Bronx Flavor
While Baron Ambrosia is in maximum security prison, a national television network hires a hipster look alike named Brian Andozza to high-jack the show. The network renames the show Bronx Flava and attempts to give it an aloof mean spirited edge. New host 'Brian' gets more than bargains for when he visits Bate African Restaurant on Melrose Avenue and Bronx Pop Soda Company in Little Italy.
info_outlineBronx Flavor
When mistaken for a pair of traveling rabbis, Baron Ambrosia and his arch-nemesis Borgomiester Burger become honored guests at a Passover Seder. Trouble arises when a Kosher Cop comes by to verify that the dinner is chametz free.
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Bronx Flavor
After nearly freezing to death beneath the ice, Baron Ambrosia seeks shelter with a famed Liberian chef in hopes of gaining a healing pepper sauce. In exchange for the spicy medicine, he must travel to Monrovia, Liberia to find her a qualified apprentice to carry on her culinary legacy.Special Guests: Eliza Smith & Aunty Nana
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Baron Ambrosia attempts to heal his soul using the name appropriate food.
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Baron must battle Borgomiester Burger to save the Chimi trucks of the Bronx.Culinary Focus: Chimichurri Hamburger Location: El Rincon De Los Taxistas Chimi Truck
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Culinary Focus: Vietnamese cuisine in particular the soup known as Pho.
info_outlineBronx Flavor
When left to spend the night alone with all the temptations of a bodega Baron Ambrosia faces his demons. This is the first episode featuring the beloved pinky cup.Location: The Vargas Deli Special Guest: The Legendary Grandmaster Mele Mel
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Culinary Focus: The carrot cake and other various bake goods of Lloyd’s Carrot Cake.
info_outlineBronx Flavor
Culinary Focus: A re-release of the Underbelly episode of the same name with new scenes and
info_outlineWhen mistaken for a pair of traveling rabbis, Baron Ambrosia and his arch-nemesis Borgomiester Burger become honored guests at a Passover Seder. Trouble arises when a Kosher Cop comes by to verify that the dinner is chametz free.