Bring Your Own Movie
MIDSOMMAR (2019) - The Internet does its best to sabotage our spooky season recording, but we push through to talk about a oft-mentioned favorite of at least one of our hosts. Admissions are made, feelings are explored, and if you can make it through some audio quality issues to the end, some genuine realness is achieved.
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SECRET SCHOOL-THEMED MOVIES (2000, 1998, 2017 [AND SORT OF 1986]) - September is here and since nobody is back-to-school shopping here in the EndTimes, we thought we’d bring a trio of movies that do, indeed, technically involve school in some way. Plus, a bonus fourth movie?!? Strange days, indeed.
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SECRET MOVIES (2008, 2020, 1954) - Join Tonya, Sam, and Ryan as they explore what it means to forgo prep work for watching more movies in a little format swich-up to celebrate crossing the 150-day mark of not being allowed to record in person.
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BLINDSPOTTING (2018) - We continue to hunker and enjoy movies from 2018, this time the much more grounded and personal love letter to Oakland and its denizens across time and space.
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MANDY (2018) - We hunker down and find something to love during this pandemic/social justice turning point. Come escape with us for a minute, but then it’s back to work for everyone.
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BRICK (2005) - Kelly Groth helps us find the love even in a vicious read over assorted socially distanced drinks with Tonya, Sam, and Ryan.
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THE WEATHER MAN (2005) - Spencer Walker is live* from the bunker, reminiscing about Chicago winters over some crispy bois with Tonya and Ryan.
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This evening, March 20, we're hosting a live-stream from our Facebook page and then a Netflix watch party for SNOWPIERCER (2013). You'll be able to add your own chat commentary during the live-stream and watch party. Livestream at 7 pm PT, watch party at 8 pm PT.
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Guess who’s back! (Spoilers, it’s Bring Your Own Movie!)
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Like a phoenix from the ashes, we rise from sleep deprivation and literally drowning in pee-pee diapers to show back up in your podcast feed with a little teaser of what's coming next from your good friends at Bring Your Own Movie!
info_outlineSINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (1952) - Charlie Gray demonstrates how to spot continuity errors and take care of your costumes over a nice buttery Chardonnay with Tonya, Sam, and Ryan.
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