Brilliant Gaze
In this, the final episode of season five, we revisit Isaiah’s vision of the Lord, and return to the four “looks” of the Kingdom journey. You can learn more about these “looks” in my book: Focusing My Gaze, available at or at my website God bless you, everyone. Enjoy the Kingdom journey. Episode 5-17 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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Mark Gerson, host of the excellent podcast The Rabbi’s Husband, says that in the Passover, God is showing us His calling card, He is showing us how he wants to be known and understood. Listen as we talk about how the themes of that calling card connect to kingdom seekers. Episode 5-16 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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Unless we understand and embrace the nature of God’s love and God’s grace in our lives, we can never overcome the guilt, shame, and fear of our mistakes and failures. The good news is that if we understand and embrace God’s grace and our identity in Jesus, it turns out that nothing else is necessary for the abundant life the Lord promises us. Episode 5-15 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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Let’s look at the life of a young man who started well, but lost his trust in the midst of early challenges. In need of a “do-over”, he discovered that this is exactly the business God is in. Do you need a do-over in your life? Listen as we talk about how to receive one from God. Episode 5-14 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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For many of us, a tendency towards arrogance, or toward thinking we have it all figured out, can cause us to believe we have figured it all out. The result is often a destructive failure to listen. Let’s look at a life that was strangled by arrogance only to be turned around by a relationship with Jesus. Episode 5-13 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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Very few people in history have been born with as many talents and abilities as biblical King David. Yet, despite all his gifts, and his immense faith in his God, David’s life almost went completely off the rails. How was he able to recover, and what can we learn from his story? Episode 5-12 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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Much of the outcome of our lives will be determined by the spirit with which we live. It was said about Biblical Daniel that he had a spirit of excellence. What was it that people saw in the prophet that caused them to see that spirit within him, and is it something we can develop in our own lives? Episode 5-11 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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News of the resurrection of Jesus seemingly surprised everyone. Even those closest to Jesus, including Peter, James and John, were completely caught off guard by the news. But there were a few… very few… who were not surprised. Who were they, and what makes them different from the rest? The answer may surprise you. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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As we celebrate Holy Week 2023, we will revisit one of the most requested episodes of Brilliant Gaze. Recorded live several years ago, Pastor Max shares about the powerful symbols Jesus uses as He celebrates the Passover with His disciples before going to the Garden of Gethsemane and ultimately to the cross. Listen as we learn about the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world. Episode 5-9 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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A lot of us come into the world filled with dreams, sometimes even visions of wonderful things we want to see in our lives. Often the circumstances in our lives can seemingly crush those very same dreams. But when God puts a dream in our lives - a God-sized dream - He also wants to bring it to fruition in our lives. Listen as we discuss how to help that be our reality. Episode 5-8 Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
info_outlineVery few people in history have been born with as many talents and abilities as biblical King David. Yet, despite all his gifts, and his immense faith in his God, David’s life almost went completely off the rails. How was he able to recover, and what can we learn from his story?
Episode 5-12