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E101: The Truths about Overcommitting & Underdelivering & how to NOT do it!


Release Date: 10/17/2019

E121: 3 Secret Ingredients of Branding with Bryton Udy show art E121: 3 Secret Ingredients of Branding with Bryton Udy


This episode is for anyone professional and business owners that need to pivot. Bryton is now taking his knowledge and experience and helping small businesses and thought leaders find clarity and confidence in their own branding and marketing with his brand coaching company, At Heart Branding Co.

E120: Find Flexible Talent & Work Environments with Jennifer Hargreaves show art E120: Find Flexible Talent & Work Environments with Jennifer Hargreaves


Jennifer is the Founder and CEO of tellent and is on a mission to make work, work better for women. Her professional experience spans three continents across brand strategy and international market development and while her primary school teachers didn’t appreciate her questions challenging “why”, she embraces that curiosity and the perspective that comes with challenging the status quo to create impactful and lasting change.

E119: Empower entrepreneurs to build better businesses and change the world with Keith Ippel show art E119: Empower entrepreneurs to build better businesses and change the world with Keith Ippel


This week, I sat down with Keith Ippel, the CEO & Co-founder of Spring. They are on a mission to help entrepreneurs change the world. First of all, Keith is the most down to earth person who is full of compassion, kindness and is genuinely there to help small-medium businesses get through whichever phase they are in. From idea to growth.

E118: Driving change during a downturn with Richard Batchelor show art E118: Driving change during a downturn with Richard Batchelor


I get a chance to sit down and chat with the infamous Rich Batchelor, who is a global Organizational Change Management guru and disruptor. We are always told to embrace change, but COVID-19 has definitely been more than most people have bargained for. Rich and I really get down to talk about how to navigate change, when it’s so disruptive. 

E117: COVID-19, The Adult ‘Time-Out’ is a Gift w/ Jessie Lynn MacDonald show art E117: COVID-19, The Adult ‘Time-Out’ is a Gift w/ Jessie Lynn MacDonald


COVID-19 is always on our mind, it’s what everyone is talking about.  We look at the COVID-19 for the things that it took away from us, but what has COVID-19 provided us?  Did COVID-19 actually give us a gift? Is this an opportunity?

E116: How to beat procrastination and be productive during the Covid -19 Pandemic w/ Paul Minors show art E116: How to beat procrastination and be productive during the Covid -19 Pandemic w/ Paul Minors


Paul Minors is a productivity blogger and virtual consultant. In this episode we talked about how to beat procrastination and be productive.

E115: Explore your curiosity during COVID with Julie Shum show art E115: Explore your curiosity during COVID with Julie Shum


Are you finished baking and looking for other ideas to entertain yourself… well… I have the perfect guest.  I get to chat with Julie Shum, who has been a friend for over two decades and she always provides me with the perfect boost of inspiration. I’m so #Grateful for having such a down to earth, inspirational friend

E114: Could COVID-19 actually kill Narcissism? show art E114: Could COVID-19 actually kill Narcissism?


As we all embrace and adjust to the ‘New Normal’, the impact on humankind is going to be instrumental. The biggest thing that we have just been reminded us to stop and be really present.  

E113: 7 Tips on how to deal with overwhelm show art E113: 7 Tips on how to deal with overwhelm


Life is always a rollercoaster! Lately, I’ve been overwhelmed by all the key activities that are in my life. It doesn’t help that I have a heightened sense of urgency. I like to get things done. It’s my favorite mode. Come up with a strategy, a plan to execute and just go!

E112: 8 Secrets of Strong Women show art E112: 8 Secrets of Strong Women


Everyday is Happy Women’s Day! You know why? because we choose our mindsets each day. Every morning when I’m in the shower, I’m thinking about the day and how to conquer it. Not, thinking about how it’s going to be a struggle. I look at all the opportunities in front of me and decide where I want to spend more time or less time on.

More Episodes

This is the 1st of the new professional development ‘tune-up’ series! Short mini session, to elevate your game.

Who has ever experienced working with a contractor/technician/repair person? As soon as we say this, we know.. UGH.. it’s going to be an awful and painful experience.

So, my dishwasher broke down the other day. In a panic, I called an Appliance repair company.  They came the very next day, charged me money and put in a temporary part. That’s when the big issue happened. The part arrived and trying to schedule them to come back, was challenging. They gave windows from 4-7pm and then, wouldn’t show up. I’m sure many of you have experienced this.

It’s beyond frustrating and we end up going through 32 flavours of emotion. From being patient, to irritated to angry. It’s amazing what happens, when these contractors overcommit and under-deliver.  

Think of the experience that we go through, we someone like a contractor/technician or anyone in our lives underdeliver. There is a reason why parents always say ‘please don’t promise things to my kids, that you’re unable to deliver’. There is a massive fallout and disappointment that occurs. It’s hard to repair and pick up the pieces for someone to break promises.

It’s interesting, we all know how it feels - which feels AWFUL! Yet, so many of us to this at work.

We have a habit of saying ‘yes’ at work.  We don’t want to disappoint someone, or don’t want to be seen as collaborative.  Then, we sit down and realize that we can’t make that timeline. We try to make it work but we just can’t do it. Some of us, may get all stressed out trying our best to make the timelines, some will just continue working on our own timelines (often, failing to communicate or notify the other vested party that we can’t make that timeline). Yet, we all KNOW how it feels to be let down.

Here is the impact of not managing expectations of not being able to make the timeline.  TRUST IS BROKEN. Yup, ultimately, we stop trusting the other person. They get seen as unreliable and the perception of ‘take their timelines and commitments’ with a grain of salt.

It happens all the time. Now, there are ways to mitigate this risk. Here are some practical tactics.


Don’t commit to anything, until you take the time to scope things out.  Just say ‘let me get back to you on timelines, I want to scope things out’. What you’re saying is, let me do some due diligence to come up with a realistic plan that will generate a win-win. This shows a level of maturity. Then break down the task into smaller tasks & timelines. This needs to be looked at holistically, with all the other items that you have. Sometimes, saying YES to something, means that we need to say NO to something else. Or better yet, we can ask our supervisors/bosses/stakeholders to help us re-prioritize. 


If you don’t know the expected turnaround time - Sit down and talk.  Align on what is feasible and what isn’t feasible during that timeline. Find out, what do they need 1st. What is their minimum acceptable product/deliverable that they need. They may not need everything, just a few things. One of my favourite lines is, “when is the latest that I can get this back to you’? You'll be surprised, you might be thinking at the end of the week and they may be thinking the end of the month. Not everyone is reactive!


look folks, people are not mind readers. This part always drives me insane… just like those that don’t signal to change lanes. It doesn’t take much to send a quick message to say ‘Got the request, just looking into it’. This shows that you’ve acknowledged their request and it’s not going into a black hole. Give them quick updates or even let them see drafts. Communicate with them THROUGHOUT the journey, not just at the beginning and at the end. 


If you can’t do something, be upfront. I am a girl that likes options. I always provide 2 or 3 options. I don’t want to be seen as the person that throws things over the fence and say ‘catch- it’s your problem’. I want people to know, that I may not be able to do something because of X,Y,Z reasons. However, here are a few options that might help you solve this issue. For example, Sally is doing something similar and you might be able to leverage this  or I can do it, in a few weeks (beginning of Dec) or there I could oversee one of their team members and they can do the work and I can coach them through it.  

People like options, they want to know that there is no dead end. Can you imagine, going to the doctors and being told that there is no options to get healthy! Don’t be that person! Provide options, so that people know there is hope. They will respect you for your honesty and the ability to think things through. 

I’ve got a freebie for you.  After Action Review or Reflections review. I do this at the end of every milestone or deliverable.  I’ve created a free cheatsheet for you, that you can easily download and try. Just click here REFLECTIONS AFTER ACTION REVIEW. It takes 10 minutes to do a reflection to thinking.


Let me know what your thoughts are.