Both On Board
Your whole life you’ve been taught the importance of having goals. Financial goals, relationship goals, employment goals. But have you ever experienced the feeling of achieving your goals… only to find yourself with an empty feeling? Somehow, the accomplishment wasn’t as fulfilling as you expected it to be. In this episode, Ray and Christy discuss how to experience fulfillment before you achieve your goals, why you are preventing yourself from feeling joy, and a simple method for controlling your emotions when you are angry or stressed out. Show Highlights Include: The “relax and...
info_outlineBoth On Board
The current situation in the world seems as though it is causing stress and emotional difficulty for a lot of people. However, things may not be as simple as they appear. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by things going on around you, there is good news. You can control how you respond to stressful situations. In this episode, Ray and Christy discuss how you are preventing yourself from experiencing happiness, why challenging circumstances aren’t the cause of your emotional distress, and several little-known benefits of meditation. Show Highlights Include: Doing this is destroying any...
info_outlineBoth On Board
The current economic situation is turning the real estate market completely upside down. In case you don’t recognize it, we’ve never seen anything like this before. This is going to be very bad for a lot of people, but it doesn’t have to be bad for YOU. In this episode, Ray gives his best tips for adjusting your mindset to the current situation, what you should really be paying attention to in the news, and the absolute best real estate moves you can make right now. Show Highlights Include: The winner’s mindset you must have to make smart moves when the market is tanking (5:23) This...
info_outlineBoth On Board
It’s easy to get caught up in the bad news that seems to get worse and worse every day. So how can you stay a part of the world without letting the negativity drag you down? One way is to consider what the universe is trying to tell you through all this. In this episode, Ray and Christy are joined by Candice Rasa, and they discuss why all this bad news is actually a good sign, how to care for yourself during times of intense stress, and how to position yourself for huge success when we get through this difficult time. Show Highlights Include: Why world events that seem like disasters are...
info_outlineBoth On Board
What do you worry about most? Fear, stress, and material concerns affect many people. So how do you overcome these fears to lead a happier and more fulfilling life? One tool that can be extremely helpful is the Akashic Record. In this episode, Ray and Christy are joined by spiritual coach Candace Rossa, and they discuss how to grow in your spiritual life, the habits that are keeping you stuck where you are, and how to relate to those around you who are stuck in lower spiritual dimensions. Show Highlights Include: What the Akashic Record is and how it directly impacts your life (2:27) The...
info_outlineBoth On Board
In light of widespread panic over recent events, many people are looking for answers on how to deal with difficult times. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can bring light to the world in a dark time, and they begin with shifting your mindset on what reality truly is. In this episode, Ray and Dr Kirby Hotchner discuss the importance of vision, why forgiveness is essential, and spiritual practices to help calm and refocus your mind. Show Highlights Include: The life-changing difference between vision and sight (1:32) Why everything you’ve been taught about loss and gain is a lie...
info_outlineBoth On Board
It is easy to get wrapped up in the emotions of other people when it seems as though the entire world has descended into panic and chaos. But it doesn’t have to be that way. What should you do when everyone around you has given in to fear? In this episode, Ray and Dr. Kirby Hotchner discuss the best way to gain perspective in times of panic, individual practices that can help center you, and how to come out of difficult times stronger and more balanced. Show Highlights Include: This is the #1 skill to develop for a happy and fulfilled life (2:44) The surprising source of all the fear in the...
info_outlineBoth On Board
If you’ve ever experienced a lack of money, or recognized that your relationship with money was always based in fear or lack, listen up. Whether you realize it or not, your internal thoughts and feelings about money can affect external wealth. In this episode, Ray and Christy discuss why money along can’t make you happy, how to increase your internal feeling of abundance, and how to crush your limiting beliefs to experience your own wealth breakthrough. Show Highlights Include: Why chasing money ultimately leaves you wealthy but unfulfilled (7:27) This uncommon definition will help...
info_outlineBoth On Board
How do you define prosperity? Many of us have related prosperity directly to money, and how much of it we have (or don’t have). But when you get right down to it, there’s more to living a prosperous life than money. In this episode, Ray and Christy discuss the real meaning of prosperity, and how you can lead a prosperous life regardless of your financial situation. Plus you'll see how to focus your mind and spirit on financial success Show Highlights Include: Why money is not the root of prosperity and what you should be focusing on instead (6:28) How the current use of the word...
info_outlineBoth On Board
It seems that the whole world is in a state of panic. Right now it’s over the Corona Virus, but this isn’t the first time something like this has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last. It’s so easy to get swept up in the storm of negative news reports, doom and gloom social media posts, and the panic of empty store shelves. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode, Ray and Christy discuss how to center yourself and keep the proper perspective when it seems that the rest of the world is losing its mind. Show Highlights Include: This is the secret to...
info_outlineIt’s important to support your partner through everything, especially when life brings unexpected (or expected) change. Are you walking separate paths towards the same goal? Or is a new business endeavor stealing more of your time then you’d hoped? Whatever the circumstances, are you there for each other? Change can be both wonderful and terrifying. In this episode of Both on Board, we talk about navigating change together.
Highlights From Our Conversation
- [0:45] How to support your partner
- [4:30] Give yourself flexibility
- [8:45] Change can lead to opportunity
- [13:50] Desire drives impact
- [20:45] What am I willing to give up?
- [25:30] Leverage your unique abilities
- [28:30] Invest in relationships
- [34:45] What doors are being opened?
- [36:25] What are your strengths?
- [40:55] Face your fears
- [43:30] align with the “5 F’s”
Navigating change requires flexibility and grace
When Ray and I stopped wholesaling and flipping houses and dove into the loan business, it was a whirlwind of change. We were navigating something completely foreign and it took some time to adjust. Now, Ray is working on a deal that would involve acquiring a large multi-family property in Buckhead.
It’s taken significantly more time than we ever thought it would.
It’s new, exciting, and terrifying. We’ve had to practice giving ourselves grace. Ray is traveling and speaking to investors to raise capital. But we’ve taken the time to be proactive and prepare for this new season. After all, being an entrepreneur requires embracing changes and ups and downs. We know that this is happening—we chose it and we are going to navigate it.
Support your partner to reach your shared vision
In this podcast, we’re always talking about our belief that life comes in seasons and that one prepares you for the next. We had a slow summer of self-care and focusing on our family. As we are ramping up into fall we are reminded that the season prepared us for the chaos that is coming. We know that with a willingness to leap into the unknown there will be growth. But there is one thing that we always consider when facing change:
Is it in alignment with our vision for our future?
You must compare proposed change against the framework you’ve created for yourself. If our desire for expansion aligns with our combined vision, we take the challenge head-on. You may have to give up some things that are no longer essential. Are the opportunities presented to you worth what you’ll need to give up? Only you get to decide.
Is the change we are embracing scary? Of course. But we have each other to lean on for support.
What are your unique abilities and strengths?
Ray is 100% in his element when he’s networking and speaking. He understands risk and investments and knows exactly how to explain that to investors. I know what his unique abilities are and know that he’s doing what he’s meant to be doing in this season. I’ve been privileged to see him living a passion of his firsthand as he’s supporting me in mine.
Flow and alignment using your own unique abilities and talents creates magic.
You need to figure out what you’re great at and pivot as you go through life. My comfort zone has always been more of a supporting role but I’m growing and branching out. I started with a speaking opportunity and will continue to develop and grow my unique abilities.
Where do you place value?
Every event we attend allows us to forge relationships that could last a lifetime. Some relationships are seasonal. But we desire to build friendships with people that we can pour into as they invest in us. Always remember—what doors are opening as you branch out and step into the unknown?
Are you vibrating at a frequency that attracts people on the same level as you are higher?
Are you investing in your personal growth?
Are you remembering to place your health and family first?
We share personal stories and so much more about support in this episode. Be sure to listen to the whole thing!
Resources & People Mentioned
- Way of Mastery by the Shanti Christo Foundation
- Tim Bratz
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
Connect With Ramon and Christy
- Both On Board on Instagram: @BothOnBoard
- Ray’s Instagram - @OfficialRamonGonzalez
- Christy’s Instagram - @ChristyRisco
- Facebook - Ramon Gonzalez
- Facebook - Christy Risco
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