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EP. 16 - John Asher Thompson III

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Release Date: 11/06/2018

Ep. 17 -- Taresa Neale show art Ep. 17 -- Taresa Neale

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

So what do you do when school's out.... in March?!  The answer for most of us is, we have no idea!  That's why we asked Taresa.  She's the author of The Homeschool Experiment and the creator of thehomeschoolexperiment.com.  We're all working from home, trying to put food on the table, teach our kids and keep our sanity. Taresa has lots of great ideas on how to manage this and it couldn't come at a better time. Because no matter how you felt about homeschooling before, we're all doing it now.

EP. 16 - John Asher Thompson III show art EP. 16 - John Asher Thompson III

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

John Asher Thompson III, also known as Boe, was born 5 days before 9/11.  He survived the NICU at St. David’s Hospital, came home with monitors and wires attached, and took drops of caffeine to keep his breathing regular.  That scrawny kid is now 6’1” and 230 lbs and is the starting guard on his HS football team.  He loves music, friends and driving.  He talks what success looks like to him.

EP. 15 - Becca Matimba show art EP. 15 - Becca Matimba

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Becca Matimba is first generation African-American born and raised in Texas. She’s 24, has a BBA in Marketing, studied the Meisner method in San Fran, runs her own photography business, loves to travel and tell stories.  And she also happens to produce our podcast!  Becca brings her experiences, insights and unique perspective to our conversation on success!

EP. 14 - Rodney Rice show art EP. 14 - Rodney Rice

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Rodney Rice, known to some as Rocket, was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug while eating rotisserie chicken and swilling wine Hemingway-style in Madrid nearly 30 years ago. After a stint on Wall Street, Rodney became part of the founding team of Einstein Bros Bagels, before venturing out and starting Home Advisors (formerly Service Magic) which grew to $250 million of annual revenue under his watch. Now he’s doing it again with Waldo Photos.

EP. 13 - Kelli Kelley show art EP. 13 - Kelli Kelley

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

If you have or someone you care about has experienced the NICU, and especially if you are a parent whose child has spent time in the NICU, Kelli Kelley is someone you should know. She lived a story that hits very close to home, and she decided to do something about it. So she started Hand to Hold, which is all about helping families before, during, and after a NICU stay. Kelli has an amazing story to tell and we hope you’ll listen.

EP. 12 - Gordon Marino show art EP. 12 - Gordon Marino

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Born and raised in the real Jersey Shore, with dreams of playing in the NFL, Gordon Marino was hit with a hard right that dropped him to his knees. So he did what anyone would do—he learned Danish and studied Kierkegaard. Fighter, philosopher, writer and professor, Gordon holds degrees from Columbia and Penn, with a PhD from the University of Chicago. He now teaches philosophy at St. Olaf College in Minnesota. You won’t want to miss this extraordinary time with Gordon on Breakfast at Stinsons.

EP. 11 - Kat Kronenberg show art EP. 11 - Kat Kronenberg

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Children’s book author Kat Kronenberg dares us to dream big. After losing both her brother and sister to heart arrhythmias, Kat was at a symphony when, as she says, something whacked her over the head and she decided to write a book about the power of a smile in people’s lives. Since then she’s become a best selling author, and she’s not close to done. So bring your smile and let’s listen to what she has to share with us.

EP. 10 - John Asher Thompson Sr. show art EP. 10 - John Asher Thompson Sr.

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

The original, John Asher Thompson joins us in this episode to talk about his life, from a small west Texas town to the Gulf of Tonkin and later all over the world with Delta Airlines. A wonderful husband and dad, cancer survivor and Parkinson’s combatant, and a naval aviator who flew 220 missions off carriers in Vietnam too, John Sr. shares his views on what a successful life looks like to him, with some great stories and a host of memories of times gone by.

EP. 9 - Jeanne Lewis show art EP. 9 - Jeanne Lewis

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Raised in New Orleans, Jeanne Lewis cut her professional teeth in the media worlds of New York and San Francisco, before venturing out on her own to start up, and then sell, her first internet business called CreativeBug.  Now she’s off to the Big Island with her rum philosopher husband and daughters, while building her second web-based business.

EP. 8 - Mike Cross  show art EP. 8 - Mike Cross

Breakfast At Stinson's: Convos on Success

Mike Cross is the best blues singer and musician in Austin, Texas. Maybe that’s just our humble opinion but you should listen for yourself. Introduced to the guitar in Navajo tent meetings when he was a child, Mike hasn’t put it down since. His music is inspired by his mother’s piano playing, Mahalia Jackson, Marvin Gaye, the Beatles and others and he’s been a fixture on the Austin music scene since 1991.

More Episodes

John Asher Thompson III, also known as Boe, was born 5 days before 9/11.  He survived the NICU at St. David’s Hospital, came home with monitors and wires attached, and took drops of caffeine to keep his breathing regular.  That scrawny kid is now 6’1” and 230 lbs and is the starting guard on his HS football team.  He loves music, friends and driving.  He talks what success looks like to him.

#success #breakfastatstinsons