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How to Write for Meaningful Connection (+ BIG UPDATE ON BWB!)

Brand With Bite

Release Date: 06/29/2021

How to Write for Meaningful Connection (+ BIG UPDATE ON BWB!) show art How to Write for Meaningful Connection (+ BIG UPDATE ON BWB!)

Brand With Bite

Tracie is a powerhouse conversion copywriter (known for crafting compelling quizzes) with a foundational passion for ethical sales. Rerouting the world to connect through relationships, Tracie shares how to write in a way that feels good and “non-icky”, as well as growing as a copywriter.

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Reese Spykerman is a brilliant designer and copywriting expert who went from burnt out implementor to an evolved creative business that fits her lifestyle. 

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More Episodes

Tracie is a powerhouse conversion copywriter (known for crafting compelling quizzes) with a foundational passion for ethical sales. Rerouting the world to connect through relationships, Tracie shares how to write in a way that feels good and “non-icky”, as well as growing as a copywriter. 

Whether you are a copywriter looking to evolve your business or an entrepreneur wanting to feel good about writing marketing copy, this is the perfect episode for you. We’re going to dive into: 


  • How she has evolved as a copywriter, including niching into conversion and writing quizzes

  • Why so many feel disconnected when they write their marketing copy

  • Tracie’s amazing tentacle metaphor

  • How to marry your unique boundaries with also listening to your ideal clients & their needs

  • Our hilarious conversations around a marketing jargon term that tends to “trip” people out, that can be so simplified

  • Who crashes the podcast, unexpectedly ;)



Tracie's Website | Instagram: @Tracie_IndieCopy

Clubhouse: @tracieindiecopy

I would be so honored for 2 minutes *if this resonated* if you’d PLEASE: 

  • Share the episode on social media and your feelings on it via Instagram *tag @allisonevelyn_*


Tracie’s Bio:

Tracie is a sales strategist and launch copywriter for people who secretly yearn for a healthier way to bring sales into their business. Using her client-first framework and quizzes, she helps you attract more clients while creating connections and relationships instead of just transactions.

When she's not coaching and creating relational sales messaging, you’ll find her savoring adventures by the lake or curled with a good mystery. You can catch her online on Clubhouse @tracieindiecopy, IG @tracie_indiecopy, and of course www.indiecopy.com.