Connected Living with Cherie Ray
Are you covered up in shoulds, suppose tos, have tos, ought tos? Are those necessary or needed? Let’s talk about it.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
“I’ve been working on myself for so long, why doesn’t it feel easier?” Interesting question we’ve all asked ourselves at one time or another. In this conversation I’ll share some insights about this very question and what ELSE is going on.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
In this conversation we will connect, talk, and learn about what it takes to have a fresh and rich experience of the Holiday Season.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
What? What do you mean? Perception paints a picture of the world you see and tells you it’s real. But is it?
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
Do you want to feel lighter? Do you feel heavy, bogged down, maybe you feel like you're carrying the responsibilities of the world on your shoulders? In this webinar we will discuss how to feel lighter without exercising or cutting the first calorie!
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
How many times a day, week, hour do you hear something that’s NOT ok with you. World events? Family events? Work events? Societal events? You can’t even believe it happening in the world you live in? Does it linger in your mind and cause you to stay stirred up? In this webinar conversation we will explore how you can find Peace while so many things you don’t agree with are happening.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
Do you cringe when 1 more person approaches you to ask you something? Do you feel like everyone wants something from you and it’s all too much? Do you find yourself not liking your kids, your partner, your world? In this conversation we will look more closely at what’s going on and how to live with more peace and ease.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
Are you intoxicated by your preferences? Are you limiting yourself and not know it? So often we feel liberated by exercising our right to choose what we prefer. In this conversation, you will gain fresh insight on what you might be putting so much energy into.
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
Are you finding it challenging to get centered, grounded, relaxed, chilled? In this conversation we will explore how you could be microdosing on fear and over doing it!
info_outlineConnected Living with Cherie Ray
Does life feel like a barrage of problems to be solved? Just when one gets put to bed another shows up? In this webinar, we will look at the cause of our “problems.” This is such a fun topic to explore. Being human is a full-time experience that constantly offers us opportunities to understand more about how we all operate and what is creating our experience of life.
info_outline“Since March of 2020 does it feel like the world has been shifting under your feet? During this time, I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of loss, disappointment, and unmet expectations. What are you doing with it all? I hope you’re not looking for new places to stuff it.
With what feels like truckloads of LDE (loss, disappointment, expectation) lately in my world, I got really curious about how to NOT be permanently changed by these occurrences. It looks to me like life is going to do what it’s going to do, and people are going to do what they’re going to do. I decided I want to flow better with these changes’ vs creating a story and living inside my story about what’s happening around me? LDE certainly appears to be part of the nature of life and part of the human experience.
When I got curious, what sounds like seconds but felt like years, out of the blue, an insight dropped in, “I don’t want to be a pickle.” What? A pickle? I had to laugh. My intuition has a profound sense of humor!
As I considered this insight, a pickle lives inside a rigid container steeped in bitter vinegar. Well, there’s nothing about feeling confined or living with an internal environment of bitterness that interests me. So, I got curious about how to NOT be a pickle. At this moment in time, I’m seeing I have some free will in this game.
So, I exercised my free will and put my pin on the map about how I desire to feel in my day-to-day life with the unpredictable nature of life. With a curious desire to see something fresh, on NOT being a pickle, I’ve gotten some very helpful insights on how to live in more peace and joy while the world does what it’s going to do.
This same process can work for you.”