Bulletproof Selling
If you’ve ever had to step away from your sales desk for a vacation or family emergency, you know how stressful it can be to return. Overflowing in boxes in overdue tasks make it difficult to pick up the pieces and restart deal momentum. There is a way to ensure that your deals progress even when you can’t be there to sell, and that’s what we sat down with Nelson de Miranda to learn. He is the senior director of customer success for Method, and he shared the same systems his team uses to ensure that deals progress even if a salesperson isn’t there to sell. It’s all in this week’s...
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Many salespeople fall into the habit of being quick to respond to every prospect sentence or question. The best salespeople, however, take the time to pause and assess what the best response might be. To learn how we can leverage the power of the pause to move further in our sales conversations, we sat down with Jeanette Bronee, a culture strategist and global keynote speaker. She shared with us the same techniques she has taught to companies like Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, and IBM so that we too can sell more and serve more!
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In sales, time is the one resource we can’t create more of. Too many salespeople spend their days simply checking tasks off a list without assessing which tasks will get them to their goals the fastest. To learn how we can better prioritize our sales time, , CRO of Clari. He showed us how he guides his sales team to better prioritize their time so they can sell more and serve more. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling.
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If you’ve ever had a hard time communicating the value of what you sell to potential prospect, you might want to look in the mirror. Sales people often struggle to convert prospects because they are speaking to the wrong types of buyers. To ensure we are targeting the right audience, , author of the 21st Century Sales Bible and former officer in the Israeli Air Force. He shared the same system he teaches to his clients so that we can target the right audiences, sell more and serve more! It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
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Wherever there is misalignment on the sales team between activity and results, you will find a misalignment of understanding. This understanding comes from folks not being clear about what success looks like or the steps it takes to get there. In this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling, , CEO of Agilence, Inc. He showed us a way that any team can get realigned on the power of shared language so that they can sell more and serve more. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
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In sales, we spent a lot of time generating conversations with buyers. Most salespeople leave the next step of the sales process the chance, hoping they’ll be able to perform when it matters most. To ensure that we are crafting compelling sales demonstrations, , lead innovator of Respona. He shared with us the same system he and his team use to prepare for their sales demonstrations and convert more business. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
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Chances are, you have heard about artificial intelligence being used in business. Many salespeople have AI platforms as part of their text stack but aren’t using the platform to create better conversations. In this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling, , cofounder and CEO of knowledgenet.ai. He shared with us the same systems he teaches his clients to use to leverage artificial intelligence to create better conversations. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
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The best sales are great conversations. The calls that don’t go well, on the other hand, can seem like we’re speaking different languages. To ensure we are speaking the same language as our prospects, , president of The Private Money Authority. He shared the same advice he has given to over a thousand salespeople on how to sell more and serve more by speaking the same language as our prospects, and it’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
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Marketing is a critical factor in a great sale, but too many salespeople hope marketing is on the same page they are. Great salespeople work with their marketing teams to ensure all of their strategies are aligned. To learn how we can set that kind of system up for ourselves, , CEO of Syncshow. He shared the same system his company uses to align marketing and sales for their customers, and it’s all in this week’s episode Bulletproof Selling!
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Every salesperson occasionally finds themselves in a slump. What differentiates high-performers from mediocre ones is what they do about it. To learn how we can plan for our slumps and address them quickly, , an investor/advisor in Patter AI. He shared with us the same system he’s been using to get himself out of sales slumps and prevent them from happening in the future. It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!
info_outlineOwnership is a popular topic, but how do we implement it in every sales conversation? That is the question we posed to Matt Rose, executive vice president of sales of H-Wave and US Army veteran. He shared the same process he trains his sales team to use to ensure that they never give up the next step of their sales conversations, ensuring that they can sell more and serve more! It’s all in this week’s episode of Bulletproof Selling!