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#97: Iceland, Man flu & How dudes should stay out of pre-natal yoga

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

Release Date: 01/23/2018

#115: Dancing with the Stars, the physics of male urination, and the advantages of dresses show art #115: Dancing with the Stars, the physics of male urination, and the advantages of dresses

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this week's episode of Boy vs. Girl, Matthew Dicks and Rachel Leventhal Weiner discuss the sexualized moves of young dances on Dancing with the Stars Junior, the implications of male urination in the world of physics, and they answer a question about why men don't wear dresses. 

#114: Women are sexist, field hockey is sexist, and Lean Cuisine is sexist show art #114: Women are sexist, field hockey is sexist, and Lean Cuisine is sexist

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this episode of Boy vs. Girl, hosts Matt and Rachel discuss women preferring women in politics, men choosing to play field hockey, and they answer a listener question about why Lean Cuisine is ignoring men.

#113: Men smile at me, a minipod show art #113: Men smile at me, a minipod

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

In #113, Rachel thinks out loud about the interactions between people and specifically the little gestures that happen every day. There's a call for "beach body" stories and thoughts and as ever, we appreciate your reviews and ratings--it helps other people find Boy vs. Girl. Send us feedback about the show: Send us mystery questions: Follow us on Twitter: @boyvgirlpodcast, @rglweiner @matthewdicks Thanks for listening!

#112: Doing the dishes, the Phluid Project & Interview attire show art #112: Doing the dishes, the Phluid Project & Interview attire

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

In #112, we return with a conversation that ranges from household chores to gender neutral clothing to interview attire. Matt and Rachel wonder whether dishes are wrecking their marriages (Matt says no, Rachel says also no but Matt wonders whether that's true) and in our mystery segment, we learn Matt may not have a current resume. As ever, we love to hear from you! Leave a review or a rating in Apple Podcasts or send us feedback ().

#111: Why is this gendered? show art #111: Why is this gendered?

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this week's episode of Boy vs. Girl, Matt questions why three specific things in the world remain gendered and invites listeners to be on the lookout for similarly gendered things. 

#110: Lady wars,  feminist tee shirts, and the royal wedding  show art #110: Lady wars, feminist tee shirts, and the royal wedding

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this episode of Boy vs. Girl, hosts Matt and Rachel discuss the recent kerfuffle between Samantha Bee and Ivanka Trump, the media storm surrounding J. Crew's feminist boy tee shirt, and they answer a listener question about the royal wedding. LINKS:  J.Crew feminist tee-shirt:  https://www.fastcompany.com/40580488/j-crew-under-fire-for-promoting-boy-in-a-feminist-t-shirt

#109: #boymom and #girlmom show art #109: #boymom and #girlmom

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this minipod, Rachel discusses a video making the rounds on social media and how two levels of stereotypes are really destructive to kids and parents. Check out the video on our Facebook page: facebook.com/boyvgirlpodcast As always, send us feedback about the show to  and questions for our mystery segment to . Find us on Twitter: @bvgpodcast, @rglweiner & @matthewdicks Thanks for listening!

#108: Men answering to fashion, husbands #108: Men answering to fashion, husbands "protecting" wives, & when to be a bra-burning feminist

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On #108, Rachel loves how James Comey was given the "who are you wearing" treatment by GQ at the start of his book junket. Matt relays a story about a husband protecting his wife on an airplane. And together Rachel and Matt answer a mystery question about waging war on the patriarchy while studying abroad.

#107: The Problem with Boston's Freedom Trail show art #107: The Problem with Boston's Freedom Trail

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this week's episode of Boy vs. Girl, Matt talks about his recent experience on Boston's very male-centric Freedom Trail. 

#106: Going for the joke, Changing the Senate rules & Road rage show art #106: Going for the joke, Changing the Senate rules & Road rage

Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

On this episode, we're back with a new conversation about gender and gender stereotypes! Matt wants to know why women won't go for the joke. Rachel wants to know if guys really support changing the Senate rules. And we both respond to a question about gender and road rage. As ever, check out our Facebook page: facebook.com.boyvgirlpodcast. Tweet at us: @boyvgirlpodcast. And send us feedback about the show to

More Episodes

It's episode #97! We're so close to 100! In this episode, Matt and Rachel discuss pay equity in Iceland and scientific evidence of the man flu. Plus they get a hilarious (and curious) mystery question about whether male yogis should take prenatal yoga.

As ever, like, share and send us feedback!