Ever looked at a talented friend doing something that you secretly wish you could do, but you're plagued by the thought "I could never do that. She is so confident!"
Well, I've learned a little secret.
There's not much that we cannot LEARN how to do. Even things like speaking on stage or video - which is the thing that I wanted to learn how to do - even though the mere thought had me breaking out in HIVES!
So, in this 100th episode of Bragg...About Life, I thought I would share with you my story of going from "I'll NEVER be on video" to now starting a YOUTUBE video!
And going through this journey showed me there are 2 questions and 1 secret ingredient I use all the time to cultivate confidence.
And that's why I'm calling it the Confidence Formula.
Now, I'd love to hear from you - what area of your life would you like to apply the confidence formula to? Tell me and I'll cheer you on!