Bragg-About Life Podcast
Christian Life Coach April Bragg shares Biblical and timeless truths to help you live a purposeful and successful life. Topics cover life management, time management, and practical steps to grow in grace.
108. Stop Waiting to Be Chosen - Step Into Your Own Calling
108. Stop Waiting to Be Chosen - Step Into Your Own Calling
🔹🔹 Stop waiting to be chosen – step into your calling. Are you waiting for permission to step into your next level? The truth is, no one is coming to pick you. And that’s a good thing. If you feel called, that’s all the confirmation you need. In this Live, we’ll break down: ✔️ Why women hold themselves back from leadership ✔️ The hidden cost of waiting for permission ✔️ The 3-part framework to step into your calling with confidence ✨ NEXT STEPS ✅ Comment below: What’s ONE thing you’ve been waiting to feel “ready” for? ✅ Subscribe for more: @aprilbraggaboutlife ✅ Join my FREE workshop - ✅ Book a FREE clarity call - ✅ Ready to Create a Home That Takes Care of Itself? - Join here -
107 - Make THIS Summer Memorable
107 - Make THIS Summer Memorable
Summer has a way of slipping by. And sometimes we're torn, trying to cram too much goodness into too few days. Whether you want this to be the GREATEST summer of all, the LAZIEST summer of all, the most PRODUCTIVE summer of all, or maybe a combination of THEM ALL - I've got you. Here's a simple 3 step framework for making the most of our moments, for the days are long, but the years are short and fleeting! Oh, and also, in case you struggle with a bit of FUN-guilt (like I did, thinking "I should be doing more for GOD instead of having fun!") - definitely give this episode a listen. I'd love for you to see that that guilt does NOT come from God, but is actually a tactic the Enemy uses to diminish our light! Oh, and here's the links mentioned in the episode -
106 - Unconventional Advice for Finding Your Soulmate
106 - Unconventional Advice for Finding Your Soulmate
When I was a child, I believed in Happy Ever Afters. I believed God was going to bring me a perfect man, and I was going to fall perfectly in love, and we were going to have a perfect wedding, and live happily every after, with our couple of perfect kids. And then I went to college, a GREAT place for that perfect man to find me (especially in the olden days - before all the dating apps) and I learned this valuable lesson - He couldn't find me if I was hiding all the time. Sometimes, we're taught that we as Christians should ALWAYS be waiting - that FAITH requires waiting for God to take action on our behalf. And SOMETIMES, that is true. But JUST sometimes. Sometimes, FAITH looks like, well, looking! And it's in the looking, that we learn more about ourselves. And that is GROWTH, and that's a good thing! So, here's some unconventional advice from a Christian life coach who is very happily married (on most days, lol! - because NOBODY AND NO RELATIONSHIP IS ALWAYS PERFECTLY PERFECT!!!)
Ep. 105 - Faith, Fear, & Finance - Interview with Danesca Baez
Ep. 105 - Faith, Fear, & Finance - Interview with Danesca Baez
What are your thoughts about money? And, do they cause you to be suspicious of it, or good stewards of it? Broadly speaking, I believe Christians have been led by the Enemy to be suspicious of money. "The love of money is the root of all evil." It's so clever of him to take the words of JESUS and twist them through the centuries to convince us to be afraid of money and wealth, instead of seeing it for the USEFUL tool that it is! When we as Christians, and especially as Christian women, become confident stewards of the resources God gives us, and use our God-given intelligence and our God-given gifts to INCREASE our wealth and abundance, just imagine how we can use that tool to expand our influence in the world! Let's not fear it - and of course, let's not see it as a replacement for God in our life. I wanted to interview Danesca because she has gone from huge debt as a single mom, to conquering that mountain by applying wise biblical principles of stewardship, to NOW educating others in financial matters and also as a day trader. I was dying to learn more - and I thought you'd like to join me! To get more info about Danesca, follow her on IG at
Ep. 104 - Strong vs Submissive Marriage
Ep. 104 - Strong vs Submissive Marriage
Want a GREAT marriage? Here's tip #1 - Never take marriage advice from people who don't enjoy their marriage - in ALL aspects. I was raised to believe that a "godly" marriage should look a certain way - Husband leads in all things, Wife submits in all things, Children obey in all things, And dogs are better than cats as pets. Dogs are loyal. Cats are too independent. Okay - that last part was a stretch, but not by much. Here's the problem I see. We are looking for the "perfect formula" to avoiding divorce, and having a great marriage, Not realizing that the Bible is about FAITH, not formulas. And the "perfect formula" for marriage was - if the wife submits, the marriage will be great. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe the marriage will be about 2 people devoting all their time, energy and attention to the selfishness of one person. And that's not a great thing - not for either person. Listen, I both LOVE to help couples stay HAPPILY married forever AND ALSO believe that "avoiding divorce at all costs" is the WRONG goal. Is marriage a picture of Christ and His Bride, the church? Yes. But an abusive marriage? That is an EVIL corruption of God's beautiful design. Let's not turn a blind eye to it. Let's not be guilty of telling a woman to "submit" to abuse. Let's not make "a forever marriage" an idol in our churches, and ignore the real needs of the people in the marriage. A STRONG marriage, a HEALTHY marriage, a MUTUALLY loving marriage - that's the best buffer against divorce. Let's not rely upon a simple "submission" formula to replace the work of admonishing, exhorting, teaching, bearing one another's burdens, and mutual submission that we as Christians are called to do.
103. Parenting Strong VS Submissive Kids
103. Parenting Strong VS Submissive Kids
Were you told, "Train up a child, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Were you promised, if you parent correctly, everything will be okay. Were you pressured to insist that your kids obey, promptly, completely, with a positive attitude, every time, every adult? Were you taught a PARENTING MYTH? I've never met a parent who didn't have the desire to be the best parent possible to their kids. And, parenting is a sensitive topic. And parents are getting so much conflicting advice. After 22 years, I'm sharing my secret but strong opinion. Just so you know, I don't think we're doing our kids any favors by not trusting that we know what's best for our kids. That's why I say that parents need to be confident! Then, I debunk the fear myth I learned at church that would have made me into a hyper-controlling parent. And, finally, I share why I believe raising our kids to be strong, instead of training them to be submissive, is the far superior (and Biblical) approach.
102. How To Spot Your Blind Spots
102. How To Spot Your Blind Spots
Have you ever CRAVED wisdom? I remember when I was a little girl, and I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I'm sure my questions drove my family nuts. (I KNOW they drove my teachers nuts - they told me so!) But it just seemed to me, if you knew more, you'd make better decisions. And better decisions would lead to a better life. Anyway, that's what I thought when I was about age 8. Now, at 47? I am CONVINCED of it. So, I thought I would share with you the stages we pass through to go from IGNORANCE (everyone's starting spot) to WISDOM - and how that can help us become SELF AWARE of our own blind spots! I think that's pretty cool - but remember, I was the nerdy kid at school asking ALL the questions! Here's the thing to remember, especially if you are like me, with an insatiable desire for growth - NOT EVERONE is like you. And that's okay. That does not make them wrong, or you WEIRD. It makes you WISE. There's a saying, Ignorance is bliss. The more you learn, the more you desire to learn. If I had to choose between wisdom or bliss - I'd choose wisdom. I'd envy the blissful person next to me, lol! But I would STILL choose wisdom. What would you choose? So, that's my warning before you listen to this episode!
101. The Time Management Trap
101. The Time Management Trap
Are you looking for a better time management system so you'll have more time to spend with the ones you love, and doing the things you love to do? Or, are you looking for a time management system that will help you get EVERYTHING done, regardless of its importance to you and your purpose and goals in life? This episode dives into how "time management" stops being a tool, and potentially becomes a TRAP - when it is used indiscriminately. Especially geared for Christians who feel guilty about resting when there's ALWAYS more that can be done for the Kingdom of God, I hope that this episode will give you: greater discernement, greater peace, and more confidence As well as gently nudge you to make MORE time for God's gift of REST in your life. PS - ready to escape the time management trap and enjoy the benefits of having more time, getting more done, without hustle, without fear, but not sure where to start? Start here by booking a Clarity call at
100 - The Confidence Formula
100 - The Confidence Formula
Ever looked at a talented friend doing something that you secretly wish you could do, but you're plagued by the thought "I could never do that. She is so confident!" Well, I've learned a little secret. There's not much that we cannot LEARN how to do. Even things like speaking on stage or video - which is the thing that I wanted to learn how to do - even though the mere thought had me breaking out in HIVES! So, in this 100th episode of Bragg...About Life, I thought I would share with you my story of going from "I'll NEVER be on video" to now starting a YOUTUBE video! And going through this journey showed me there are 2 questions and 1 secret ingredient I use all the time to cultivate confidence. And that's why I'm calling it the Confidence Formula. Now, I'd love to hear from you - what area of your life would you like to apply the confidence formula to? Tell me and I'll cheer you on!
99. 3 People Who Steal Our Time
99. 3 People Who Steal Our Time
Ever wished you had more time? Ever feel guilty for wanting more time for yourself? What if those 2 things are linked? There's a reason why most women's time management problem is not going to be solved by "becoming more efficient" or "going to a digital calendar". I know. I tried. I even bought a HUGE wall calendar and wrote EVERYTHING down - and still didn't have time. Because there were 3 people stealing my time. And that's why I now know this - if we don't stop the steal, it won't help to make more time - because that extra time will just get taken too. (kinda like government with our income taxes - but I'll keep this non-political, lol!) Listen, TIME is the currency of our life. It's what we use to buy experience and memories and share our gifts and presence with others. May this video inspire you to see your time as your most VALUABLE asset to steward.
98. I'm NEVER Busy - Here's Why
98. I'm NEVER Busy - Here's Why
I'm concerned that we as Christians have accepted BUSY-ness as NORMAL. I'm not talking about being productive. I'm talking about that rushed feeling we all have when we believe "there's not enough time for me to do what I need to do." Does your life feel BUSY - all the time? In this episode, I explain the difference between being "busy" for a season versus being busy as a lifestyle, and how I was taught that Godliness looks like "being busy all the time" and why I believe that is actually a lie from the Enemy rather than way God designed us to exist. I also share the BIG reason why I have chosen to reject "busyness" as a normal state, especially for Christians. Finally, I share a few reasons why we fall into the busy trap, and 3 steps for breaking free from it.
97. Cultivate Intergenerational Wisdom
97. Cultivate Intergenerational Wisdom
Don't you love a great shortcut - a life hack - something that makes life easier or better? That's what I think WISDOM does. Only problem was, I used to think, "It takes a LOT of time to become wiser. Or a LOT of experience." Well, recently, I realized that I have been using a shortcut to WISDOM for a long time. Today, I'm sharing that Wisdom shortcut with you. I like to think of it as "Put 100 years of wisdom in the same room and grow wiser in one day" And that's why I love the idea of "Cultivating Intergenerational Wisdom" In this episode, I share where I got the idea, how I implement it, and how you can start too. I'd love to hear your perspective - do you have wise women in your life from different age groups that you love to spend time with?
96. The Faith To Do Hard Things
96. The Faith To Do Hard Things
The Faith To Do Hard Things? I have a saying. "Life's not meant to be HARD; it's meant to be LIVED." I started telling myself that sometime in my late 30's. See, up to that point, I was always trying to make life easier. And, in A LOT of areas, I succeeded. I simplified my home, I automated my homeschooling, I mastered budgeting, I even got on board with exercising on a regular basis. It felt like I was a real ADULT, lol! And then God prompted me to do something NEW, something DIFFERENT, something HARD. Because life isn't supposed to get easier and easier - we're supposed to GROW AND GROW. As we grow, what WAS HARD becomes easy, and we have more capacity and more capability. WHY is life like this? BECAUSE it does US good, it does the WORLD good, when we exercise FAITH. So, in this episode, I share what "HARD" thing I'm up to these days, why I believe we are called to WALK by FAITH, and how I hope YOU too will commit to WALKING BY FAITH... Even if it feels hard. PS - That book I was talking about? Here's the first chapter for FREE -
95. Finding Your Bible Reading Style
95. Finding Your Bible Reading Style
If we ENJOY reading the Bible, then we will naturally do more of it. And also, sometimes finding even 5 minutes a day to call our own is challenging! In this episode of Bragg-About Life, I share 3 main ways to read our Bible - or as I like to call it, "Finding Your Bible Reading Style"! But, here's something that I didn't say in the episode - ANY time spent in the Word of God is potentially transformational. One verse, quoted from memory, on repeat throughout a difficult day, is my FAVORITE way to spend time in God's Word - even if I don't actually OPEN the Bible (or OPEN the BIBLE APP on my phone - which is how I exclusively read these days!) A Bible verse posted on the wall, a daily verse notification, a coffee date and Bible study with God at Starbucks, a Youtube video of the Bible being read to you - let's use our God-given CREATIVITY to ENJOY learning more about God, His love for us, and His success principles for life - a little bit every day! Remember, it's a journey so, have fun with this - I'll allow it! (LOL)
94. I Stopped Reading My Bible - My Story
94. I Stopped Reading My Bible - My Story
Do you feel guilty for not reading your Bible "enough"? Yeah, that's gotta stop! What if a "have to" attitude is getting in the way of you genuinely enjoying spending time in the Word? In this episode, I share the reason I stopped reading my Bible altogether for a season of my life, and the AMAZING discovery that came from that act. Now, I don't want to spoil the ending - so listen to the episode to find out what I think about reading my Bible now! And, here are all the goody links I promised in the episode: is my personal favorite Bible reading resource from someone who TRULY enjoys reading God's Word, and hopes to inspire others to enjoy it too! Wanna listen instead of reading it? I've got you! And if you want to go deeper, then join the "Be Transformed" Challenge here -
93. Benefits of Working With a Coach
93. Benefits of Working With a Coach
I didn't know that God had given me SO.MUCH.POWER. That's just 1 lesson I learned from working with a coach. I also didn't realize that the reason I lacked joy in my life was NOT based on my current circumstances - but rather on the way I was thinking about them, and feeling like a victim to those circumstances. I didn't realize that ONE THOUGHT could change my life. Finally, I didn't realize that working with a life coach would make DREAMS come true. Yes. It souonds like an EXAGGERATION. But how else could I describe the transformation in my life, in my marriage, in my relationship with my kids, in my relationship with God??? See, I fell into a common error - I didn't know what I didn't know. And what I didn't know was EXACTLY how I was keeping myself from experiencing and enjoying God's PROMISED ABUNDANCE for my life. That's why I recorded this specific episode. Not because I want to twist your arm and talk you into working with me (in case you did not know, I am a Certified Life & Relationship Coach). No, I share this episode because you too might be where I was 5 years ago - wondering, "If I'm a Christian, why am I not happier? What am I missing?" Sometimes, God sends discontent in our hearts so that we'll NOT SETTLE for less than His VERY BEST. So, here's my quirky little story of how I, the world's biggest skeptic, found life coaching, used the tools (plus my knowledge of Biblical principles) to transform my life from the inside out, and WHY I then became a coach. Hope you enjoy this - and feel free to email me at if you have any questions!
92. Are Christians Supposed To Be Happy?
92. Are Christians Supposed To Be Happy?
I've heard it been said - God cares more about your holiness than your happiness. Which leads us to believe - God is not interested in our happiness at all. And I think that idea is completely contrary to Scripture. I'm gonna be honest - it breaks my heart when I ask the question "Are Christians supposed to be happy" and people resound with a confident "NO!" Did you know that "Blessed" in the Bible (in both Hebrew and Greek) means "happy"? So, are Christians supposed to be blessed? YES! And that's what I think the problem is. We know with our head that we ARE blessed, even if we don't always feel happy. But when we FEEL happy, it's because we are REMEMBERING how very blessed we are! Want to be happier? Why wouldn't we??? Well, in this week's podcast, I share the 3 times we are happy, what happiness really is (the 3 P's), and my answer to my mother's question, "April, are you happy?" EEK. Moms have a way of cutting straight to the heart, right? I think God created us to crave happiness for 2 reasons - When we're unhappy, it can be a powerful signal to seek God and ask why. "Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of your heart." I think our happiness, our contentment regardless of the circumstance is such a profound witness to non-believers that God is GOOD, God is LOVE, and God's WAYS are health, and truth, and life - in a very real, very practical way. "Godliness with contentment is great gain." So, maybe our holiness and our happiness really cannot be separated from each other? I mean, holiness WITHOUT happiness? What does that even look like? My guess is - the Pharisees of Jesus' day, who were always criticizing the Perfect Son of God for having too much fun on the Sabbath! Just some thoughts to think on this week! PS - Know you're missing out on some happiness but not quite sure why? Book a free Clarity call here -
91. Why Women Don't Make the Money They Deserve - Interview with Salesgirl Kat Schubert
91. Why Women Don't Make the Money They Deserve - Interview with Salesgirl Kat Schubert
Ever felt held back in life by your inability to MAKE MORE MONEY? Ever felt uncomfortable asking for a raise or offering to sell your product or service to someone else? Wondering why people aren't EXCITED about your stuff - EVEN if it is free? That's because we've bought into a lie - that sales is a creepy thing that people do in a creepy way to make money for selfish reasons. And we don't want ANY part of that - nor should we!!! In this interview, Kat Schubert, co-CEO of "THE Salesgirls", is going to dispel the myth that sales is creepy, and that women can't (or shouldn't) master this life skill. We'll also answer what "selling" really is - and how selling can help ANY WOMAN, whether you're a career woman, entrepreneur, single or married, or mom, MAKE THE MONEY YOU DESERVE by learning how to do ONE THING - Persuade for Good! GRAB THEIR BOOK: - JOIN THEIR CHALLENGE:
90. Live Life on Your TERMS
90. Live Life on Your TERMS
Does living life on your own terms sound, well, selfish? Have you ever wished you had more time - but when you do get more time, others seem to ask more of you? Ever wished you had more energy, but also felt like you were lazy because you could see others that seem to do more - and they never get tired? If there's anything the Enemy is good at - it's at getting us to compare ourselves And comparing leads us to either feeling inadequate (because we see others as better than us) feeling prideful (because we see ourselves as better than others) UGGGHHHH!!!! In today's episode, I created an acronym out of the word TERMS to explain 5 areas that we can focus on to make our life better. Some may think it sounds selfish - I think it's just good stewardship. But I will let you decide! PS - I'd love to know: Which one could you use more of? Time, energy, money, better relationships, or the ability to relax and appreciate your success? go to for more.
89. Create An Anxiety Plan with Christina Adrien, LMHC
89. Create An Anxiety Plan with Christina Adrien, LMHC
Do you struggle with anxiety? Ever wonder if it's a spiritual failing? "If my faith were stronger, I wouldn't be fearful!" That's a myth that I inadvertently picked up by growing up in a church that NEVER discussed issues of mental health. Let's change that! Today, I invited Christina Adrien, LMHC to come and talk to us about How prevalent anxiety is What are the causes Is it a spiritual failure What we can do about it I'm going to be real with you here - I struggled with anxiety long before I even knew the meaning of the word! And then I made it worse by having Anxiety ABOUT my anxiety. But, through God's grace and my mother's wisdom, I have learned how to "have peace in the midst of the storm". And that's the Plan. So, enjoy these words of wisdom from Christina if you, like me, struggle with anxiety and would benefit from Creating an Anxiety Plan! And for further help, you can find out more about Christina's work here: Website - Instagram - FREE GIFT! Download Free thought journal -
88. Pros and Cons of a Passionate Marriage
88. Pros and Cons of a Passionate Marriage
If you had to pick one word to describe your marriage, what would it be? If you chose one word to describe your ideal marriage, what woud it be? Mine would be the same - passionate. Even before I met my husband, I wanted to have a passionate marriage. How does that saying go...Be careful what you wish for? LOL The reason I wanted to talk about my marriage - and the pros and cons of our passionate natures and our passionate relationship together - is because of this - To dispel the myth that there is ONE PERFECT WAY for a marriage to look. The Bible is full of pictures of marriages - and God doesn't bother to hide the fact that NONE of them are perfect. But, maybe we could just drop the goal of perfection, and instead aim for enjoying each other's company and supporting each other's dreams and helping each other in our unique creative way. And maybe laugh at our little idiosyncracies and not make our mistakes mean that we're doing it wrong! So, I'd call mine and Hiram's marriage PASSIONATE - and I share the pros and cons of that. And I'd love to know - what word would you use to describe your marriage (or desired relationship)? Remember, there's no perfect. There's just better and better practice!
87. Are We Worshipping the HARD?
87. Are We Worshipping the HARD?
Are We Worshipping the HARD? There's our goal. Then there's stuff we go through to reach our goal. Some of that stuff is HARD. HARD at first, until we get used to doing it, and then it gets easier. Like walking, public speaking, advocating for others - all things that start out hard and then grow easier with practice. HOWEVER, there seems to be a big, macho attitude towards "HARD" now. "We Do HARD THINGS, BRUH!" Just because they're hard and just to prove how tough they are. Okay. That's fine if that's what you want. But beware of these 2 mistakes: Goal swapping - making "doing HARD things" the goal instead of dealing with "hard things" as they come up in our progress toward our goal Great Story Syndrome - comparing our life to someone else's great story of how they overcame a tragedy and making it mean we can't help people in a great way without a great story Remember this - Life is as hard as it needs to be to teach us the lessons we need to know to make life better.
86. Emotional Maturity - Interview with Stephanie Goldsborough
86. Emotional Maturity - Interview with Stephanie Goldsborough
Anxiety, Mary & Martha Syndrome, the Enneagram, and Emotional Maturity - find out what all these things have in common in this conversation that I have with my classmate from college days, former client, and amazing friend Stephanie Goldsborough. In this episode, we discuss how we have both minimized our anxiety, our mutual appreciation for personality tests, and the benefits of being in our 40's.
85. How To Handle God Doubts
85. How To Handle God Doubts
Have you ever had doubts about God? His Goodness, whether He really loves you, or even His existence? Well, you are NOT alone. In this episode of Bragg...About Life, I reveal the 3 step framework I use to deal with my doubts about God when they crop up. As in, YES, I still have doubts. And I don't think that makes me any less a child of God. In fact, I use those doubts to DEEPEN my relationship with God. Most of all, I want you to know this - you are NOT alone; doubts are NOT necessarily bad things; and even though it may not feel great (okay, it feels TERRIBLE) to struggle with doubts - that is NOTHING to be ashamed of or hide. Don't hide your doubts - handle them with compassion and grace. Because, truly, the point of the Christian faith walk is not to KNOW everything, but rather to GROW in everything - love, joy, faith. Be OKAY with not knowing, but rather GROWING! And, if you'd like to continue this conversation - email me at
84. 6 Reasons for Unnecessary Busyness
84. 6 Reasons for Unnecessary Busyness
Blessed are the BUSY, because they shall get to finally rest in Heaven someday. That is NOT what the Good Book says, but for some reason, it has become quite acceptable in Christian circles to be rushing around from activity to activity, staying busy with lots of life events and ministry opportunities. And I was the worst about this. In this episode, I share a snapshot of what I now refer to as "the BUSY years", how I got trapped in unnecessary busyness, and what I did to free myself from a crowded calendar and chaotic life. I realized that, in my mind, Busyness = Important, and Busyness was how I distracted myself from my real work - facing my doubts and insecurities, and growing in grace, and living out my true purpose. And, after you listen to the episode, I'd love to know - which reason resonated the most with you? Let's talk about it! You can email me at Enjoy!
83. How To Be Influential
83. How To Be Influential
Iron sharpens iron - that's what the Bible says. Being influential on those around you was a THING before Instagram, lol! In fact, we are called to be a light to the world. So, the next question is, how to be influential? Or, how to be MORE influential? That's what I dive into in this episode. Don't worry. This is not "how to be Instagram famous" - but rather, how to be influential in the ways that are important to you, and that can have a life-changing, positive influence on those you love. And, it all boils down to knowing a few things about ourselves, and then consistently living from those things. I hope this episode encourages you and reminds you that you were meant to have a positive and loving influence on YOUR PEOPLE!
82. Turn Your Super Weakness Into Your Super Strength
82. Turn Your Super Weakness Into Your Super Strength
Nobody likes a crybaby. At least, that's what I thought. And as a sensitive child, I spent a LOT of time trying to prevent the tears, hide the tears, deny the tears. I thought my sensitive nature was a weakness. Until one day, when I realized, It IS NOT! We all have aspects of ourselves that we might not have chosen. Physical, mental, emotional parts of us that feel like they're holding us back. Question is, what are we going to do about these "flaws"? Are we going to go through life, apologizing for how we were created? I hope not. I hope this episode encourages you to take a new perspective on YOU! And our "weakness" is an opportunity to receive not one, but 2 amazing gifts! Listen to the episode to find out what those 2 amazing gifts are, and why I now see my super weakness as my super strength. And then, I'd love to hear - what is your superweakness turned superstrength?
81. 3 Simple Tips To Improve Any Relationship
81. 3 Simple Tips To Improve Any Relationship
We're more digitally connected than ever. And we're struggling with loneliness more than ever. So bizarre, right? But we've had enough time to prove one thing - likes and comments and followers are STILL not nearly as powerful as YOUR PRESENCE. That's why I wanted to talk about 3 Simple Tips to Improve Any Relationship this week. Because the ironic thing is - with people STARVING for attention, it really only takes a BIT of intentionality to make a difference in a relationship. Think about it - you have the ability to POWERFULLY CONNECT with those nearest and dearest to you, simply by being present and intentional. It's such a gift to share with others. It's such a gift to share with yourself. I hope this episode inspires you to BE the person who leads the way in your relationships!
80. How To Handle Christmas Emotions
80. How To Handle Christmas Emotions
Christmas - it's such a bittersweet holiday. We see plenty of reminders about the joys of the holiday season, but I know this - Christmas is a time when we also remember, and grieve those we've lost. In this episode, I talk about how to hold holy space for both. I explain WHY painful memories come up during the Christmas time, and how to handle this mixed bag of emotions during Christmas. Your grief is precious in the eyes of the Lord, and is a way to reconnect with the TRUE gift from this season - PEACE. And in case you'd like to listen, here's where you can listen to
79. How To Make Wise Decisions
79. How To Make Wise Decisions
Confused? Too many options? Facing an irreversible decision? Or, feel like EVERYONE has an opinion on what you should do - and they are NOT all on the same page? Feel like you've been trying for awhile to make a decision Wanting to make CERTAIN this choice is aligned with God's will for your life? If you are struggling for clarity regarding a decision in your life, this episode is for you! In it, I share 3 potential mistakes that make it HARDER to make a wise decision, and the solution for making wise decisions with confidence. And if you'd like FREE help to make a wise decision - go here to book a FREE Clarity call - in 45 minutes, I'll help you explore your options, as well as gain greater perspective on how to make future decisions more confidently. Go here: