Accept Responsibility for Your Actions to Change Your Life, Ep #032
Release Date: 11/28/2019
Both On Board
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info_outlineWhen you learn to accept responsibility for your actions it can be life-changing. We believe it’s important to cultivate an awareness of how you’re acting and reacting. All aspects of decision-making are in your control. Even how you react to situations out of your control is up to you. Are you ready to start owning everything you do? Listen to this episode of Both on Board as we dissect the way we think about our actions.
Highlights From Our Conversation
- [0:50] You’re responsible for everything in your life
- [4:15] The power of responsibility
- [9:25] Confront, acknowledge, and change your outlook
- [13:45] What happens when you operate out of fear
- [15:35] The importance of integrity
- [21:50] Everyone needs accountability
You are perfectly free at all times: everything is your choice
You get to assign meaning to everything that happens to you and through you. You need to take full responsibility for how you show up in your life. It’s so easy to say, but much harder to do. Did you spend a ton of money at Target? Are you looking at your credit card bill in disbelief?
Own the decision you made, pay your bill, and think about what you could have done differently next time.
What are you bringing to life with your thoughts? Are they bringing you life, or making you feel imprisoned? If you bring awareness to the moments and decisions that you’re making, you can change your perception—and maybe even change your reality.
Every situation is neutral and only you assign meaning
Every situation that happens to you or for you is neutral. They are just events in time that happen—you get to choose what they mean. You get to decide what emotion to assign to the situation. Are you going to look at it in an empowering way? My mood or perception of the event is how I label it.
What emotion are you choosing to live in?
Negativity attracts negativity. What if we chose to live in abundance versus lack? Can you look at what appears to be a negative situation and believe you can figure it out? When we choose to confront the negative emotions and acknowledge how we feel we can make better decisions. When you assign meaning, you take back the power and can stop playing the victim.
The importance of integrity
We believe that if you say you’re going to do something, that you should do it. If you make a mistake and aren’t true to your word, take responsibility and rectify your mistake. Ray recently had the opportunity to have a conversation with someone he cared about who wasn’t holding up to what they said they’d do.
The conversation was transformational because he came from a place of love and respect, while also communicating that the actions weren’t okay. Make sure you’re coming from a place of love and not judgment. When coming at it in that way, you can have deep conversations create a bond and closeness.
If the tables were flipped, and someone confronted you, how would you respond? Would you take responsibility for your actions and embody integrity?
When you accept responsibility it gives you power
Ray and I are at the tail end of closing a deal on some rental property in Atlanta. I allowed myself to be completely stressed about the deal because I felt like I was in the dark. I let anxiety creep in, and because of it, I couldn’t sleep. I assigned meaning to the situation that didn’t exist and created unnecessary anxiety.
Ray confronted me about the situation and I had to take a step back and evaluate.
When I accepted responsibility for how I assigned meaning to the situation, it was a weight off my shoulders. I didn’t have to be in that state of mind.Taking responsibility allows you to diffuse whatever situation you’re in and gives you back your power.
How are you showing up in your life? Are you accepting responsibility for every action and response?
Resources & People Mentioned
- The Way of Mastery by the Shanti Christo Foundation
Connect With Ramon and Christy
- Schedule a meeting with us now!
- Both On Board on Instagram: @BothOnBoard
- Ray’s Instagram - @OfficialRamonGonzalez
- Christy’s Instagram - @ChristyRisco
- Facebook - Ramon Gonzalez
- Facebook - Christy Risco
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