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54. Pop-up Homeschooling: Simple Strategies for Thriving During the Coronavirus Outbreak!

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Release Date: 03/17/2020

59. Capturing Raving Testimonials Part II: How to Quickly and Easily Get Loads of Testimonials..Even If You Hate Asking For Them! show art 59. Capturing Raving Testimonials Part II: How to Quickly and Easily Get Loads of Testimonials..Even If You Hate Asking For Them!

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

In Episode 58, we uncovered that testimonials equal money, influence, trust, and my Testimonials Made Easy Formula. Today, I reveal the fastest path to actually having loads of testimonials on hand to sell your amazing products and services for you!   You'll Discover: ✔ The Fastest Way to Get Testimonials (Even if You Hate Asking) ✔ The #1 Highest Converting Testimonial ✔My Zoom Testimonial Power Tips to Get the Perfect Testimonials Every.Single.Time.   Why is Now the Perfect Time For Business Owners to Focus on Testimonials? #1 - Testimonials are totally free. If cash flow...

58 // Capture Raving Testimonials:  How Testimonials Make More Money than Even Your Best Sales Team! Part I show art 58 // Capture Raving Testimonials: How Testimonials Make More Money than Even Your Best Sales Team! Part I

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

What's the #1 thing that sells more than anything else? Testimonials! Testimonial equal money, influence and trust. I've heard it said that the future of marketing lies solely in testimonials. I pull back the curtain on the highest converting testimonials, why testimonials work and how you're leaving money on the table, if you're not using testimonials. You'll Discover:   ✔  My Testimonials MadeEasy Formula ✔  The #1 Secret Ingredient Needed in Any Testimonial (and Why Yours Aren’t Working) ✔  How Testimonials Make More Money Than Even Your Best Sales Team  ...

57.  7 Step Video Confidence Formula...Even if You Hate How You Look or Sound on Video // Minisode show art 57. 7 Step Video Confidence Formula...Even if You Hate How You Look or Sound on Video // Minisode

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Have you ever seen a video of yourself and cringed?  My 7 Step Video Confidence Formula will help you overcome this today.  The world needs to hear your message and one of the best ways to get it out there is...video! You'll Discover: ✔  The Irresistible Storyline to Get People Listening Everytime ✔  3 Keys to Connecting While Establishing Authority ✔  The Exact Equipment You Need (and Don't Need) Equipment Recommendations: Tripods With or Without Ring Lights: , $19.24 $39.99 , $25.98 Microphones: , $7.99 (to plug into iPhone; optional) (optional) ...

56. How to Workout Consistently Even if You Have No Time or Energy // COVID Edition! show art 56. How to Workout Consistently Even if You Have No Time or Energy // COVID Edition!

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Do you love the results of working out, but can’t seem to make it happen, especially in this new season we’re in?  I know I sure do and used to struggle with this so much and that’s why I created my... 🏋️‍♀️⁠Home Workouts MadeEasy™:  My Strength Training Matrix...just copy, edit and make your own! Download FREE:   Once I became a wife and mom and my family continued to grow, it got more and more difficult to make it into the gym. ⁠ I really wanted to find a way to still workout even though my life seemed to be consumed and my body exhausted with daily mom...

55.  7 Tips to Thrive During Times of Crisis // Especially for Leaders and Moms show art 55. 7 Tips to Thrive During Times of Crisis // Especially for Leaders and Moms

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Today’s episode is a heart to heart where you'll discover my best tips to help you lead yourself and serve others brilliantly during times of crisis, like COVID19.    In hopes of equipping you even more, I'm gifting you: Coronavirus Survival Guide:  Top 10 Podcasts and Cliffnotes for Your Brilliant Life™! Download FREE:  7-Day Mini Habits Challenge // Do Less, Achieve More Register by May 4 for FREE:      Discovery Calls:  15 min. coaching session to discover actionable solutions for wherever you're feeling most stuck - personally or...

54. Pop-up Homeschooling: Simple Strategies for Thriving During the Coronavirus Outbreak! show art 54. Pop-up Homeschooling: Simple Strategies for Thriving During the Coronavirus Outbreak!

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Discover simplified strategies for our families to survive and thrive these next few weeks with our kids home due to the coronavirus! Homeschooling Strategists, Emily Bradley of Easy Start Homeschool, will deliver some much needed FREEDOM - releasing you from feeling the need to do everything! Discover the "Unschooling Process" and the top 3 things you can prioritize working on - if you choose to work on anything. She breaks down the 4 things you can take advantage of doing - NOT homeschooling - during the coronavirus outbreak. And so much more! Connect more with Emily at: FB: IG:...

53. 4 Mindset Secrets to Your Profit Plan show art 53. 4 Mindset Secrets to Your Profit Plan

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Discover these 4 keys to unlocking the success for your Profit Plan. This is one of the most valuable things I pull back the curtain on in my Brilliant Life™ Business course. I'm sharing with you, my Lifers, for free today! Enjoy!     4 Mindset Secrets for the Profit Plan:        1.     You're Not Above the Market Demands Mindset        2.     Look in Mirror - "I have the answer." Mindset        3.     Action Leads to Clarity Mindset        4.     5% Love to Sell...

52. Stop Sabotaging Confidence in Your Value // Minisode show art 52. Stop Sabotaging Confidence in Your Value // Minisode

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Have you ever talked to someone about something that you thought was really important, but they didn't feel the same?   It can really deflate your confidence.   The fastest way to lose your confidence in what you have to offer is: A). To try to offer your product or service to someone who doesn't need you to solve their problem OR B). Offering your product or service to someone who doesn't recognize their need.      There's a Biblical proverb that says, "Don't cast your pearls                 amongst swine." Right, so don't...

51. #1 Parenting Tool for Busy Moms // Minisode show art 51. #1 Parenting Tool for Busy Moms // Minisode

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Want to know my favorite parenting tool to improving your child's behavior within 3 days?  The practice of Special Time. What is this magical Special Time?  How it works: 1:1 time individually with each child. Child chooses how to spend the time! No screen time unless they're teens. 10 min./day - ideally 2x/day Ideally the same time each day. Crucial you label it as "Special Time" (beg., mid., and end). You can double-time other 1:1! We've tried this for years and finally figured out it works best for our family to do it at bedtime. Our faves - coloring, reading, hair, looming,...

50. How to Create Brilliant Relationships // The Five Love Languages Minisode show art 50. How to Create Brilliant Relationships // The Five Love Languages Minisode

brilliantlifeshow's podcast

Discover the secret sauce to great relationships!  Psychologists say that we love in the way that we want to be loved. Talking two different languages can cause conflict! Often, conflict in a relationship is simply the result of misunderstanding or miscommunication.    Here's the free app!     **MOTHER-DAUGHTER SUMMIT**   Let's be brilliant in our mother-daughter relationships! Join me at the FREE Mother-Daughter Online Summit!   Kicks off on Thurs., Feb. 20!     Register here!     **READY TO START 2020 BRILLIANTLY** I'm gifting you a...

More Episodes

Discover simplified strategies for our families to survive and thrive these next few weeks with our kids home due to the coronavirus!

Homeschooling Strategists, Emily Bradley of Easy Start Homeschool, will deliver some much needed FREEDOM - releasing you from feeling the need to do everything!

Discover the "Unschooling Process" and the top 3 things you can prioritize working on - if you choose to work on anything.

She breaks down the 4 things you can take advantage of doing - NOT homeschooling - during the coronavirus outbreak.

And so much more!

Connect more with Emily at:


  • MONTESSHARE VIRTUAL STORY TIME: www.facebook.com/Montesshare Join us on weekdays at    10 AM as Mr. David shares a special story on FB Live!    (Starts Wed., March 18th)

  • MONTESSHARE FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/Montesshare My Montesshare preschool is posting helpful resources for ages 2-6 year olds.

    • LeapFrog Letter Factory: https://amzn.to/3alplr4 This is just the absolute best way to learn letter sounds. I have my kids watch this 2-3 times a day when they're learning to read.
    • Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons:     https://amzn.to/3aSFeem                                                        The BEST book for starting out or struggling readers. This is the number one thing I would work on! I started my kids at ages 4-6. A little dry, but push through! It's so thorough and backed by research
    • BOB Books: https://amzn.to/2wUm3m4
      Very easy books for the earliest readers. These are designed to help kids feel the immediate success that they "can read a whole book."
    • Classic Start Books: https://amzn.to/2wUm3m4.                My kids love these. They are classic literature stories rewritten for kids. Swiss Family Robinson is a favorite and also The Time Machine. Good for ages 6-9.

  • MATH:  If your child's school is using a common-core-based math curriculum, it may be difficult for you to understand the methodology behind it. So if your child has math assignments sent home with them, you may need a guide. There are plenty of free resources online, like these: https://www.pta.org/home/family-resources/Parents-Guides-to-Student-Success
    • If you want your child to keep working on math assignments at home, the Saxon Math curriculum is really tried-and-true. It will likely have a familiar style to most adults, and it's easy to find used hardback textbooks on Amazon. For example:                             Saxon Math 6/5 (math book for average-advanced 5th grader or behind 6th grader.)                                             https://amzn.to/2U0iBhr                                                                   Look in the used book section to find some great deals!
    • But consider taking this time to also memorize math facts, like multiplication tables. You can print out your own for free on https://www.math-drills.com/
    • Math-U-See, another popular math curriculum with homeschoolers, has some e-learning tools:                         www.mathusee.com/e-learning

  • HANDWRITING:                                                                                  
    • Print Capitals - Zaner Bloser Kindergarten https://amzn.to/3cO0Nih I like to start with this one, because it is scripted for parents and teaches you the headline, midline, and baseline, as well as directions like "pull down, push up, circle back." (Check out those used prices! I've always gotten ones that have about 5 pages written in them in pencil.)
    • Kumon Lowercase Letters: https://amzn.to/2IU0XXL                           I like the Kumon books because they are pretty. But they are not scripted for parents to explain. That can be frustrating, which is why I start with a Zaner-Bloser book. Once you have the hang of it, you can move on to Kumon.

  • LATE MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL KIDS:                                             Use this time to study for a CLEP, AP, or SAT test! CLEP and AP credits will transfer to most colleges, and it's only about $100 to take the test!                                                                                              Go to www.modernstates.org for free CLEP prep classes!           Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) has free CLEP, AP, and SAT test prep!
  • ONLINE FOR LITTLES:                                                                         ABC Mouse: www.abcmouse.com

  • ONLINE FOR OLDER:                                                              



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  • Book your complimentary Strategy Call! (A $497 value)
  • Let's strategize your number one block to achieving your goals in life or business.
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  • Discover more at www.brilliantlifebusiness.com

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