Ask Dr. Park: State on the State of the Art on Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
Release Date: 11/17/2021
Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
In this video, I’m going to reveal how fluoride in your water may be ruining your sleep, as well as how it causes memory problems and also drain your energy levels. 00:00 Introduction 01:00 The Case Against Fluoride 02:45 Low IQ levels and brain damage 03:28 Near infra-red radiation promotes melatonin 03:43 Melatonin in rice seedlings lowers fluoride uptake 03:56 Fluoride-free diet stimulates pineal growth 04:11 Melatonin protects brain and raises antioxidants 04:24 7 Ways to limit fluoride and make more melatonin 06:09 ...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
Do you hate CPAP? Are you thinking about chucking your CPAP machine once and for all? In this video, I’m going to reveal five surprising reasons why you either can’t or should not use CPAP, and when you have to think about looking for other options. ✅ CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction 01:24 Weight gain 03:14 Bite changes 04:18 Expiratory palatal obstruction 06:00 Epiglottic laryngomalacia 07:18 Nasal Congestion 09:02 Nasal decongestion experiment 10:26 Summary ✅ LINKS MENTIONED : A Sleep Physician's Guide to Restoring Your Sleep and Reclaiming Your Life Effects of CPAP on body weight...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
✅ Are you stressed or anxious all the time? Is your anxiety so bad that it prevents you from living your life or having meaningful relationships? Or do you suffer from too many panic attacks throughout the day? There's one breathing problem that will not go away, no matter what you do, and it’s something most doctors generally don’t know about. I’ll reveal what that is in this video. 🎯 Support the . Help me to write my book. ✅ CHAPTERS: 00:00 Introduction 00:19 New Doctor Park community 01:15 My panic/anxiety attack 02:06 Anxiety statistics and definition 02:46...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
✅ Are you still struggling to control your acid reflux? Have you tried all the suggestions on YouTube with only a little relief or no help at all? In this video, I’ll reveal 7 natural and surprising ways to control your acid reflux that many experts don’t usually talk about. ✅ CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction 01:12 7 typical YouTube acid reflux tips 04:18 1. Stress 07:27 2. Making too little acid 09:14 3. Stuffy nose 11:02 4. Treat OSA or UARS 12:24 5. Vitamin D 13:12 6. Low...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
of the clinically diagnosed proportion of sleep apnea syndrome in middle-aged men and women. AASM clarifies hypopnea . by Robert Sapolsky. : A Physician Reveals The #1 Reason Why So Many Of Us Are Sick And Tired. 7 Long-Lasting Ways to – ENT Doctor Approved. Should You For Better Sleep? Energize Your Day . The . Lose Weight Naturally Without Cardio Or Calorie Counting. ✅ PRODUCTS & SERVICES How you can lose weight naturally without cardio or counting calories. Dr. Park’s The . Want to un-stuff your stuffy nose? Read the e-book, :...
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The instruction manual for how to sleep in the 1700s vs. 2022 (partial satire). If you wanted to go to sleep in the 1700s, this is what you do: Lie down in bed Close your eyes. In 2022, this is what you’re told to do, and there are 24 steps: Avoid snacks or food 3-4 hours before bedtime No screens 3-4 hours before bedtime Cover all windows and lights in the bedroom Make the room slightly cooler Use the bed for sleep and sex only. Go to bed and wake up at same time every night Sleep for 7-8 hours No alcohol before bed 9. No coffee 6 hours before bedtime If you can’t fall asleep within 30...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
Do you wake up to pee at night? Is it usually around 3 AM, plus or minus 30 minutes? And if you wake up many times to urinate, why is it at regular 90-minute intervals? In this short video, I’ll reveal what most doctors and online experts don’t usually talk about. ✅ Video timeline 00:00 Introduction 00:28 Common reasons for nighttime urination 01:15 Obstructive sleep apnea defined 01:40 Atrial natriuretic peptide hormone 02:06 Sleep stages and REM sleep 02:35 Adenosine and sleep drive 02:49 3 AM – the perfect storm 03:13 ...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
Is your nose stuffy and you need a quick way to open up your nose? There are many ways to clear up your blocked nose quickly and relatively cheaply or even for free. In this video, I’ll reveal 7 insanely simple ways to unblock your stuffy nose. Stick to the end I’ll give you one more bonus tip that I guarantee you’ll get excited about. ✅ Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:26 Nasal saline irrigation 02:57 Capsaicin 03:17 Essential Oils 03:46 Breath holding 04:07 Exercise 04:24 Vitamin D 05:15 Acupuncture 06:00 Acupressure technique to relieve nasal congestion 06:22 Bonus tip: Have...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
Have you ever wondered why your nose is always stuffy? In this video, I’ll reveal the 7 most common reasons why your nose is always clogged, and what you can do about it. ✅ Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:33 Allergies 02:45 Non-allergic rhinitis 03:14 Deviated nasal septum 03:57 Turbinate enlargement 04:22 Flimsy nostrils 04:46 Large adenoids 05:00 Physical blockage 05:16 Why does my nose get blocked from side to side? 05:16 Why your nose gets more blocked on one side when you lay down in bed 06:15 Why high blood pressure medications can block your nose ✅ Links mentioned in...
info_outlineBreathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast
If you’ve undergone a septoplasty and your nose is still stuffy, this video is for you. I’ll reveal what steps you and your surgeon can take to fix your breathing problem once and for all. ✅ For your complete guide on how to clear your stuffy nose for good, read my e-book on How to Unstuff Your Stuffy Nose: Breathe Better, Lose weight, Sleep Great. ✅ Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:14 Why you have a deviated septum 03:21 The septoplasty procedure 04:08 7 common reasons why your septoplasty...
info_outlineIn this episode of Ask Dr. Park, Dr. Park gives a 30-minute presentation on the State of the Art on obstructive sleep apnea, after which he takes live questions. Questions answered include:
- Do you see the Homeobloc as an effective treatment for OSA/UARS?
- What are the clinical guidelines for pediatric sleep disorders?
- Is it normal to get congested when lying down at night?
- What about MSE promoted by Dr. Moon?
- Relationship between tinnitus and obstructive sleep apnea
- What do you think of Xylitol for nasal congestion and obstructive sleep apnea?
- What do you think about the 4% desaturation rule for diagnosing sleep apnea, which doesn't help women?
- My nose is stuffy and I have trouble using CPAP. I tighten the mask and it doesn't help. What can I do?
- Can most pediatric ENTs perform DISE?
- What's the sleep study criteria for UARS?
- Do older toddlers who have OSA rock back and forth even banging their heads on the crib?
- What's more important, AHI, heart rate variability or sympathetic stress?
- I underwent septoplasty, turbinoplasty, tonsillectomy and UPPP. My nose is still stuffy. What do I do?
- My toddler sleeps with his but in the air. He had oral tie release x 2. What do you recommend?
- Are there many doctors that address epiglottis problems in adults?
- Link between Ehlers-Danlose Syndrome to sleep apnea and epiglottis problems.
To watch the video, click here.