Bread For Today
The final stage is completing. With our allowing comes some burning. But are you willing to go into the fire to come out on the other side refined? Are you will to admit some truths, concede some notions to ensure your garden will flourish? An abnormally hot spring, paved the way to what will be a flourishing Fall. If we let it burn. If we allow it.
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We’ve crossed over into more; yet it’s still spring and the seed is for an appointed time. In this sense, there is still more growing and waiting before the harvest. All you can do is allow it. Part 2.
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We’ve already tended to the weeds and declared this is the end of whatever end was needed. So we understand spring time as a period of burial and regrowth—a regeneration that will bring forth a harvest. You’re not going through these cycles: lesson; faith; trust; work, repeat—for there to be nothing. All experiences considered, you will have more. Let that nourish you, today. Your Bread for Today: More Visit to pre-save, download or stream #samtrackzxchill
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We threw off the straps of the merry-go-round, finally out the penalty box and back in the race. If you have no idea what I’m talking about go back and listen to This is the End. The seasons have change which means an end is inevitable. But an end always means new beginnings, if you allow it. Your Bread for Today: Allow (It)
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More than updating our belief systems, reading another self-help book or any of the other ways "they" say we should order our lives the current space and pace of our experience has come to show us: This is the End--of the ways we used to do it. And now we can begin envisioning a more robust and beautiful way of seeing, thinking, and being.
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As the seasons change we shift our focus to planting new seeds and revisiting the seeds already planted. This means we must head outside to contend with the weeds that have grown around and attached to our fruit. If we want to see the produce, more than simply stagnated growth, we must clear out the overgrowth--tend to the weeds.
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We got to winter, now what? This continued time of hibernation requires a stillness that will set us up for eventual fruit. Although there is no produce, growth is inevitable, is happening. Your task in the process: Be Still and Know.
info_outlineBread For Today
As we transition from one season to another, what once laid dormant can now be revived-- looked at again with new eyes. Your Bread for Today: Revise. Allow this transition to be one of revision, where new opportunities and perspectives become possible.
info_outlineBread For Today
We're all going through a cycle, because that's the inevitability of life. Your Bread for Today is to Enjoy where you are as you continue to expand and grow.
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As we run our race, sometimes we look to the left or right to see what's going on around us. That's when we stumble; that's when we fall. To run a tight, solo race, we must keep our eyes forward. Whether it feels like it or not, with each stride you are getting further to your destination. So, your Bread for Today: Eyes Forward, it's the only way you'll win.
info_outlineIn order to live fully and authentically, it's important to fiercely protect your time, talents and treasure. To accomplish this, you must first protect yourself. At all cost. Your Bread for Today: Protect Yourself--know what a valuable asset you are and go from there.
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