S1 Ep3 “I was a Female, in Business, Under 30 and Now Recognise I Doubted Myself Way Too Much” - Alicia Teagle
Release Date: 07/08/2020
Business F.I.L.E
Today we are joined by Martin Samuels. Martin currently works for local government in social care & education. He has also worked for the NHS and in the civil service. Different sectors but one common theme, impacting people’s lives positively.
info_outline S2 Ep4 - “The Environment Has Become Increasingly Challenging, But The Need to Make That Difference is Greater so we Can’t Step Away From That Now.” - Rashida Baig MBEBusiness F.I.L.E
Rashida shares with us the difficult conditions that social workers and vulnerable families are enduring due to COVID19. She also talks about how her upbringing in both Pakistan & the UK highlighted social inequalities in the world. She uses life experiences such as this, as a driving force for positive change in the communities that she serves.
info_outline S2 Ep3 "Education, When You Feel Like You're a Part of Something, It's an Incredible Place To Be" - Sarah DoveBusiness F.I.L.E
Sarah has worked in education for 18 years as a qualified teacher and senior leader. For her, school was incredibly empowering place however she was aware that this isn’t the case for all children. This has been the driving force in her adult professional life, the desire to help all children feel like they are included and belong in school.
info_outline S2 Ep2 "We Need to be Kind to Each Other" - Jenny TurnrossBusiness F.I.L.E
Jenny Turnross joins us for the second Public Sector series episode.
info_outline S2 Ep1 "Whatever the Adversity is in my Life, I Will Keep Going" - Rana MalikBusiness F.I.L.E
Welcome to the first episode of this special Public Sector series.
info_outline S1 Ep7 “People That Have Achieved Beyond Anyone’s Expectations, in Any Field, Really Inspire Me” - Ann SwainBusiness F.I.L.E
On the show this week is Ann Swain. Ann is the Chief Executive of APSCo (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies) and has over 30 years experience in the recruitment industry.
info_outline S1 Ep6 "It’s so Important to Listen and be Humble, Let Others Have Their Moment in the Sun" - Mike BeesleyBusiness F.I.L.E
Mike Beesley is one of the UK’s best-known names in recruitment. With more than 40 years’ experience building successful businesses in the industry.
info_outline S1 Ep5 “I Proactively Build Relationships with Diverse Thinkers Who Challenge Me and Help Me Learn” - Rory GastonBusiness F.I.L.E
Rory is the founder and co-owner of a Bristol based recruitment agency called Saragossa who specialise in tech and change recruitment within Financial Services and Fin Tech. Having been in the recruitment sector for 11 years now, Rory talks openly about his journey so far and explains why after only 6 years in the industry, he decided to set up his own company.
info_outline S1 Ep4 "I Don’t Look Back, I Believe Everything Happens for a Reason” - Chris SheardBusiness F.I.L.E
Chris Sheard is the Owner and Founder of SR2 – Socially Responsible Recruitment, a community focused IT Recruitment company with a purpose.
info_outline S1 Ep3 “I was a Female, in Business, Under 30 and Now Recognise I Doubted Myself Way Too Much” - Alicia TeagleBusiness F.I.L.E
Alicia is Co-Founder of SR2 - Socially Responsible Recruitment, a community focused IT Recruitment company with a purpose, in their 3rd year of trading.
info_outlineAlicia is Co-Founder of SR2 - Socially Responsible Recruitment, a community focused IT Recruitment company with a purpose, in their 3rd year of trading.
Alicia talks openly about her journey so far as a technical recruiter and Co-Founder. Her passion for helping start-ups build software teams from the bottom up is extremely admirable. A woman working in the technology sector, traditionally a male dominated environment, yet flourishing through innovation and consistently implementing positive change.
Alicia has created an inspiring community in this space and can proudly celebrate being the founder of “women rock”. She passionately champions equality and diversity through her own initiatives.
Whilst still in the infancy of the business, Alicia recognises that being a business woman, under the age of 30 came with its challenges and talks honestly about how an evident lack of self-belief had an impact when initially setting up.
A refreshing, honest account of being a start-up business that operates with positivity and resilience.
Take a listen.
For more info on SR2: https://www.sr2rec.co.uk/
Baltimore Consulting, the Senior Appointment and niche recruitment experts to the Public & Third Sector: https://www.baltimoreconsultingltd.com/