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Bring Your Own Movie

Everyone has that one movie they could talk about for hours, days, an entire lifetime, because they just love it so darn much. In each episode of BYOM, Tonya Narvaez, Sam Bertken and Ryan Lee Short invite a guest to bring their own movie for a boozy chat, taking a conversational scalpel to the movie, bombing at movie trivia, throwing out hot-seat rapid-fire questions and sharing the wise insights people on the Internet have to say about this specific entry into the history of cinema — all while drinking each other under the microphone with the guest’s favorite libation. If you are a movie fan who wants to relive your favorite films, find out what the fuss is all about when it comes to certain flicks, or are just someone who enjoys hot takes, Freudian slips and remarkable remarks wrapped up in celluloid, you will love to sip along to BYOM.

info_outline I Would Take That Before I'd Take a Mallet to the Face 10/30/2020
info_outline ALL Women Are Scorned, I’ll Tell You That! 09/25/2020
info_outline Am I Losing Friends Today? 08/14/2020
info_outline We've Been Wild For a While 07/10/2020
info_outline Laughs In His Dick, Actually 06/12/2020
info_outline The Long-Short-Long-Short Honk 05/08/2020
info_outline Similarly, I Was Really Excited About The Boobies 04/10/2020
info_outline Announcement: Live-Stream & Watch Party 03/20/2020
info_outline Sorry About the Hard Rs, Everybody 03/13/2020
info_outline Oh Snap, We're Back In Your Feed! 02/03/2020
info_outline No, Let Me Wear the Mask Tonight 10/11/2019
info_outline I've Seen That Colon In Pictures! 09/13/2019
info_outline Save That For The Goldmember Episode 08/09/2019
info_outline More About Feelings Than Facts 07/12/2019
info_outline We're All Busy AF 07/01/2019
info_outline The Most Wienerless Movie 06/14/2019
info_outline Always Ready For That Wilhelm Scream 05/31/2019
info_outline In My Mind, In My Bed, In My Head 05/17/2019
info_outline I Should All Be Destroyed 05/03/2019
info_outline It Kinda Means Wiener 04/19/2019
info_outline Total Nipples 04/05/2019
info_outline Boner Fed 03/22/2019
info_outline Nobody Cares About Your Soprano 03/08/2019
info_outline Back to the BJ Bear 02/21/2019