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Boy vs. Girl: A Podcast

A podcast about gender and gender stereotypes from a self-described expert on gender issues (the boy) (Matthew Dicks) who has spent the last two decades immersed in female culture and a sociologist (the girl) (Rachel Leventhal-Weiner) who is an actual scholar with actual credentials.

info_outline #115: Dancing with the Stars, the physics of male urination, and the advantages of dresses 12/11/2018
info_outline #114: Women are sexist, field hockey is sexist, and Lean Cuisine is sexist 11/27/2018
info_outline #113: Men smile at me, a minipod 07/11/2018
info_outline #112: Doing the dishes, the Phluid Project & Interview attire 07/05/2018
info_outline #111: Why is this gendered? 06/28/2018
info_outline #110: Lady wars, feminist tee shirts, and the royal wedding 06/12/2018
info_outline #109: #boymom and #girlmom 06/05/2018
info_outline #108: Men answering to fashion, husbands "protecting" wives, & when to be a bra-burning feminist 05/23/2018
info_outline #107: The Problem with Boston's Freedom Trail 05/17/2018
info_outline #106: Going for the joke, Changing the Senate rules & Road rage 05/08/2018
info_outline #105: Should gender equality be culturally agnostic? 04/19/2018
info_outline #104: Achieving gender unity, Secret hygiene products & Is it sexist to be a boob guy? 04/10/2018
info_outline #103: Rachel and Emily on American Girl Dolls 04/03/2018
info_outline #102: Gendered pressures, crying at work. and Jumbotron responses 03/27/2018
info_outline #101: Gender in the classroom and the location of the vagina 03/14/2018
info_outline #100!!! The long awaited 100th episode! 03/06/2018
info_outline #99: Olympics, Affairs, & Sizeism 03/01/2018
info_outline REBROADCAST: The man cold episode 02/13/2018
info_outline #98: The Morning Routine Minipod 02/07/2018
info_outline #97: Iceland, Man flu & How dudes should stay out of pre-natal yoga 01/23/2018
info_outline #96: Matt shares a snippet 01/17/2018
info_outline #95: Evolution of Getty Images, Speaking up in class (and life), and Turning tables on some stereotypes 01/09/2018
info_outline Rebroadcast: Episode 55: Gender resolutions 01/02/2018
info_outline #94: Rachel gets sporty 12/30/2017
info_outline #93: Compliments, Ladies as the Boss, and Farts 12/19/2017
info_outline #92: Matt and Elysha talk women's only colleges 12/13/2017
info_outline #91: Matt Lauer, Matt Dicks needs advice and Are older ladies invisible? 12/05/2017
info_outline Sunday night extra: Animal antics 12/04/2017
info_outline #90: Rachel asks guys about the mental load 11/15/2017
info_outline #89: Homelessness, Depressing Pew research, and Hillary's new book 11/08/2017