued a sort of...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
If you want to see this nation's public education system returned to its days of glory -- when it really educated kids and taught them to critically think -- then it all starts with abolishing the federal stranglehold on K-12 public schools. Abolish the Department of Education and watch as the teachers' unions fall; watch as the Democrat Party's ability to shove radical and Marxist ideologies into the school systems fail; watch as America's next generation of leaders start emerging from schools with the truthful teachings of American Exceptionalism they need to keep this country on top of the...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
President Donald Trump's first few days in office have been filled with speedy, decisive actions and thankfully, giving the boot to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies has been a top priority. No more DEI in the federal government. No more DEI in the military. And the trickle-down effect is impacting businesses and schools and soon enough, there will be no more DEI in corporations and the education system. Marxists are crying. Americans are applauding. And people like Ryan Walters, superintendent of Oklahoma schools, who has been fighting DEI against Democrats for years -- can finally...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
It's the dawning of truth again in America, as President Donald Trump issued an executive order making clear there are only two sexes, male and female. And all the leftists go: No! The LGBTQ community that has so long, under Democrat coddling, pushed its extreme and radical and deceptive agenda into the public square is up in arms about this executive order. They know it's more than just a message. It's a complete policy reversal that's going to have a ripple effect into the states, into the school systems, and having an effect on everything from jail placements to passports. The chaos that's...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
In barely a blink of an eye after the inauguration, President Donald Trump was already moving to undo many of the damaging agendas brought forth by the previous Joe Biden team. MAGA is on the march. And for the next four years, expect more of the same. Jenna Ellis, who served as Trump's legal adviser during his first presidency, speaks to the next four years and what Americans can expect. And guess what? It's pretty much positive for the patriots of the nation. The media? The media may sell a different narrative, though. Be on guard for spin.
info_outlineBold and Blunt
There's a boom in the number of Muslims who are turning to Christ, and the reasons are varied but it all basically comes down to this: the truths of the Bible cannot be ignored. The spirit is on the move. And if Christians want to learn how best to engage with those of different faiths, particularly of Islam faith, then this is the show that teaches. Hedieh Mirahmadi Falco is a real warrior for Christ. But she wasn't always this way. She followed the Muslim faith for years and years until one day, she heard the voice of Christ and knew: she could not deny the promises of Christianity were...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
The new year in America sadly kicked off with terrorist attacks that left scores dead and injured. But more may be on the way. The warnings to America about the threats of radical Islamist terror have been on the walls for years now. It's just that too many political leaders, particularly in the Democratic Party, have failed to acknowledge them and act accordingly. Thankfully, Donald Trump is taking over the White House and bringing with him a team of officials who fully understand you can't fight terror with fancy talk and diplomacy and concessions. But that doesn't automatically erase the...
info_outlineBold and Blunt
The federal government, back in campaign season, put out word that violent crime in America was down -- and not just by a little, but by quite a bit. The government put out this word because that's what the FBI said to be true. So Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and all the Democrats and the leftist boot-lickers in the media went on a concerted journey to tell how Donald Trump was lying when he said crime in America was up, up, up, and also how lucky Americans were to have a president like Biden who actually lowered crime around the nation. Then the FBI's revised statistics came out and voila,...
info_outlineEverybody knows President Joe Biden failed to enforce border control. Everyone knows one of this administration's most dangerous policies for American citizens was the White House's utter refusal to keep illegals out of this country. But guess what: it's even worse than you imagined. The numbers of crimes committed by illegals are even higher than reported. John Lott has tracked the figures and analyzed the data and his findings are this: the costs to citizens from illegals are tremendous -- and it's not just financial, but personal safety that's the issue.