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Are You Focused On Your Mission Or Theirs?

Bulletproof Selling

Release Date: 01/21/2023

Telling Stories That Sell show art Telling Stories That Sell

Bulletproof Selling

The best salespeople are also some of the best storytellers. While anyone can spend enough time in sales to hear great stories, telling them is a different skillset. To learn how we can tell stories that sell, , COO of American Corporate Partners. He shared the same strategy he teaches his team to use in their fundraising efforts. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!  

Strengthening Sales With Better Pipeline show art Strengthening Sales With Better Pipeline

Bulletproof Selling

An area of sales that is often overlooked is not our outbound dials, conversations or even discovery questions. Instead, it’s the strategy we used to direct all those things. In sales, that strategy is called a pipeline. The better a salesperson is, the more you can bet they are prioritizing their pipeline. To learn how we can do this for ourselves, , VP of Revenue Enablement. She showed us how any salesperson can take a look at their sales strategy and ensure that they are not waiting for change to catch up to them. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!  

Making Dollars Matter To Prospects show art Making Dollars Matter To Prospects

Bulletproof Selling

Most prospects are budget-conscious, but that doesn’t mean we should be spending convincing them to solve painful problems. A much more effective way to sell is to show them how much your solution can and make them in their lives and businesses. To learn how we can reframe what we sell as an investment, , president of Harris Consulting Group and author of The Seller’s Journey. He showed us how salespeople can switch their thinking from cost to benefit and change the way they sell and serve!

Trust Before Transactions show art Trust Before Transactions

Bulletproof Selling

Trust has become a buzzword in sales. It’s powerful, but how do we establish it more quickly? It comes down to not assuming anything about our prospect. This doesn’t mean showing up to a call empty-handed, though. To find out how we can build trust faster across each of our accounts, , founder of Sales Evangelist Consulting and Training. He shared the same system and he trains his clients to use so that they can establish trust faster and always maintain control of the next step. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!

Capture More Clients With Email show art Capture More Clients With Email

Bulletproof Selling

While emails are not as effective as they once were, they should still be a tool in our conversion toolbox. The best salespeople still use emails, but they ensure that those emails are relevant to their prospects. To learn how to make our emails more effective so we can capture more clients, , founder of Email Outreach Company. He showed us how we can magnetize more leads with customized emails that don’t give up after the first attempt. It's all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!

Making Sales Certain show art Making Sales Certain

Bulletproof Selling

As salespeople, we are always looking for ways to replicate our best sales. But what if the key to getting more of our best customers has nothing to do with finding new prospects? In this episode, , vice president of sales for Haas Alert. He showed us how he coaches his sales team to capture what works and ensure it is consistently applied in every conversation and on every deal. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!  

Evolve To Excel In Sales show art Evolve To Excel In Sales

Bulletproof Selling

During a busy schedule, how do we take time to ensure that we are not falling behind? Instead of waiting for our environment to change before we do, we can take the initiative on our improvement by ensuring we are using best practices. To learn how to systemize rapid evolution in our skill set, , president of Push Analytics. He showed us a time-tested way to always improve how we sell and serve!  

Leverage Data To Lose Less Sales show art Leverage Data To Lose Less Sales

Bulletproof Selling

As our tech stacks grow larger in sales, many salespeople lose sight of what data was supposed to do for us to begin with: make our outreach more efficient and more impactful! If we leverage data before we ever reach out to a prospect, we can ensure better results. To learn how it’s done, , cofounder of Revenue Vision Partners. He shared the same system he coaches his clients to use to ensure they are leveraging data to only reach out to their highest-quality prospects. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!

The Art Of Corralling Senior Salespeople show art The Art Of Corralling Senior Salespeople

Bulletproof Selling

Many senior salespeople thrive when they aren’t micromanaged, but unfortunately some of them fall into a different trap. They produce so much it is difficult to fire them, but unfortunately cause their leaders to have to manage them by doing damage control with teammates and customers. To learn the art of corralling these types of senior salespeople, we sat down with Steve Weinberg, author of above “a sales management. He shared a chapter in his book with us on how to deal with the cowboys on our team, and it is all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!

Conquering Seasonal Sales show art Conquering Seasonal Sales

Bulletproof Selling

Many salespeople experiencing downtime in their industries, but we all can do a better job of leveraging seasonal changes to sell and serve more. To learn how it’s done, , national sales director with Industrial Supply Solutions to learn how he guides his sales team to take advantage of every season and how they sell and how they serve their customers. It’s all in this week’s episode of bulletproof selling!    

More Episodes

Salespeople are reviled, but not for the reasons they think. It’s not because they’re calling unannounced. Rather, it’s because salespeople tend to be focused on themselves and what they’re trying to accomplish, rather than what their prospects want! To help us systemize how to shift the focus from ourselves to our prospects in every sales conversation, we sat down with Patti DeNucci, an award-winning ‘chief connector’ and author of the new book More Than Just Talk. She showed us how to systemize our conversations, so our focus is always on the most important person – the prospect!