Broadening Horizons Podcast
If your business isn't the only "baby" you dream of having, this episode is for you! Whether you are an expentant parent, a soon to be adoptive parent, or simply want to be able to take time off without neglecting your business, we're sharing how to stay on top of marketing, inquiries, and business expensives while your focus and attention shifts to be on you and your new little one.
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Earlier this summer we hit the 8 year mark on Sweet Horizon Studio and, as always when our business anniversary came around, we reflected on how much this studio has grown and changed through the years as well as many of the lessons we've learned along the way. On today's episode, Catryn is walking you through 8 of the most important lessons she's encountered on her business journey to help aid you on your own path.
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Have you been daydreaming about a new business venture that you can't stop thinking about? We've been there! And we've also helped dozens of fellow entrepreneurs start the business of their dreams and have seen first hand what works best when turning these dreams into something more. Here is our "how to" guide on all the things you need in order to build the business of your dreams starting in 2024. Mentioned in the episode:
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
We are back for the 2024 season! And we are taking a moment to look back at 2023, to reflect on what went well, what could have been better, and what our main takeaways for the year are. We're also excited to chat about some of the things we have planned for the new year and some of the major pivots we are making within Sweet Horizon Studio.
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
Continuing with our series all about what should be on your website, today we are highlighting how to build out your About Page to be strategic and how you can use this often overlooked page to make it purposeful and work for your sales funnel. We never want any page on your site to be a dead-end or be neglected in anyway. That includes pages like your About Page that can easily fall into filler or wasted space on your website. We're giving you examples of sections you can include, sharing some of our favorite engaging call-to-actions that will keep your readers and customers exploring,...
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
Websites are vast and complicated things we know from working with so many different types of business owners through the years that it can be overwhelming to know what exactly to include on each page of your website or how things on your website should be structured. Today we are starting a mini series here on the podcast where we go page by page of a typical website and discuss the things to prioritize on each page to give your readers and clients the best possible experience. Starting off our series, we are focusing on what to include on your Home Page and on your Main Menu of your website...
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
We are answering one of the MOST asked questions we get from new inquiries: "Why is my website loading so slow and can you help me?" The answer: it could be a lot of things and YES we've absolutely got you! We're sharing the most common issues that contribute to a slow website and filling you in on some easy fixes that you can do today that will get your website loading quickly and running more efficiently!
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Have you ever tried to DIY your branding? We all start somewhere with our business branding and more often than not new business owners opt for the DIY approach, either by drawing a logo themselves or buying a template from Etsy and plopping their name into it, to at least have something to get them going. But what if we told you that there are dead giveaways when it comes to spotting a DIY brand out in the wild? Designers can tell immediately if a business owner has DIY’d their branding because of these 7 common mistakes that are made when attempting the design process yourself. Avoiding...
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
Today on the podcast we’re taking a look at the typical expenses that business owners can expect to pay. Starting a business can feel super daunting and there tends to be a lot of mystery around what it would actually take to start and run that business you’ve been dreaming about. We’re sharing the things that we actually pay for within our business as well as the things we see our clients in other industries pay for as well. From the must-haves to the fun extras, we’re sharing everything, numbers and all.
info_outlineBroadening Horizons Podcast
Between figuring out content strategies, trying to appease the almighty algorithm, and maybe just even crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, chances are you've had your fair share of figuring out social media marketing as a business owner. Instagram is an OG in the social media game and so often we plan our content strategies solely around this specific platform. But more and more business owners are opting out of using this classic platform and are instead trying new ways to get noticed on other apps that are helping their business get noticed by a wider audience in ways that feel...
info_outlineContinuing with our series all about what should be on your website, today we are highlighting how to build out your About Page to be strategic and how you can use this often overlooked page to make it purposeful and work for your sales funnel. We never want any page on your site to be a dead-end or be neglected in anyway. That includes pages like your About Page that can easily fall into filler or wasted space on your website. We're giving you examples of sections you can include, sharing some of our favorite engaging call-to-actions that will keep your readers and customers exploring, clarifying when and how to add personality to your About Page, and explaining why we tell our clients "your About Page isn't actually about you!". Whether you are a blogger, product based business, or service based business owner, if you have ever wondered what exactly needs to be on your website, this episode is for you!