How To Use Your Life Force Energy For Healing
Breathe, Love, Heal with Carolyn Harrington | Finding Joy By Feeling Great
Release Date: 04/20/2018
Breathe, Love, Heal with Carolyn Harrington | Finding Joy By Feeling Great
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info_outlineBreathe, Love, Heal with Carolyn Harrington | Finding Joy By Feeling Great
If every living thing has life force energy flowing through it all the time, then how can you use that energy for healing. In this episode, I’ll show you the steps to harness the energy that flows through you and use it for healing. This is a basic technique used in energy medicine. You won’t want to miss it.
info_outlineIf every living thing has life force energy flowing through it all the time, then how can you use that energy for healing. In this episode, I’ll show you the steps to harness the energy that flows through you and use it for healing. This is a basic technique used in energy medicine. You won’t want to miss it.
Episode Notes:
Today I’m going to share with you how to use your life force energy for healing.
In my last podcast, I showed you how to feel the energy within you and become more aware of your energy.
And I also shared with you how you use your mind to concentrate and focus your thoughts to direct your energy.
Were you able to do the exercises?
Were you able to feel anything?
How about quieting your mind?
Were you able to do that?
At first, we held a finger up and put our focus on it and felt the essence of energy around the finger. It was subtle, but it was there.
It is there for everyone, so if you tried that experiment and didn’t feel anything, then just keep trying. But remember, you must first quiet yourself without any distractions to work with your energy.
If you’re still having trouble feeling your energy after many attempts and first quieting yourself, then email me and maybe I can help.
Now I want to show you how to use that energy you just harnessed for healing.
But first, I want to tell you about a clever way I used my intuition, remember we learned how to do it in podcast #2, Learning to tap into your subconscious mind.
It is also called the Sway Test.
But basically, you ask a yes or no questions while in a mindful moment and see if you sway forward or backward.
I use this technique all the time. However, I do it a little different. There is an infinite amount of ways to do it. The sway test is just one way, and it is one of the easiest ways, so people often learn this technique first.
If you haven’t learned how to do it, you can go back to episode #2 to learn how, because it is a real powerful technique.
And here is how I used it outside of healing.
You know, with energy healing, you learn to use your mind, your intuition because it is very powerful.
They say, every answer to any question is already within you. You just have to learn how to get the information out.
So I wanted to test this theory, and have a little fun doing it.
I guess this is how I get my kicks each day!
So one day I went to get a white shirt to wear, because I wear a lot of white, black, grey and brown.
And I pulled out two white shirts but oh, no! They had stains on them.
It was so frustrating because I tried many times to get those darn stains out, but no matter what I did, they were still there. I probably tried five separate times, but there was still a slight remnant of the stains right smack in the middle of the shirts.
So I figured I would try one more time and use my intuition to guide me to a strategy that would work. If it didn’t work, then I would throw the shirts out. But I hated throwing them out because I am not a big shopper and didn’t’ want to have to go out and get new ones.
So this exercise was well worth it.
So I used my intuition technique to see if there was anything more I could do. Here’s how I did it.
I asked if there was anything more I could do to get the stains out.
I got the answer - YES!
Okay, so I tested my intuition and said, would using bleach to get the stain out work?
(I did this because I used bleach many times and the stain was still there. So if I was going to be told to use bleach, I would know this strategy wasn’t working.)
See how I test my intuition at times!
So I got NO, using bleach wouldn’t help.
Okayyyyy, my trying to trick my intuition didn’t work, that’s good.
So I asked if there was still another way to get the stains out.
Is it something in my laundry room?
Then I went thru the different detergents in the room and asked if the solution involved that product.
I went to both the natural and synthetic products.
When I got to the Oxyclean powder, I got a yes.
So then I asked how to use it, just put it in the washing tub.
NO. ( Which was good because I put Oxyclean in my wash many times and it didn’t seem to get the stain out.)
So after many questions, I finally got that I should make a paste with the powder and put it on the stain directly, and let it sit on the stain for a few minutes, then put it in the wash.
Voila, the stains were gone.
To me, that is a great way to use your intuition to make your life better. I guess this is healing my laundry!
But it goes to show how powerful these techniques I am showing you are. We’ll be getting in to many other ways to use energy healing techniques. But this one was interesting. So I thought I would share it.
So now, on to using your energy for healing.
In my last podcast, I showed you how to become aware of your energy by concentrating on your finger in front of you.
If you haven’t mastered that yet, or haven’t been able to feel it, then keep trying. You’ll get it because we all have the energy.
If you want, you can go to my website and download the cheat sheet from Episode #4 to help you.
After the finger exercise, I had you put your awareness on different parts of your body and then focus your thoughts, which is also your energy, to your hands.
What I had you doing with those exercises is begin to use your mind to direct your energy.
Your mind is very powerful; it has healing capability that we are only now beginning to understand and just touching the surface.
But at the most basic level, you can direct your energy within you and point it on something with laser beam focus and use it for healing.
Here are the steps to harnessing your energy for healing.
STEP I: Feel Your Energy
1. Decide what you want to energize for healing. Do you want to heal a sore knee that is painful, or maybe your eyes are feeling tired and need healing, you can even heal one of your houseplants that has seen better days? It doesn’t have to be a part of your body. It can be anything.
2. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and eyes closed.
3. Ground Yourself.
Remember always to ground yourself which includes quieting your mind and let all distractions drift away.
Take 5 - 10 minutes and let your thoughts go, let them drift away. Try to think of nothing.
Thump your chest three times and say “I love you.” (Called thumping your thymus) This is not absolutely necessary, but helpful.
STEP II: Let Your Energy Flow
Imagine a flow of energy from the ground moving through your feet and into your legs, up through your body. Visualize it. The more you can visualize it, the more energy you will produce.
Then imagine the energy moving through your legs, up your body to the top of your head.
At the top of your head, imagine it going back down through your arms and out your hands.
STEP III: Amplify Your Energy
Keep imagining this while taking deep breaths. The deeper the breaths, the stronger the energy will become.
Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.
If you do this long enough, you might begin to feel a buzzing up your spine, or in your hands. It is a wild sensation if you amplify your energy plenty.
STEP IV: Direct Your Energy
Now put your hands on whatever object you want to heal, i.e., your knee. Keep it to something on your body at first so you can feel the energy. It makes it easier for you recognize the sensation and become aware of it if you can sense it.
Then put your hands on either side of your knee and set them there, and relax them. It is important to stay relaxed, because your energy flows better when you are relaxed.
If you tense up your hands, or your arms, the energy won’t flow as easily. So keep them relaxed.
As you imagine the energy from the ground, going through your body to the top of your head, and then back down through your arms out your hands, imagine it going into your knee.
And keep this up for a good 15 minutes or as long as you can. The longer you can do this and imagine the energy going through your body and out your hands, the more energy you will produce. With the more energy you produce, the more powerful the healing energy will become.
Then, to take it to the next level, and make it more useful, set an intention to your energy. If you have a sore knee, place an intention to let the soreness drift dissipate. If you are working on your eyes, set an intention that your eyes will relax and not be so tired as you put your hands on them while breathing.
Your options for healing intentions are endless. Use your imagination. Some people have even imagined they had a sponge cleaning out their knee to relieve the pain. Or they imagined white light filling their knee for healing.
After you set the intention, then visualize it as much as possible.
The important things to remember is to get the energy flowing first, then amplify it, then direct your energy to whatever you want to heal, and finally, set the intention for healing.
Experiment and have fun with this. You are now an energy healer! Congratulations!
I have a Cheat Sheet on my podcast page, on the website so that you can download the instructions to these exercises to make it easier for you instead of listening every time you want to try this.
If you have any questions about the exercises we did in this podcast, leave a comment on the bottom of my podcast page, Episode #5 and I will answer it.
Or as always, you can send me your questions by email at [email protected] or find me on facebook and ask me there. If you have a question, I am sure others would too.
I would love to hear from anyone if you were able to feel your energy and used it for healing.
Think about it, you now became an energy healer.
In my next podcast, I’m going to share with you what true healing looks like. Hint, Hint: it is not just covering up the symptoms.
But until next time my friends,
Keep breathing, keep loving and keep healing, because they are the keys to life.
Have a great week!
Bye for now.